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[v3.4] Aura, a gnome artificer NPC for BG:EE + SoD



  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2018
    From memory it isn't the case in bg2 vanilla neither, it's really specific to bg1 then. Oh well, I'll probably just install the ai improvements from scs then, I don't want tough battles everywhere, but here an ai update is really in order... thanks ! :)

    EDIT : installing scs for bgee, especially in linux, is really a nightmarish experience !
    1st you need the big picture because v30 is broken, you can't even install the 1st component required by all the others. Then the big picture is for windows only, I could have tried in wine, but I decided to apply the patches manually, big hassle.
    Then installing only the 2 1st components for ai (the basic one for the mod, + the basic one for the ai) is taking more than 1 hour ! I never saw a mod taking so long in ee ! It's still going on while writing this, and the best part is that this part of the installation has no effect for the player, it's just to allow installation of the options !!!
    I had installed this quite a few years ago on the original bgt, but I don't remember it was so horrible...
    Plus it's adviced to install this last, so if there is an update to an npc mod later like this one, it will probably take very long again (but hopefully, not that long !).
    Oh well I guess it's worth at least mentioning scs is required in the 1st post, I'll try to tell which components later if I succeed to finish this installation !

    EDIT 2 : after almost 3 hours and the installation of the 1st ai options (until and including better calls for help), the result is not astounding. There is a big difference between bg1 & bg2 here : in bg2 if you throw a fireball while not being detected, you can be sure that those who received it will be running in your direction just after that, here they usually stay put ! With these options and the bow, their reaction seems to be either moving randomly in 1 direction, or stay put, so it's better than before, at least you can't take a whole party using this method, but it's still deadly. Oh well leave the bow as it is, I guess it means playing this in eet would be different since it would use the real bg2 engine. I thought bgee was using bg2 engine now, but clearly there are still big differences...
    Anyway this bow + some elemental bgee arrows + someone good with a bow like Kivan makes a deadly combination for sure, especially if you do it the stealthy way... !
    And installing scs has really become crazy, way too long now...
    Post edited by zelurker on
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    Wow, just finished the 1st fight against the ninjas, it's a high level fight, rather unexpected at this point, and the party is not that powerful when arriving in baldur's gate. I was lucky to have bought 2 anti poison potions, + the spells + 1 Aura had made, but even with that it was very close, I'd say it's a scs level fight... Thanks to have lowered the levels of the ninjas then, it would really have been to early to fight them if they were at a higher level !
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    edited January 2018
    After a rest period 2nd fight against ninjas just after exiting from the inn, in the middle of the street among passers-by... there is an elite ninja, who drops an explosion potion upon death... in the middle of the street... Effect on the party : aura disintegrated, Kivan dead. + a lot of town folks dead.
    Don't you think it's a little extreme at this point ? Even in bg2 there is no encounter that crazy.
    The only way to protect against such infamy would be to try to paralyse him, knowing he is allowed some saving throw, it's just crazy ! (or to hope to make a critical hit on death so that he explodes, good luck...).
    I guess it's enough to consider to throw Aura away... I'll think about it...

    edit : a potion of icedust would be most welcome against these potions of explosion except they don't exist in bgee... in this case this encounter is really too extreme !
    Post edited by zelurker on
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    Aura disappearing from the party while resting, is it normal ? There is no message, nothing, she has just disappeared at the end of the rest... Usually reloading a save before resting and resting again seems to fix it, but it happened to me twice already...
    Found a way to survive to the multiple attacks from the ninjas, it stops after Aura just says it can't continue like that, but I am not going to complain, it was hell...
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    She is supposed to leave the party at a certain point. However you should get an event occurring after rest telling what to do immediately.
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2018
    Ok... kabuki appears after that in the inn, usually behind the bar tender. Speaking to him explains things. It happened to me once in candle keep, where I am stuck and can't go there obviously.
    This is an end game level fight, and the party is not at this level of power, + you can't prepare for this fight at all, it seems quite unfair.
    Obviously there are things to buy before resting this time... Another problem : the sequence before the fight is very long, and it's very likely this fight will have to be done more than once, which makes some more frustration... oh well... I'll try again later...

    Ok did it, you can separate the big bad guy from his party, he still hits like a terminator but he can be harmed, and since he is alone, it's much easier. I confess I used the bow improved by Aura to finish the party after that, it made things much easier and I was not in a mood to take unnecessary risks since I couldn't save at the start of the fight or after defeating the big bad one. Except the fact it didn't happen at the best possible moment, it was not bad in the end, congratulations !
    Post edited by zelurker on
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    If I can figure it out I will add an "ESC to skip option" as the encounter only resolves one way.
  • ArctodusArctodus Member Posts: 992
    The IWD iron golem one has more of a steampunk-ish look, so I guess it's a matter of which type of aesthetics you think fits more with Aura. Both look great in my opinion, so I think you can't go wrong. Funny thing though, the PST one reminds me of the Iron Giant from Final Fantasy 4 !!

    Fantastic work regarless ! Can't wait to try Aura out !
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    @Artemius_I I'm almost at the end of my playthrough with Aura (actually right before Sarevok's declaration in Duke castle), and I realized, that I hadn't second encounter with ninjas and their master for Aura. When should this encounter happens? Are there any variables that I could check in EEkeeper? I'm actually at vacation and play on Android tablet, so I could only check right after return home, but still. I killed all ninjas in first encounter in Undercellar, than Fubuki said, she thinks, that was all of them, and that she will contact us with news about their master, and since that nothing happend.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Rest, then wander around the city. You will be attacked. Repeat three times and then it’ll be clear what to do next.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    @Artemius_I I'm sorry, I was wandering through whole city numerous times, sleep in every inn in the city, but with no effect :( No attacks :(
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277


    It should show a variable of 5. If it doesn’t then something’s seriously wrong.

    Out of curiosity, was Aura killed during the Undercellar attack?
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    @Artemius_I Thank you, I will check it after vacation.
    No, nobody died (exept ninjas B)
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311



    It should show a variable of 5. If it doesn’t then something’s seriously wrong.

    Out of curiosity, was Aura killed during the Undercellar attack?

    Ok, I checked the variable and it is right. COAuraQuest 5.
    So I guess it's just bad luck, that encounter didn't happened in my game. Maybe I run with hasted group away from encounter NPC and didn't notice that, or something like that. Nevermind.
    Nevertheless your Aura mod is really a gem! Great story, NPC special feats and that idea with upgrading cursed items is really amazing.
    So Im giving Aura 5 of 5 stars ;)
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited February 2018

    Hmm. My guess is that you somehow missed the first encounter after it spawned whether by being invisible or running away from them too quickly (or they spawned in a position where they can't see you initially) and because you never killed the first batch, the rest don't spawn either. Unfortunately, the enemies spawn invisible so finding them again might be a pain if you're going to continue with that save.
  • HugoRuneHugoRune Member Posts: 51
    Hi, I'm a little confused. You have NPC reactions for BG2 NPCs on the first page and a few screenshots from BG2 in the thread. The mod is only released for BG1 and SoD, no? Are you working on a BG2 portion right now? Asking because I really like the look of it and would love to try it. Just if the BG2 part is coming out soonish, I'd put it off until then...
  • CooperblackCooperblack Member Posts: 8
    I love this mod, I wonder is it possible for the player class to be a Gnome artificer? I would really love to play an Artificer/Illusionist. :D
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    It could be done, but not without changing some scripts. This is one of the few cases where I'd rather the kit remain with the NPC, however.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    • Fixes a banter related issue in BG1 (repeating banter with Alora) and a gamebreaking banter bug in SoD where Aura permastutters after running out of banters with certain characters. Sorry.
  • CooperblackCooperblack Member Posts: 8
    I have a problem, I lost my Automaton :D I got ambushed while traveling from areas and somehow the automaton didn't follow me when leaving the area, When I try to resummon it the game tells me I already have an automaton active but I have no way of finding it again.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Damn. I've considered multiple ways the automaton might get lost in transit and I was certain I made failsafes for all of them.

    C:SetGlobal("C0AutoCreated","GLOBAL",0) will allow you to spawn another one.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Taking Aura for the first time and I'm about halfway through BG1. She has pretty quickly endeared herself to me. While I know I haven't seen all her content, I can tell that we are going to get along just fine. I'm actually a little sad that she won't be with me in BG2. Good work.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    I hope the rest of the contents match up to your early impressions. This was one of those mods which was extremely hard to finish off in a satisfactory way because reasons.
  • rascalqueenrascalqueen Member Posts: 4
    Could anyone give more specific directions to find Aura? I installed her and can't find her anywhere in Beregost - what exactly is the 'town center'?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Next to the monument that’s close to the Burning Wizard tavern
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited May 2018
    • Added failsafe for cases where the automaton vanishes. Casting the ability again will spawn the automaton in your location.
    • Improved arrow inventory icons
    • Merged installation options: mod auto-detects and installs content for SoD
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    On a whim, I noticed an upgraded Kozah Idol seems to interfere with the Vampires Revenge exchange at Ulcaster. Does that sound right (maybe upgraded item code is not recognized)?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    Ehh yeah, I don't usually bother with that easter egg so I guess I forgot to account for it. The most obvious way to avoid it would be to not upgrade the idol but... well, I'll fix it next patch but it won't be a priority fix.
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