Low Level Dual Classing As Custom Kits

From doing an IWD run, I got to thinking about dual classing as being akin to having a custom kit. Just wanted to share some of these ideas...
Witch Hunter
* Assassin 5 -> Fighter
* Skills: Detect Illusion (100)
* Kit Advantages:
- Can detect illusions while wearing heavy armor (like having true sight)
- Can use poison weapon twice a day
- +1 hit and +1 damage
* Kit Disadvantages:
- Can only have Str18
- Lower HP due to 5 thief levels
- Slower progression in early levels while finishing training
* Rationale:
- This warrior has been specially trained by her sect to excel in hunting and combating spellcasters of all kinds. She can see through the illusions of spellcasters so that her blade may find its mark, and she coats her weapons in deadly poison designed to make it nigh impossible for spellcasters to focus on casting their spells. With her poison weapons, most spellcasters will be unable to defend themselves from her rain of blows. However, because of this specialized training, she is less adept than other fighters in purely martial pursuits.
* Recommendation:
- As an assassin start off with shortbow and dart proficiency
- When dual class to fighter, get ** longsword and ** dual wielding
- When assassin levels come back, use your abilities to get close to enemy wizards. See through their illusions and poison them to death with a rain of attacks.
Cleric of Tempos
* Berseker Fighter (3) -> Cleric
* Kit Advantages
- Higher HP due to fighter levels
- Grand Mastery in weapons
- Rage
* Kit Disadvantages:
- No spellcasting for first 3 levels
- Cannot use missile weapons
* Rationale:
- Tempos is the God of War. His dogma is concerned with honorable battle, forbidding cowardice and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle disputes. His clergy are warriors, first and foremost. The Foehammer will not give his blessings upon those who cannot fight in holy battle by their own strength of arms. Only those who prove themselves worthy will be chosen to channel his divine might.
* Recommendation
- As a berserker take ** hammers and ** in dual wielding
- As a cleric take * in flails and * in maces
- When berserker levels come back get grand mastery in a blunt weapon of your choice, and revel in the fact that you are proficient in near any weapon a cleric could use
* Swashbuckler (6) -> Fighter
* Kit Advantages
- +2 AC, +2 hit and +2 damage
- 100% open locks, 100% find traps
- Grand Mastery (archery focus)
* Kit Disadvantages
* - Can only have Str18
- Lower HP due to 6 thief levels
- No other thief skills
- Cannot backstab even with invisibility
- Can only use thief skills in light armor
* Rationale:
- It is well know that the forces of evil lack all sense of honor and decency. As such, their lairs are inevitably ladden with all manner of traps for the unwary. When bands of paladins venture into such crypts, temples and caves, they will often bring with them a Pathfinder. These lightly armored archers are masters of their craft and are dedicated to the cause of a temple. They forego all dishonorable forms of combat. They do not sneak through the shadows, they do not set traps, nor do they stab the unwary in the back. Rather, they pave the way for paladins to safely traverse what would otherwise be an ignominious end. Then, when combat breaks out, they stay within the back ranks, using their arrows and bolts to pick off enemies who fight at range, including spellcasters who would disable the holy warriors of the church. For Pathfinders, their lot is not one of glory, but it is a much needed task. There are few pathfinders in the realms though, for their training is exceedingly difficult. First they must master the art of safely traversing the worst traps that faerun can throw out them, and then most make a vow to devote themselves body and soul to the art of the bow. The few who can master both are in high demand by all of faerun's militant churches.
* Recommendation:
- As a swashbuckler take * in scimitars and * in shortbows, later get * in single weapon fighting
- As a fighter take ** in katanas and ** in longbows
- Get grandmastery in longbows, and keep a quick to use slashing weapon on your belt
Witch Hunter
* Assassin 5 -> Fighter
* Skills: Detect Illusion (100)
* Kit Advantages:
- Can detect illusions while wearing heavy armor (like having true sight)
- Can use poison weapon twice a day
- +1 hit and +1 damage
* Kit Disadvantages:
- Can only have Str18
- Lower HP due to 5 thief levels
- Slower progression in early levels while finishing training
* Rationale:
- This warrior has been specially trained by her sect to excel in hunting and combating spellcasters of all kinds. She can see through the illusions of spellcasters so that her blade may find its mark, and she coats her weapons in deadly poison designed to make it nigh impossible for spellcasters to focus on casting their spells. With her poison weapons, most spellcasters will be unable to defend themselves from her rain of blows. However, because of this specialized training, she is less adept than other fighters in purely martial pursuits.
* Recommendation:
- As an assassin start off with shortbow and dart proficiency
- When dual class to fighter, get ** longsword and ** dual wielding
- When assassin levels come back, use your abilities to get close to enemy wizards. See through their illusions and poison them to death with a rain of attacks.
Cleric of Tempos
* Berseker Fighter (3) -> Cleric
* Kit Advantages
- Higher HP due to fighter levels
- Grand Mastery in weapons
- Rage
* Kit Disadvantages:
- No spellcasting for first 3 levels
- Cannot use missile weapons
* Rationale:
- Tempos is the God of War. His dogma is concerned with honorable battle, forbidding cowardice and encouraging the use of force of arms to settle disputes. His clergy are warriors, first and foremost. The Foehammer will not give his blessings upon those who cannot fight in holy battle by their own strength of arms. Only those who prove themselves worthy will be chosen to channel his divine might.
* Recommendation
- As a berserker take ** hammers and ** in dual wielding
- As a cleric take * in flails and * in maces
- When berserker levels come back get grand mastery in a blunt weapon of your choice, and revel in the fact that you are proficient in near any weapon a cleric could use
* Swashbuckler (6) -> Fighter
* Kit Advantages
- +2 AC, +2 hit and +2 damage
- 100% open locks, 100% find traps
- Grand Mastery (archery focus)
* Kit Disadvantages
* - Can only have Str18
- Lower HP due to 6 thief levels
- No other thief skills
- Cannot backstab even with invisibility
- Can only use thief skills in light armor
* Rationale:
- It is well know that the forces of evil lack all sense of honor and decency. As such, their lairs are inevitably ladden with all manner of traps for the unwary. When bands of paladins venture into such crypts, temples and caves, they will often bring with them a Pathfinder. These lightly armored archers are masters of their craft and are dedicated to the cause of a temple. They forego all dishonorable forms of combat. They do not sneak through the shadows, they do not set traps, nor do they stab the unwary in the back. Rather, they pave the way for paladins to safely traverse what would otherwise be an ignominious end. Then, when combat breaks out, they stay within the back ranks, using their arrows and bolts to pick off enemies who fight at range, including spellcasters who would disable the holy warriors of the church. For Pathfinders, their lot is not one of glory, but it is a much needed task. There are few pathfinders in the realms though, for their training is exceedingly difficult. First they must master the art of safely traversing the worst traps that faerun can throw out them, and then most make a vow to devote themselves body and soul to the art of the bow. The few who can master both are in high demand by all of faerun's militant churches.
* Recommendation:
- As a swashbuckler take * in scimitars and * in shortbows, later get * in single weapon fighting
- As a fighter take ** in katanas and ** in longbows
- Get grandmastery in longbows, and keep a quick to use slashing weapon on your belt
Max out Detect Illusions then dual at level 5 (you can invest the remaining points in whatever you want). You got a Wizard Slayer that can dispel illusions for free, backstab at a decent x3 (good against mage) and disrupt casting. It requires a bit of fiddling with EEKeeper, but it's a solid power boost to the Wizard Slayer at the expense of no exceptional strength (a problem that disappear when you get the appropriate tome) and some hp. For even more OPness, use this combination with the Wizard Slayer Rebalance mod.
Though, FYI, I usually cheat with races and allow other races to dualclass. I haven't played a human for a long time. Also, sometimes I dualclass into a kit, because I can.
Educated brute / (Witty Warrior)
Level 7(8) Mage/Illusionist -> Fighter
* Kit Advantages:
- Can get up to level 4 mage spells, including Stoneskin, impr. invis, PoE, blur, mirror image, etc
- Can use wands and scrolls, ring of wizardry and elven chainmail or robe of archmage for AC5 pre-buffed
* Kit Disadvantages:
- Can only have Str18 pre tome
- Lower HP due to 7(8) mage levels (though familiar offset some)
- Slower progression in early levels while finishing training
- Can't reactivate in BG1
* Rationale:
- This warrior has been specially trained by by Gorion and Reevor to combine the power of arcane might to augment their fighting prowess and to stay alive in situations where common warriors would fall. Being more intelligent then the stock warrior, they use guile and wit to prepare for fights to ensure their victory. If they have been specializing in illusions, they use their cunning mind even better and have a few extra spell slots.
* Recommendation:
- As mage pick darts, attack from a far while leveling mage
- When dual class to fighter, get whatever weapon you fancy, but qstaff is of course fitting. This char is meant for the frontlines once reactivating their M levels, but since you can't do that in BG, you need to progress to SoD or BG2 first.