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[MOD] The Chaos Sorcerer: A Wild Magic Kit for Sorcerers



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    mled wrote: »
    Hi @argent77 I'm trying to use this mod. I tried mixing it with a multikit builder (m7multikit), it hasn't seen much maintenance recently but it seems to still work in most exepriments I did.
    There's one thing that doesn't really work though. I tried to build a fighter/entropist, and that's ok until I also have Chaos Sorceror installed. then the character just doesn't have acces to NRD anymore (not in the spell selection at char creation, not in the spell list of the character afterwards).
    Is it as designed?

    The Chaos Sorcerer mod "unhardcodes" the NRD spell, so that it can be replaced by the "Chaotic Weave" spell. It is compatible with the regular Wild Mage kit as well as single class kits which are based on the Wild Mage.

    I have no experience with the multikit builder, but my guess is that true multiclass kits are hardcoded to use the original kit-specific spells. I don't think that can be fixed from my side.

    Fixing the issue on your side requires a bit of work though:
    1. Open Near Infinity and select the resource "SPELL.IDS". Or look for the file in the override folder and open it in a text editor.
    2. Search for an entry called "WIZARD_NAHALS_RECKLESS_DWEOMER". It should be preceded by a number (e.g. 2126). Scratch the first digit and add he rest to the string "SPWI", e.g. "SPWI126".
    3. Start the game and open the debug console. Enter the following line and execute it while the mouse cursor is placed over the party member (portrait or selection circle) who should receive the spell:
    (adapt the number as instructed above)
  • mledmled Member Posts: 50
    > I have no experience with the multikit builder, but my guess is that true multiclass kits are hardcoded to use the original kit-specific spells. I don't think that can be fixed from my side.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean correctly. But I suspect you know what you're talking about.
    When I test a kit creation like (any kit of fighter)/entropist or (any kit of cleric)/entropist I seen the character has access to NRD, but not when I add the Chaos Sorcerer mod.

    > [snip instructions]
    Will try, thanks!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    mled wrote: »
    > I have no experience with the multikit builder, but my guess is that true multiclass kits are hardcoded to use the original kit-specific spells. I don't think that can be fixed from my side.

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean correctly. But I suspect you know what you're talking about.
    When I test a kit creation like (any kit of fighter)/entropist or (any kit of cleric)/entropist I seen the character has access to NRD, but not when I add the Chaos Sorcerer mod.

    True multiclass kits, just as those installed by the multiclass builder, are handled differently by the game engine. The engine disregards special abilities and features defined for single-class kits and have to be reproduced manually by the multiclass builder. This also includes the availability of the NRD spell which is modified by the Chaos Sorcerer kit to make the "Chaotic Weave" spell possible.

    You didn't specifically mention the installation order of both mods. It might work if you install the Chaos Sorcerer kit *before* the multiclass builder, so that the multiclass builder can pick up the changes made by the Chaos Sorcerer kit.
  • mledmled Member Posts: 50
    I installed in in this order, following (CS then m7multikit).
    Well anyway that was mostly experiments, i probably won't go for anything that exotic anyway.
  • deratiseurderatiseur Member Posts: 266
    edited April 2022
    I come to report a bug with this kit. I assigned it to Keto with lvl1npcs. When she had access to level 6 spells, it went wrong: after each rest, I couldn't click on her without the game frizzing. Saving the game after resting, opening it in EEKeeper and saving it "just edited" fixed the problem but gave Keto 255 level 6 spells and 3 level 4 and 5 spells.....

    I definitely "fixed" this problem by removing all effects #42 (wizard spells slot modifier) affecting Keto.

    If the kit must have just 1 less spell per level, one #42 effect calibrated to -1 spell of level 511 is enough.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    deratiseur wrote: »
    I come to report a bug with this kit. I assigned it to Keto with lvl1npcs. When she had access to level 6 spells, it went wrong: after each rest, I couldn't click on her without the game frizzing. Saving the game after resting, opening it in EEKeeper and saving it "just edited" fixed the problem but gave Keto 255 level 6 spells and 3 level 4 and 5 spells.....

    I definitely "fixed" this problem by removing all effects #42 (wizard spells slot modifier) affecting Keto.

    If the kit must have just 1 less spell per level, one #42 effect calibrated to -1 spell of level 511 is enough.

    Thanks for the report.

    The issue might crop up if another mod reduced the number of spells gained per level in MXSPLSRC.2DA. In your specific case it probably reduced the initial number of level 6 spells to a value less than 3.

    Did you install any such mods, and can you show me the content of MXSPLSRC.2DA?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    argent77 wrote: »
    Did you install any such mods, and can you show me the content of MXSPLSRC.2DA?

    Nvm, I was able to work around the issue. It'll be fixed in the next release.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.7

    • Fixed a compatibility issue with the "Tome and Blood" mod
    • Fixed a potential overflow of spell slots
    • Updated readme with DLC Merger information and additional compatibility notes
    • Added component labels for Project Infinity
    • Internal optimizations and improvements
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited October 2022
    Just digging into the mod which looks impressive (in my opinion). I will do some testing. Anyway, after reading the readme and the forum discussion, i have been feeling that a Chaos Spell Evasion skill* would fit very well with the Chaos Sorcerer.

    * Like the one from IWDification or Scale & Balance.

    I can install the mod manually. But there is a problem with Project Infinity : the component 0 - "Chaos Sorcerer" kit can be selected in PI but it won't appear when clicking Set Install Sequence It was a PI issue corrected by detecting mods again in PI.

    Post edited by Mordekaie on
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Does the component "Fix Wild Mage Items and Spells" form Klatu is compatible (or even relevant) with the Chaos sorcerer ?

    2040 - Fix Wild Mage Items and Spells
    - Some wild mage items and spells, especially in heavily modded games, can be implemented incorrectly. They don't grant a bonus to wild surge rolls, but instead limit them to a specific value. This component ensures that all known wild mage items and spells function as expected.

    Nb : i don't even know if this componant is outdated or not ? (especcialy with IR or SR).
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I too am curious how klatu's tweak interacts with Chaos Sor.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    Does the component "Fix Wild Mage Items and Spells" form Klatu is compatible (or even relevant) with the Chaos sorcerer ?

    I've never used that component before, but from a look at the code it doesn't appear to affect any spells or items from the Chaos Sorcerer mod.
    In any case, Klatu's component just changes the Wild Surge bonus of selected items and spells from a flat value to a cumulative value, so that you can enjoy the combined bonus of multiple items and spells instead of just one.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    Does anyone know where the Chaos Sorcerer item for BG2 SOA is? I am just about to head to the Underdark and do not want to miss it...I completed all the quests throughout the world prior to the Underdark and never found it...(pretty sure I checked just about every nook and cranny too!)
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Vicen wrote: »
    Does anyone know where the Chaos Sorcerer item for BG2 SOA is? I am just about to head to the Underdark and do not want to miss it...I completed all the quests throughout the world prior to the Underdark and never found it...(pretty sure I checked just about every nook and cranny too!)

    You'll find it eventually when you advance the main plot further and continue to complete side quests along the way.

    More details in the spoiler:
    It can be found in the Underdark when you complete the side quest to find the missing son of the Svirvneblin blacksmith. That quest can be done in chapter 5. But you can always return to the Underdark later in chapter 6 or 7 (up to a certain point) to complete it.
  • VicenVicen Member Posts: 36
    argent77 wrote: »
    Vicen wrote: »
    Does anyone know where the Chaos Sorcerer item for BG2 SOA is? I am just about to head to the Underdark and do not want to miss it...I completed all the quests throughout the world prior to the Underdark and never found it...(pretty sure I checked just about every nook and cranny too!)

    You'll find it eventually when you advance the main plot further and continue to complete side quests along the way.

    More details in the spoiler:
    It can be found in the Underdark when you complete the side quest to find the missing son of the Svirvneblin blacksmith. That quest can be done in chapter 5. But you can always return to the Underdark later in chapter 6 or 7 (up to a certain point) to complete it.

    Tyvm! I was mostly asking to confirm I had not missed it in some obscure or one time visit area like the Planar Prison, Brynlaw, Spellhold, etc.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.8

    • Added new level 9 spell "Stabilize" to the Chaos Sorcerer kit and spell scrolls for Wild Mages
    • Fixed symbolic spell name references in combat scripts
    • Switched to ADD_KIT_EX internally for installing the kit
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.9

    • Updated French translation (thanks JohnBob)
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Am I wrong thinking that this kit is still based around the reload mechanic (as the wild mage)?

    Also, can I use the spells added by wild mage additions ?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    Am I wrong thinking that this kit is still based around the reload mechanic (as the wild mage)?
    What do you mean with "reload mechanic"? The kit inherits many characteristics of the Wild Mage kit, so it will behave similarly in many respects.
    Also, can I use the spells added by wild mage additions ?
    I've never tried that mod yet. It depends on how these spells are implemented. Technically, Wild Mage spells should be usable by Chaos Sorcerers.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194

    I tried to use this mod in conjunction with 5E casting, playing as a Wild Mage (Because I still Like the Class) but Nahal's Reckless Dweomer didn't appear for me to cast while Disruptive Surge and Surge Control did.

    I read through the readme of 5E Spellcasting and it said that for spells to be Compatible they need to have a scroll available for the Mod to read.

    Disruptive Surge appears because it obviously has a spellscroll and Surge control Appears because you used it to replace NRDs original Spl file which (subtledoctor made to appear even though it doesn't have a scroll)

    So I don't know if you could make it, so that there is a Scroll for NRD.
    It doesn't have to appear in any store mind you, it just has to be there in the Override so it can be read by the 5E Mod.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited May 2024
    I tried to use this mod in conjunction with 5E casting, playing as a Wild Mage (Because I still Like the Class) but Nahal's Reckless Dweomer didn't appear for me to cast while Disruptive Surge and Surge Control did.

    I read through the readme of 5E Spellcasting and it said that for spells to be Compatible they need to have a scroll available for the Mod to read.

    Disruptive Surge appears because it obviously has a spellscroll and Surge control Appears because you used it to replace NRDs original Spl file which (subtledoctor made to appear even though it doesn't have a scroll)

    So I don't know if you could make it, so that there is a Scroll for NRD.
    It doesn't have to appear in any store mind you, it just has to be there in the Override so it can be read by the 5E Mod.

    I'd suggest to report this on the discussion forum of the 5e Spellcasting mod first since it would be better for general mod compatibility to fix this bug (or design flaw) directly at the source. Otherwise, similar workarounds may have to be added to other mods to make them compatible with 5e or other mods that alter the fundamental game mechanic.

    As a quick fix I have attached the NRD scrolls for BGEE and BG2EE/EET. Just remove the suffix ("-bgee" or "-bg2ee") from the filenames and place them into the override folder.

    Edit: Scrolls in attached zip file updated with correct icons and adjusted to reference SPWI127 for NRD.
    Post edited by argent77 on
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @argent77 Thanks you, though it didn't work as the scroll is linked to Surge Control SPW124 which you replaceed NRD originally being SpW124.

    He left a fix but it's for moders not really for Normal people like me l, I guess because people are making new mods all the time, with new spells and he can't accommodate them all.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    @argent77 Thanks you, though it didn't work as the scroll is linked to Surge Control SPW124 which you replaceed NRD originally being SpW124.
    The problem is that the spell slot for NRD is determined dynamically by the mod installation. You could open NI and find out the actual resource name of NRD and adjust the spell references in the spell scroll. Or if you tell me the spell name of NRD in your installation then I can adjust it in the attached zip file above.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    Okay I got SPWI127 for NRD
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Okay I got SPWI127 for NRD
    Thanks. Attached zip in my previous comment has been updated.
  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 194
    @argent77 Thank you, it works now.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    New version: Chaos Sorcerer Kit v2.10

    • Added compatibility with SubtleDoctor's 5e Spellcasting mod
    • Fixed usability flags of the "Stabilize" spell scroll
  • UlkeshUlkesh Member Posts: 282
    Any plan of adding more spells to the chaos sorcerer, that you would be able to get if you were to be playing the tabletop experience?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Ulkesh wrote: »
    Any plan of adding more spells to the chaos sorcerer, that you would be able to get if you were to be playing the tabletop experience?

    I think the Chaos Sorcerer kit is already very powerful with the current number of kit-specific spells available (maybe even overpowered if you abuse the autopause glitch of the game engine). I won't rule out more spell additions in the future, but they have to fit into the kit without making it even more powerful.
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