Externalize Identify Spell
The identify button on items is currently checking for SPWI110.spl or SCRL75.itm. If I wanted to change the way the Identify spell works, I could not just alter the SPWI110.spl because regardless of what that file looks like, as long as long as there is a SPWI110 memorized, you can identify the item. Same goes for SCRL75.itm. So you would have to replace ALL instances of SCRL75 in the game and all instances of SPWI110 in NPC spell books with i. e. SCRL75b and SPWI110b, and you would still have SPWI110.spl as a spell option at character creation. I tried overwriting SPWI110.spl with an empty file. This makes the spell no longer available at character creation, but it crashes the game when you click on the identify button of an item. If the Identify button on the item would not check for the file name of the spell or scroll, but for a flag in these files, modding the Identify spell would be possible.
Edit: Something else, that seems hardcoded is the fact that SCRL75 is not equippable in quickslots. So it is not possible to cast from scroll.
Removing the spell from creatures is trivial if you use Weidu:
Wow, thanks! That is very helpful. Can you tell me how to not just remove but replace the old Identify with the new one in .cre-files? I don't think there is a REPLACE function like REPLACE_CREATURE_ITEM, REPLACE_STORE_ITEM etc. for spells. Or I would need a way to make Weidu identify all creatures who have SPWI110 known, memorized and #memorized, so I could remove SPWI110 and then ADD_KNOWN_SPELL the new Identify spell.
REPLACE_STORE_ITEM and REPLACE_AREA_ITEM do check for item A and replace with item B.