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When is dual wielding worth it?



  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    Grond0 said:

    Most of the discussion above seems to assume that all dual-wielding attacks will hit. That's a reasonable assumption for a fighter in late BG2, but not in BG1. For classes able to achieve weapon mastery I think that there's an advantage both offensively and defensively to doing that before going for dual wield - so classes like kensais and berserkers may end up not dual wielding in BG1. Whether that's the best decision though depends on your game style - I do sometimes choose 2 points in dual wielding from the starting selection at the cost of having no proficiency in a ranged weapon.

    Well, if we’re talking kensai and berserkers, you’re probably not going to bother with ranged weapons anyway.

    With a berserker, you might be better off with a shield, but a kensai can’t wear one, so you’re definitely better off with two weapons.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    I am pretty sure that 2 points per category is the maximum at level 1. So unless you wish to diversify your weapon arsenal, you are bound to put the the other two points into fighting styles.
  • histamiinihistamiini Member Posts: 1,473
    edited March 2018
    Nothing beats Bel in LoB mode like Matyr's Morningstar and Single-Weapon Style, it's actually the only way of many classes beating Bel. I wish there was more weapons in BG2 that took a advantage of 19/20 crits, because there's non. Actually it would be good if Martyr was transferable in BG2, it would make third fighting style viable, because it's so good vs. big hp opponents.
  • Humanoid_TaifunHumanoid_Taifun Member Posts: 1,063
    edited March 2018
    Grond0 said:

    Let's imagine a solo 8th level fighter,

    The people who disagree with you are disagreeing on your previous mention of kensai and berserker, not the generic fighter.

    Also, putting 3 pips into dualwielding in BG1 is overkill, unless you have nothing else that you might want to improve. But since the third point in long swords comes with some nice bonuses, methinks you are trying to fudge the numbers in your favor.

    Lastly, I don't normally play solo games, so I don't know how much of a game changer the difference in projectile velocity and reach are. But if I were to play a berserker, I would, just like with a kensai, go for throwing axes, and make that my main weapon proficiency.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    I'm pretty sure the enhanced editions made throwing axes weightless, so encumbrance isn't an issue.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    Axes have a weight of 1 in the EE. The reduced weight and increased stack size vs vanilla certainly make them more appealing to use, but the weight is still significant in EE even for a character with exceptional strength. The fact that, unlike with missile weapons, when a stack of throwing weapons is exhausted your character automatically goes into melee is also a danger that needs watching out for if you're playing solo.
  • KloroxKlorox Member Posts: 927
    Grond0 said:

    Axes have a weight of 1 in the EE. The reduced weight and increased stack size vs vanilla certainly make them more appealing to use, but the weight is still significant in EE even for a character with exceptional strength. The fact that, unlike with missile weapons, when a stack of throwing weapons is exhausted your character automatically goes into melee is also a danger that needs watching out for if you're playing solo.

    IMHO, Dagger is the best solo weapon. Dagger of Venom is amazing and it gives you a missile weapon that fires twice a round with STR bonus on the damage.

  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    I agree daggers are a perfectly good choice (the addition of strength damage in the EE makes them work better than axes for most characters). There are still some drawbacks for a solo character though, in particular:
    - there's no +3 dagger to hit Belhifet with if you're playing SoD (though a fighter/mage could use enchanted weapon to overcome that).
    - daggers have a range of 0 meaning it's significantly more difficult to get in a melee attack and withdraw before an enemy can retaliate than if you use a longer weapon.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    +apr on a shield seems a little weird...

    There are some cool shields as a part of Neera's questline, but it kind of sucks to have them tied to one companion like that.

    Like the Shield of Fyrus Khal +2 : AC +3, +10% fire, cold, acid, electric resist, all allies within 5 ft gain +5% magic resistance. Cast spell turning once per day
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    edited March 2018
    Shields in SoA are pretty cool. I dont do a run without
    1) the reflection shield (great for early ambushes, the slavers quest and a solar in ToB,
    2) the shield of harmony - Yuanti mages dont know what hit them,
    3) shield of balduran...

    But I never take points in short and shield style. With the reflection shield you want people to hit you (you can get rid of the armor if you like) - not the other way around.

    The pips/points in sword and shield style are pretty much wasted in SoA, whilst having some merit in Bg1. So I end up taking pips/points in 2 weapon fighting - and wear a shield when it makes sense.

    If the pips/point gave damage reduction (perhaps just 10% piercing and 5% slashing) when wearing a shield, I would be all for that (You would have to nerf hardiness and defensive stance of course...). But as the profiency system is now, the sword and shield style doesnt make sense - whilst I still find usage for the above mentioned shields.

    Ps: @Grum ‘s idea for a DoE remake makes sense. @gattberserk did something lile that in an item mod for SoD - and it looked like a pretty good idea. The post from @gattberserk :
    Post edited by StummvonBordwehr on
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    Kind of a stupid question (especially from someone who played the game forever yet - apparently - never payed attention) but what if you take both Single and Dual specialization in the same time? After all, description of a Single weapon specialization does not forbid you from having a weapon in another arm, the only restriction is "one hand weapon".
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Sinlge weapon only works with an empty offhand.
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    My ignorance knows no bounds! Probably I knew it at some point and never thought again. A roll of 98 WS made me re-read everything and absence of that very phrase in Single Weapon specialization (it talks about shields only) made me curious if I was missing great opportunity all these times :)
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    I think it is bugged or something, you get only 1 weapon effect, but animation show you hit with both
    Like Crom F and Flail of ages

    I never get the acid, cold, fire and slow....only Crom +5 lightning damage
    if I swap the hands who hold them I do get the acid, cold, fire and slow effects, but no lightning from Crom or any help vs golems
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Belnick Only 1 attack per round is used with the offhand. Animations don't matter. So you might just be seeing the main hand attacks.
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @Belnick Only 1 attack per round is used with the offhand. Animations don't matter. So you might just be seeing the main hand attacks.

    yea, but would not the damage be seen in the log? as I said if I hold crom in main hand and flail in off hand I never get the effect damage from the flail and I mean never.....and when I changed them so flail is in main hand and crom is in off hand I do get the poison, fire etc....but no effect from Crom, no golem needed to save for death, got no lightning damage etc.... when I change back ii is back to the other way, effect from 1 of the weapons only
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    And you're certain you're hitting with the offhand?
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    edited January 2021
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    And you're certain you're hitting with the offhand?

    No, that is what im saying :p
    It is like main hand swing twice instead of using off hand....
    If I place in off hand only it works, but it seems when i use both hands only the main weapon counts, like it mirror main weapon to off hand or something?

    I did experiment with my cleric/mage, used shadow keeper, gave my self 100 time stop scrolls and fought 3 Adamantite Golems....

    1, used crom in main hand and flail of ages(foa) in off hand....
    I did 0 hits with flail of ages, only crom

    2, used foa in main hand and crom in off hand, I did 0 hits with crom.....

    3, tried main hand only and off hand only with both weapons, both do hit

    during this test I also set all proficiencies needed to 7 and thaco to 2

    when I played this xx year ago i remember hitting heavy with crom + lightning and then the flail and all the heads did damage after, but I dont get that now, maybe they removed it from the new versions(all remakes are always worse :P)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Belnick "It is like main hand swing twice instead of using off hand...."
    I mean, it is? The offhand will ALWAYS just be a single attack a round. How many attacks is your character getting a round, and can you see/show the to hit rolls?

    "(all remakes are always worse :P)"

    Yeah, lets see you say that after playing unmodded vanilla BG1.
  • BelnickBelnick Member Posts: 16
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @Belnick "It is like main hand swing twice instead of using off hand...."
    I mean, it is? The offhand will ALWAYS just be a single attack a round. How many attacks is your character getting a round, and can you see/show the to hit rolls?

    "(all remakes are always worse :P)"

    Yeah, lets see you say that after playing unmodded vanilla BG1.

    played it 60+ times before, had no problem, but disliked the part where you start with 4hp as mage sop prefer to play bg2 only
    not tried it on win10

    but never had so many problem with bg2 that i had since i got the new versions, the problem in this thread, some thing that dont trigger, random crashes when clicking on rest or save and the last annoying bug, before the final battle in ToB you cant rest, you cant rest at Balthazar and and you cant rest in pocket dimension as it will crash, so you have to do the last fight unrested and once you beat last boss the Solar never comes, just a black screen with a hourglass and if you click anywhere you get program not responding lol

    maybe it is just best that I hook up my old win 95 pc and install the original on it and play it with a modern monitor instead :o
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