Forum avatar
There's no option to change it on mobile site, I can see it but can't tap to change it, I dunno how yous got images on your maybe it's cause your on the computer? I tried viewing the full site on phone and I successfully added a pic on the main site but that doesn't show anything on here, plz help
How to add avatar?
However, I think the picture you showed is too big to be used as profile picture. You will have to edit the picture first. Unfortunately I don't see any size restrictions listed on 'Change Picture' page, maybe @JuliusBorisov could tell us what they are?
Max Avatar Height - 1000 px
Avatars will be scaled down if they exceed this width/height.
@darkmoon500 Does your mobile browser allow to open web page in the full version? This can be a solution.
Any limit for size in kb?
The max size for a picture to be uploaded onto the forum is 52428800 bytes. Most likely the same max size is used for the forum avatar.