[MOD] The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers

The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers
Download latest releaseThis mod introduces the kit "Chaos Sorcerer" kit which can be seen as the Wild Mage counterpart for the Sorcerer class. It is available for BG1:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET (Enhanced Edition Trilogy) and IWD:EE. All patch versions are supported. The mod is currently available in English, German, Polish, Russian and French.
Chaos Sorcerer
A Wild Magic Sorcerer kit for BG:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE
Unlike Wild Mages, who struggle to comprehend the chaotic magic of damaged and distorted parts of the Weave, Chaos Sorcerers learned to derive their power from the Elemental Chaos itself – a plane that is largely unknown to most inhabitants of Toril.
The Elemental Chaos is a place of primeval entropy and discord, and not even the most seasoned practitioners can account for the inherent unpredictability of such forces. As a result chaos sorcerers have to rely on their agility and strong reflexes to slip out of the way of their own, often unpredictable, spells. Being exposed to this particular type of magic gradually increases the caster's resistance to all forms or magical energy. A basic understanding of the nature of Chaos is required to walk this most dangerous of paths.
- May cast the 1st-level spells Chaotic Weave and Surge Control (automatically added to spell list).
- May cast the 2nd-level spell Unluck (automatically added to spell list).
- May cast the 3rd-level spell Chaos Shield (automatically added to spell list).
- May cast the 5th-level spell Conjure Chaos Elemental (automatically added to spell list).
- May cast the 7th-level spells Nahal's Wildstrike and Conjure Greater Chaos Elemental (automatically added to spell list).
- 1st level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
- 5th level: +1 bonus to Dexterity.
- 6th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
- 8th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
- 11th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
- 15th level: +1 bonus to Dexterity.
- 16th level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
- 16th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
- 21st level: +1 bonus to Saves vs. Spell.
- 24th level: +5% Magic Resistance.
- Incurs a -2 penalty to Strength and Constitution.
- Alignment restricted to chaotic good, chaotic neutral and chaotic evil.
- May cast fewer spells per level per day.
- Upon casting a spell, there is a 5% chance of incurring a wild surge.
- Casting level varies slightly whenever he/she casts a spell—anywhere between five levels lower and five levels higher than the Chaos Sorcerer's true level.
The mod does also make some changes to the spell selection of Wild Mages:
- New level 1 spell "Surge Control" applies a slim chance to avert the next Wild Surge.
- New level 2 spell "Unluck" can be seen as the negative counterpart of the "Luck" spell.
- "Chaos Shield" merges with "Improved Chaos Shield" and becomes a level 3 spell that starts with a +15 wild surge bonus and improves to +20 and +25 at higher levels.
- New level 7 spell "Nahal's Wildstrike" surrounds the target with an aura of chaotic energies. Each time the target casts a spell will trigger a wild surge with unpredictable results.
Feel free to post your thoughts, suggestions, questions or any bugs you encounter.
Post edited by argent77 on
Spell "Chaotic Weave" (Chaos Sorcerer):
Level: 1
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
This spell opens a small rift into the Elemental Chaos to draw raw magical energies from, which the sorcerer can attempt to shape into a desired spell effect. The attempt usually fails, but something almost always occurs in the process.
To use Chaotic Weave simply cast it, then choose from a list of randomly picked spells. A burst of magical energy is released, which the Chaos Sorcerer will try to manipulate into the desired form. The actual effect of the spell is determined randomly by a dice roll on the Wild Surge Table (see the manual for more details). The list of potential spells to choose from becomes larger and more consistent at higher levels.
Because the release of energy is planned by the Sorcerer, his/her level is added to the dice roll. If the result indicates success, the Sorcerer has shaped the magical energy into the desired effect. More often than not, the effect is completely unexpected. The result might be beneficial to the Sorcerer, or it might be completely disastrous: This is the risk the Sorcerer takes by relying on the energies from the Elemental Chaos.
Casting this spell triggers a spell selection list that is randomly chosen from a pool of lists. Each variant focuses on certain spell ranges. Higher caster levels will improve the odds of producing more complete spell selection lists.
Spell "Conjure Chaos Elemental" (Chaos Sorcerer):
Level: 5
Range: 45 ft.
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Chaos Sorcerers are able to call forth beings from the Elemental Chaos to do their bidding. The Chaos Elemental looks like a haze of amorphous matter, swirling with no distinguishable pattern. It has 8 Hit Dice and will serve the caster's every whim until banished back to its home plane, the spell's duration expires, or the elemental dies.
However, every time this spell is cast, there is a 15% chance that the elemental will escape the instructions of the caster and attack everyone in their vicinity. This berserking elemental will also remain until slain or the spell's duration expires. The elemental is locked into a psychic contest with the caster for 3 rounds after being summoned. At the end of this time, if the caster has won, he/she has control of the elemental; however, if he/she has lost, the elemental goes berserk and randomly attacks everyone around it.
Chaos Elemental (8 Hit Dice):
STR 14, DEX 10, CON 9, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 10; AL Chaotic Neutral
HP 64, AC 4, THAC0 10, Saving Throws 9/12/8/12/10
2 Attacks Per Round, 1d12 Crushing (Fist +3)
Combat Abilities:
Chaos: Confuses a single target for two rounds (Save vs. Spell to avoid)
Special Qualities:
Moves at increased speed
May heal itself when wounded
Immune to charm, confusion, hold, poison, sleep, fear, polymorph and stun effects
Fire, Cold, Electricity, & Acid Resistance 100%
Piercing & Missile Resistance: 75%; Slashing Resistance: 25%
Even a fully controlled Chaos Elemental is unable to stand still for even a moment and will move around continuously unless given specific orders. However, it will always return to the caster if roamed too far.
Spell "Conjure Greater Chaos Elemental" (Chaos Sorcerer):
Level: 7
Range: 45 ft.
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Chaos Sorcerers are able to call forth beings from the Elemental Chaos to do their bidding. The Greater Chaos Elemental looks like a haze of amorphous matter, swirling with no distinguishable pattern. It has 16 Hit Dice and will serve the caster's every whim until banished back to its home plane, the spell's duration expires, or the elemental dies.
However, every time this spell is cast, there is a 15% chance that the elemental will escape the instructions of the caster and attack everyone in their vicinity. This berserking elemental will also remain until slain or the spell's duration expires. The elemental is locked into a psychic contest with the caster for 3 rounds after being summoned. At the end of this time, if the caster has won, has control of the elemental; however, if has lost, the elemental goes berserk and randomly attacks everyone around it.
Greater Chaos Elemental (16 Hit Dice):
STR 18, DEX 10, CON 12, INT 10, WIS 11, CHA 10; AL Chaotic Neutral
HP 128, AC 1, THAC0 6, Saving Throws 6/9/5/9/7
3 Attacks Per Round, 1d12 Crushing (Fist +3)
Combat Abilities:
Chaos: Confuses a targets in 30' radius for two rounds (Save vs. Spell with -2 penalty to avoid)
Special Qualities:
Moves at increased speed
May heal itself when wounded
Immune to non-magical weapons
Immune to charm, confusion, hold, poison, sleep, fear, polymorph and stun effects
Fire, Cold, Electricity, & Acid Resistance 100%; Magic Resistance: 25%
Piercing & Missile Resistance: 100%; Slashing Resistance: 50%
Even a Greater Chaos Elemental that is fully controlled by the caster is unable to stand still even for a moment and will move around continuously, unless given specific orders. However, it will always return to the caster if roamed too far.
HLA "Chaotic Eruption" (Chaos Sorcerer):
Level: 10
Range: 40 ft.
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
With this spell the caster creates a rift in the earth beneath the target and connects it with the Elemental Chaos for a brief moment. The process results in a massive eruption of various elemental energies that burn, eletrocute or freeze the target, and hold it for one round. The spell does 10d10 blunt damange and either 10d10 fire or cold damage, with a 50 percent chance of causing additional 10d10 electrical damage. The victim can save vs. spell for half.
Finally, the rift into the Elemental Chaos draws the attention of creatures native to that plane. There is a small chance that a Chaos Elemental may slip through the rift and attack everyone in sight.
Spell "Surge Control" (all Wild Magic related kits):
Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Surge Control erects an invisible barrier around the caster that attempts to avert the next Wild Surge. The chance to ward off a Wild Surge is 10% + 1% per caster level, up to 30% at level 20. A successfully averted Wild Surge will neutralize the barrier, otherwise it will fade after 5 rounds. The barrier does not stack with other spells that increase chances of favorable results when Wild Surges occur.
Spell "Unluck" (all Wild Magic related kits):
Level: 2
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell affects the forces of chance around the target, giving it a stroke of bad luck for the duration of the spell. The target receives a -1 penalty to their Saving Throws, attack rolls, and minimum damage/healing rolls as well as -5% to all thieving skills. Furthermore, damage dice for all effects outside a weapon's base damage is increased by 1. For example, a 6d6 fireball will do 7d6 damage, and a flaming long sword that deals 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d3 fire damage will deal 1d8+2 slashing plus 1d4 fire damage instead. There is no Saving Throw for this spell, although magic resistance may stop it.
Updated spell "Chaos Shield" (all Wild Magic related kits):
Level: 3
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/5 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
Chaos Shield increases a Wild Mage's chance to gain a favorable result when a Wild Surge occurs. Every time a roll is made on the Wild Surge chart, an extra bonus is added to the dice roll. Bonus starts at +15 and increases to +20 at level 10 and +25 at level 20. The bonus from Chaos Shield stacks with the caster's level bonus.
Spell "Nahal's Wildstrike" (all Wild Magic related kits):
Level: 7
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/3 levels
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell surrounds the target with an aura of chaotic energies that latches onto each spell the target attempts to cast. For the duration of the spell, each time the target casts a spell will also trigger a wild surge with unpredictable results. Creatures can save vs. spell to avoid the effect, but do so with a -4 penalty.
The subcomponent "Add Primordial Artifacts" scatters several powerful artifacts all over the game. Each item is dedicated to a specific primordial and grants some unique abilities to the Chaos Sorcerer.
The items can also be combined with each other to unlock many more powerful and destructive spell-like abilities, ranging from a harmless Fire Blast over a Sandstorm to an all-destructive Armageddon.
- Fixed an issue of Wild Magic spells that were erroneously also given to unkitted mages and sorcerers.
- Improved generation of spell selection lists for the spell "Chaotic Weave".
- And several minor fixes.
Edit: Although that would cause trouble for Neera, who is always telling everyone and their cat of her Wild Mage profession.
EDIT: Any ideas for 'special' items, possibly linked to those beings that were 'forgotten? Now with the Elemental Plane of Chaos 'coming around' again, these beings could be a little upset and wanting to spread a lil chaos about for all to enjoy.
Btw, I probably have to drop IWD:EE support for now. There are just too many hardcoded restrictions in the current patch version of the game that interfere with Wild Mage character generation.
Another release: Beta 3
I was able to sort out all the Wild Mage issues with IWD:EE. In addition I have also improved compatibility with pre-2.0 versions of BG:EE and BG2:EE and could remove some hacky workarounds for the Wild Mage kit.
Edit: Btw, @subtledoctor I have actually taken your suggestion into consideration and added an option to remove the Wild Mage kit from character creation. It'll be included in the next release.
1. Spell Revisions (as mentioned in first post) is fully compatible.
2. Wild Mage additions (link): No issues detected.
3. NPCs Enhanced for Everyone (link): No issues detected.
4. Tome and Blood (link): Component "Revised Specialists" has issues with the spell NRD. Depending on install order it's either not available to Wild Mages or is available to both Wild Mages and Chaos Sorcerers.
I had some of my own ideas about Wild Sorcerer, but I wound up not including them in TnB because of the annoying NRD/Chaos Shield/Improved Chaos Shield issue.
Btw, the replaced NRD can be easily detected by getting the resource name from SPELL.IDS symbol WIZARD_NAHALS_RECKLESS_DWEOMER. Same is true for Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield (which points to the same resource as Chaos Shield since I combined both into a single spell).
New update: Beta 4
New release: Beta 5
It fixes the majority of issues that cropped up for Wild Mage and Chaos Sorcerer spell selections in pre-2.0 patched games. It is still possible to select Chaos Shield for Chaos Sorcerer on level up screen, but I don't think that can be fixed without introducing new issues. (The next IWD:EE patch isn't too far away anyway.)
Other changes:
- Added new level 5 spell "Conjure Chaos Elemental" to the spellbook of Chaos Sorcerers.
- Made some changes to Wild Surge #50 and #54 that are more appropriate to Chaos Sorcerers (see Wild Surge table in the game's manual for more info).
This will probably be the last beta before a stable release.Update: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v1.0
This mod provides:
- A new Sorcerer kit "Chaos Sorcerer" for BG:EE (with or without SoD), BG2:EE, EET and IWD:EE.
- Updated spell selection for Wild Mages (and Chaos Sorcerers) consisting of several new and modified spells.
- New spells and a HLA for Chaos Sorcerers.
- Several Wild Surge modifications for Chaos Sorcerers.
See the first two posts for detailed kit and spell descriptions.Starting a run with the CS now. Using Spell revisions which does seem to be fine with the class as you mentioned.
It seemed to be a normal install, no errors.
You can fix it yourself with NI or DLTCEP. Search for the spell "Nahal's Reckless Dweomer" (in my game it was renamed to SPWI125.SPL) and enable all bits of Exclusion Flags that are related to mages (i.e. bits 6 to 14).
Edit: In DLTCEP it's "School exclusion: 0x7fc0-Wildmagic".
I am guessing it should not really cause a problem other than showing up as a spell to cast, and loosing one spell at selection at the beginning.
I'll just RP it as my failed attempt at using the regular ol weave that Gorion tried to force on me instead of the good ol chaos plane
Will post any other issues I come across, hopefully this will be it though.
EDIT: Would be nice if we had a little hotfix to apply to SR15 for everyone using that with your CS mod. Not sure if that would be possible for someone to do or not though.
EDIT 2: Ha, an easy solution even I could do. EEKeepered the NRD out and added another spell of my choice in its place. All fixed.
Should show up as a plain colored number as the rest,as would a tome increase or other kits I have seen that change stats I am thinking. Just looks strange.
Tested something: Any change in EEK to dex will then show it as one point higher on the character screen.
Could the coding for the increase be off in some way?
Other than that the ST bonus to spells is working fine , as is everything else so far.
New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v1.1