Are You Having A Laugh?

So I have just finished a fight against a lich who summoned a fallen planateer and the comet chapter 2 at the beginning of the "pit of the faithless" in the Unseeing Eye Quest.
Obviously I must have installed the component in SCS, "the world and his wife have HLA" but really don't remember doing that.
As I watched the comet heading my way I had a proper,
"You have got to be f*cking kidding" moment from "The Thing". Though I've never had the chance to use it quite so aptly in BG before.
Obviously I must have installed the component in SCS, "the world and his wife have HLA" but really don't remember doing that.
As I watched the comet heading my way I had a proper,
"You have got to be f*cking kidding" moment from "The Thing". Though I've never had the chance to use it quite so aptly in BG before.
Your lack of sympathy is touching.
I'm sure you'll be absolutely delighted to learn that I did actually manage to kill the cheating so and so (admitedly by running away a lot through doors, though the damned Planateer didn't let that stop them).
Seriously speaking though, it's a really bad idea (or a devilish challenge depending on your tastes) to install both. Even the mod itself discourages it.
The problem is I don't think I did install those components. I've seen the warnings and happy to go along with the advice. My whole installation is in a mess (I keep moaning about it but am loath to actually try and do something about it) and I'm simply hanging on and putting up with what goes wrong.
For instance, Deidre from the Adventurers Mart has gone forever, don't know where, because at one point I installed "delay bonus merchants". And then the ROV turned up in Watchers Keep. And that I know I didn't install.
So this run, consoled it in and donated the cost to a temple
So the lich being super charged was somewhat unexpected. Never happened before, have to see if it happens again.
Does make it interesting though, the randomness.
But no bone golems.
Maybe the dragon was feeling peckish?
Comet is a really horrible, nasty spell and it can be cast really fast and there's not a lot you can do about it.
Except stand, watch and die.
Probably got it's inspiration from all the disaster movies directed by Roland Emmerich (or was it vice versa). Which is fine but they should have put John Cusack in the game and allowed him the HLA "Outrun Comets" to level things up.
All the bloody spellcasters I'm meeting are at it as well.
Tolgaras in the Planar Sphere, Shandalar and the other one who usually casts a pit demon (mind you, about time she figured that wasn't a good idea as it usually turns on her) in the Twisted Rune.
This wasn't even a serious playthrough, I only started it because I had a solo archer from BG and wanted to see how she would work out in BG2 using Edwin to provide front liners/cannon fodder so I could enjoy shooting stuff.
More like I need to be many years younger and understand wtf I am doing when I sit down in front of the PC.
Just not going to happen and I have four, lets count that, *four*, adult children who have no proper interest in computers whatsoever.
You would have thought I could have produced at least one who could/would say,
"It's OK Mum, let me sort it all out for you, it's not the work of the devil and you really don't need to call an exorcist".
But no, complete fail on my part.
So who's laughing now Demi lich and Demi Lich lakeys (thankyou Neera) with your HLA?
Charname and Edwin are in fact channeling the spirit of John Cusack in "2012" as they have run away from fallen Planateers through the streets of Athkatla and the sewers.
Which became even more apparent when Edwin did dodge a comet by ducking through the door to upstairs in Kangaax's tomb.
Now all we have to do is flood Faerun and escape on an Ark (not forgetting to bump into the highest Cloudpeak mountain on the way).
One question did arise, how does Kangaax get scared?
He's a demilich, a floating skull. Don't you need an endocrine system to feel fear?
Nonetheless, Kangaax got scared, very scared, stopped trying to imprison everything and instead adopted our tactics of running away, round and round his tomb. Would have loved him to go out the door upstairs onto the streets of the Docks.
Now that would have been a sight.
Edwin has a stack of spells but hits like a girl.
I don't really know what to do other than use spell immunity and throw MM's at him. Must be galling being on the recieving end of that barrage of pretty ineffective light taps. Just happens to be lots of them. And one splurge from the ring of the ram.
Come to think of it reading that back, the MM sweets would probably do nearly as much damage.
Without SCS you could get somebody dealing damage as well as your mage as long as you stood further away.
I had daystar and I suppose I could have timed it?
Run in just after his last spell and then run away?
But decided to play it safe, kept my charname in the furtherest corner out of sight and hopefully out of mind.
Until he panicked.
Do any spells work at all on Kangaax?
HLAs like dragon breath work on Kangaxx.
You can use scrolls of PfU, though with SCS installed he will try countering those both with dispels and by producing summons. However, it's still possible to use area transitions to cheese him even with no protections at all of your own.
Sorry, I couldn't resist ^_^
Sorry couldn't resist and I did realise you meant "sunray"
The problem was that he's damn fast at targeting anybody coming into range with imprisonment. And as I can only protect Edwin and it's game over if charname gets caught, just had to leave it to the slow chipping away, one hp at a time using a protected mage.
It was a real surprise the "moral failure", that's never happened before, and it was only then my charname could get involved. And all the time I did think it was a bluff on Kangaax's part. Pretend to be scared and running away, then hit them when they come out of hiding.
Now that would be advanced AI.