Unable to connect to servers
I tried to open my beamdog client, but it is not connecting to the servers, despite my internet connection working fine. Does anyone know if the servers down or something?
1. Has the Client run on your computer before? If so, has anything changed on the computer, like a new firewall or antivirus?
2. What platform is this on?
(We have checked - the servers themselves seem to be up and running.)
We need your log files to understand the problem. Could you please do the following:
a) Right-click the cog in the bottom right of the Beamdog Client
b) Select "Open Log folder"
c) Close the Beamdog Client
d) Attach (In a .zip) all of the files within this folder.
Also, please, make sure that you've attempted to log in since you reinstalled, so that it will have created a log.
We have a set of steps that might solve your problem - https://support.baldursgate.com/issues/31605#note-1 Please, try and report back.
Also, you could try temporarily disabling your firewall and see if that makes a difference.
Thank you!
The steps in Redmine are supposed to be doing that for just the single instance of the Client, but obviously isn't working. So we don't have any other answers right now other than use the old client. You can find it here: https://www.beamdog.com/about/client_legacy
You can indeed get a Steam key - send a message to support@beamdog.com with details about your purchase.
Please try all the suggestions from this thread, including Steam keys.
Basically, I re-downloaded the Beamdog Launcher installer and ran it. And after it got to a certain step in the installer the Launcher opened up, seemingly properly, and from there everything ran smoothly from me...