Next Enhanced Edition: Fallout 1&2 (Here's to Hoping!)

First of all, I hope I'm not re-treading some hideously beaten path by bringing this up.
Secondly, Fallout!
With Beamdog doing Torment, does that mean they've expanded the list of games they can do?
I mean, they've enhanced the number one game of the genre (Torment, in case you had a brain fade), so why not move on to the next most obvious choice? It'll be great!
Secondly, Fallout!
With Beamdog doing Torment, does that mean they've expanded the list of games they can do?
I mean, they've enhanced the number one game of the genre (Torment, in case you had a brain fade), so why not move on to the next most obvious choice? It'll be great!
Then there's the fact that Bethesda is really protective of their IP's. They even arm wrestled with Interplay a second time for some Fallout MMO rights 5 years ago. And won the lawsuit. Heck, they even sued some game company for using 'Scrolls' in their title, even when that game hadn't to do anything with their Elder Scrolls franchise.
Only chance we'll ever be seeing Enhanced Editions of that franchise would be when Bethesda, as a publisher, gives Beamdog the contract for developing FO1:EE, FO2:EE and FO:T:BoS:EE. That way all IP rights would still belong to Bethseda. Just like in Fallout: New Vegas' case developed by Obsidian. But even that case seems unlikely to me.
But uhm..are we going to turn beamdog into our personal workshop for every old game there is?
Fallout is the best RPG ever.
I'm gonna do it, i'm warning you -.-'