Discussions on the sexuality of NPCs...
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- Discussions on the sexuality of NPCs...138 votes
- ... should be taken serious.10.14%
- ... should be taken funny.17.39%
- ... should be avoided.  6.52%
- ... should be supervised by a moderator.  5.80%
- I have had enough of them.28.26%
- There should be more discussions on NPCs' sexuality.  5.07%
- other (elaborate)  4.35%
- I do not care.18.12%
- I do not wish to participate on this poll. I only want to see the result.  4.35%
This discussion has been closed.
From a personal POV I have no objections whatsoever in discussing the perceived sexuality of any of the NPCs in the game. I may not agree with an interpretation but that's not to say it makes your POV any less valid; that is afterall part of the joy of the game, it gives you a starting point and if you so wish, allows you mould the world to your individual preferences.
For example, the discussion about Minsc's sexuality, though initially meant to be a 'joke', were very interesting and though I'm still not (personally) 100% comfortable in viewing him as a completely sexual being I'm less uncomfortable than I was, I had perception altered a little. Equally, someone like Anomen's sexuality can be interpreted in a couple of ways and I've read at least one excellent [fanfic] work which portrayed him as gay, it was very well handled and fitted perfectly with what we know of him from the game. The same writer has also written him as straight. As a someone who likes to dabble in a bit of [fic] and original writing myself I like different / differing POVs as it gives me an opportunity to view something with fresh eyes. I also think being exposed to differing points of view and being able to take them on board even if you don't necessarily agree makes you a more rounded person.
I did have more to say on this but I've snipped it at risk of starting a row and sounding a little contradictory with my opening sentence.
Me, I'm on the 'meh' side of things. I don't care.
This debate gets even more silly when we talk of puppets like Burt and Ernie or droids like c-3po and r2-d2.
When JK Rowlins announced Dumbledore as gay it seemed a publicity stunt to me, because his being gay had no impact on the stories she had written, nor does his being straight. In the end it really doesn't matter wether the NPCs in BG are gay/straight/bi at least to me. I'd like to live in a world where it doesn't matter to anyone.
Female PC: "Anomen, I shall make you love me!"
Anomen: "No woman could perform such deeds."
On a more serious note however, at best these threads pull out amusing quotes from the characters and are light-hearted fun for a time (until the butthurt begins) at worst they're rather tedious from the get go.
A bit of raunchy, blue humor - heck, let's just come right out and say "dirty jokes", can be very entertaining and fun among friends, as long as nobody is getting their feelings hurt or being made to feel uncomfortable. I really think that the OP of the Minsc thread was just trying to be silly.
Having a serious discussion arise out of what starts as a joke can also be helpful, if it changes attitudes in a positive way, or at least gets people to think about social issues that need to be considered. I have had my own opinions and attitudes swayed more than a couple of times by reading some of the more thoughtful posts that get made in this forum.
The only thing that hurts is when people say hateful things with hostile intent, regardless of whether the thread started out with humor or with a serious comment or question. And, unfortunately, any thread that references hot-button social issues is going to attract that kind of comment. That's just the nature of the internet.
Should we stop making these kinds of threads, or have the moderators start shutting them down? I don't really think so, not yet. So far, the thoughtful and humorously playful posts here far outnumber the hateful ones, more so than on any other game forum I've every participated in. And who knows, we might actually manage to get a few people to reconsider their hostility. We might be doing some good.
Having other peoples sexual perceptions of these blank canvases repeatedly brought up is as I said previously. Tiresome. I can also foresee that we are eventually going to go through each and every character over time.
It just strikes me as a little bit sad. Are people so oversexed or bored that they need to resort to projecting fantasies onto Baldur's Gate characters?
Baldurs gate characters already have fantasies, you can make babies with Aerie if you want.
If there are any threads on it, sometimes I'll read them. I usually only comment if someone posted something incredibly misleading, plain wrong, or utterly ridiculous (on either side of the argument).
If you mean there is should be no more stigma with regards to if someone is gay or straight or male or female then I agree. All should be treated equally. Someones sexuality is really very meaningless in the grand scheme of things. The Dumbledore example is a good one here as it was only revealed at the very end and showed exactly why someones sexual preference meant nothing in determining their character.
And yes the Aerie thing is there, you can also hook up with Viconia. Boring. I've got asses to kick.
...make me wonder about quality of sex lives of those who most frequently engage in those discussions.
The topics are about the sexual preferences of characters. This isn't a gender specific topic as obviously gender preferences can span across both genders.
Personally I don't really believe in linguistic pedantry, but I can see that it has it merits where trying to make yourself unambiguous on a sensitive subject is concerned.
Glad that's sorted!
Now crack out the swords and lets bang some heads!
Oh noooeeeesssss! Not another buttsecks thread!!!111
I worry more about people who see the words gay / straight / homosexual / heterosexual and immediately think of intercourse. Something wrong with them, not the people discussing it.