Item prices

Hi everyone!
As I am a BIG lootwhore and I usually end up taking everything that is not nailed down, I've stubled upon a problem, which I could not find an aswer for even on the almighty web. That problem is not being able to price some items correctly. For example: does a mace cost more than a longsword? Does a scroll of magic missile cost less that that of an identify? Such question are haunting me constantly as I am trying to decide what to keep and what to throw away. Would appreciate any help, especially in a form of a table of items with their respective prices.
Thanks to all!
P.S. Playing SoD as of now, if it is of any difference to the discussed topic.
As I am a BIG lootwhore and I usually end up taking everything that is not nailed down, I've stubled upon a problem, which I could not find an aswer for even on the almighty web. That problem is not being able to price some items correctly. For example: does a mace cost more than a longsword? Does a scroll of magic missile cost less that that of an identify? Such question are haunting me constantly as I am trying to decide what to keep and what to throw away. Would appreciate any help, especially in a form of a table of items with their respective prices.
Thanks to all!

P.S. Playing SoD as of now, if it is of any difference to the discussed topic.
Mage scrolls of the same level are almost always the same price. So a Magic Missile scroll will have the same price as an Identify scroll, and an Improved Mantle scroll will have the same price as a Power Word: Blind scroll. But there are a few examples, like Fireball, Haste, Protection from Normal Missiles, and Stoneskin, where the price is higher than others of the same level.
The only way you're going to see a "true" price on an item is, as @semiticgod suggests, with an editor.
Please, help.
One more complication, because of course there is, is that some items can not be sold regardless of their price. Items with the 'Critical Item' flag, among other special properties, can't be sold except to special shops; IWD's Gerth is the only one in the EE series that buys such items.