Looks like TOTSC XP cap is being kept.

I'm happy with this personally.
Interesting to know other peoples thoughts.
I'm happy with this personally.
Interesting to know other peoples thoughts.
With the added content, people are going to be capped faster than they normally would.
Yeah, that's easily done.
I don't know how to make one, but I'm sure one will be out before too long.
Honestly I don't see how "game balance" matters here at high levels. Its single player, so its not like its competitive with anyone.
Game balance is not a concept invented when multiplayer games entered the scene.
Without game balance all games would be boring as heck, like Skyrim for instance. Loved the game until I'd played it to level 15 or so, after that, there was no challenge at all for me. At level 25, I could one shot kill everything.
Bethesda Software screwed the balance up completely in Skyrim.
The xp cap is there so the game will be fun and challenging all through to the end.
Change the values for each class to ones of your choosing. If the ToTSC XP cap is kept then these will be set to 161000.
If you want to remove the XP cap entirely then change these values to -1.
Game balance is not a concept invented when multiplayer games entered the scene.
Without game balance all games would be boring as heck, like Skyrim for instance. Loved the game until I'd played it to level 15 or so, after that, there was no challenge at all for me. At level 25, I could one shot kill everything.
Bethesda Software screwed the balance up completely in Skyrim.
The xp cap is there so the game will be fun and challenging all through to the end.
Skyrim's balance was all over the place. Gain a few early levels in non-combat skills and the enemies become impossible to fight very quickly. Difficulty that scales with player level hardly ever works to my mind, and is often totally immersion-breaking.
BGEE is using BG2 resources, and BG2 went up to level 40.
Honestly, I'm fine with the feeling of challenge through a game until you've achieved some greater success. (i.e., I can see myself removing the cap once I've beaten Saravok or something) But that's why they make mods, right? So everyone can play the way they like. And sometimes try out something different. So I guess it makes sense to leave that cap in if its wanted. I just didn't see it being a concern. Seems it is.
We might have somewhat differing views of Skyrim, but I can see your point.