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Persistent BG habits



  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    In BG2 I buy every single Greater Restoration Scroll I come across, even if it will leave me completely broke. My cleric or druid (usually Jaheira) will always have Negative Plane Protection prepared.
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201

    In BG2 I buy every single Greater Restoration Scroll I come across, even if it will leave me completely broke. My cleric or druid (usually Jaheira) will always have Negative Plane Protection prepared.

    not an unsound practice. I often have both Anomen and Jaheira, and neg. plane prot. is vital in certain areas. But I never thought of buying rest. scrolls. Anomen can usually handle it.

    As for BG1....I have a habit of running the standard party - Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, Dynaheir. Looking forward to trying some different groups with EE.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    I always go to Windspear Hills as soon as possible and use exploit to kill firkraag, because I can't wait to have Carsomyr. And I do that even when I say to myself that I won't do it this time. Can't be helped.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I impulsively hit the quicksave button like every two minutes.

    Only every 2 minutes? I probably quick-save every 15 seconds, not even exaggerating. I have a fast machine so it literally takes 1 second though, that could be part of why I'm so crazy.
  • GloktaGlokta Member Posts: 97
    edited November 2012
    Even my paladin walks into houses and steal anything that aint nailed to the floor..
    A wild fetish to explore as much of the map as possible even if i know its nothing up there

    thats my usual suspects;)

    edit: never a good alignment party without Minsc and Boo!!
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited November 2012
    I guess there's the tactical metagaming aspect of acquiring certain items as soon as possible... For example, in my first BG:EE game I'll be playing a multi Fighter-Mage, and therefore I will want both Rings of Wizardry and the Amulet of Metaspell Influence, ASAP. But that's not an OCD thing. It's a tactical decision as a player (borne of meta-knowledge).
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    There is no such thing as ocd.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited November 2012
    And the deh Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. ;P
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    Lemernis said:

    And the deh Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. ;P

    I thought "d" in ocd is for disorder. After reading these posts... it sounds pretty ordinary for me. I give credit for the psycologists creativity though. Inventing new illnesses can be hard.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    It's real enough when severe. There are people who literally can't function because of it when it's bad, eg, with rituals.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Lemernis said:

    I guess there's the tactical metagaming aspect of acquiring certain items as soon as possible... For example, in my first BG:EE game I'll be playing a multi Fighter-Mage, and therefore I will want both Rings of Wizardry and the Amulet of Metaspell Influence, ASAP. But that's not an OCD thing. It's a tactical decision as a player (borne of meta-knowledge).

    I thought the second ring of wizardry was removed from BG long ago?
  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Nah, one is found early on and one's in the possession of the mage Sunin in BG.
  • ankhegankheg Member Posts: 546
    Why would they remove it?
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    decado said:

    Delvarian said:

    Jalily said:

    I always clear away as much of the black fog as possible by walking around, even when I know there's nothing there.

    I do this as well, and I find myself getting upset about the bits of fog I can't reach, as if I'm missing something. :-/
    The spell Clairvoyance is your friend then if you don't want to cheat to remove the fog.

    Thanks! I'm off to cast clairvoyance!
  • SofaJockeySofaJockey Member Posts: 7
    Delvarian said:

    decado said:

    Delvarian said:

    Jalily said:

    I always clear away as much of the black fog as possible by walking around, even when I know there's nothing there.

    I do this as well, and I find myself getting upset about the bits of fog I can't reach, as if I'm missing something. :-/
    The spell Clairvoyance is your friend then if you don't want to cheat to remove the fog.

    Thanks! I'm off to cast clairvoyance!
    I'd forgotten Clairvoyance...
    After 14 years this will almost be like playing a new game, but with nostalgia...

  • CalmarCalmar Member Posts: 688
    I hoard every unique magic item I find. I usually pick a house as 'my own' and store my treasure in a container.
  • WolkWolk Member Posts: 279
    i always let khalid and jaheira fight with xsar and monty, unfortunately, the winner always finds himself with a dagger in the back.
  • RomulanPaladinRomulanPaladin Member Posts: 188

    I impulsively hit the quicksave button like every two minutes.

    And sometimes I can't fully remember if I hit it already... guess I should hit it again!
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    ...Also, I've never done a BG1 playthrough without Xan in my party. I've tried to leave him behind, or ignore him and not rescue him from the mines, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    edited November 2012

    In BG2 I buy every single Greater Restoration Scroll I come across, even if it will leave me completely broke. My cleric or druid (usually Jaheira) will always have Negative Plane Protection prepared.

    not an unsound practice. I often have both Anomen and Jaheira, and neg. plane prot. is vital in certain areas. But I never thought of buying rest. scrolls. Anomen can usually handle it.

    As for BG1....I have a habit of running the standard party - Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc, Dynaheir. Looking forward to trying some different groups with EE.
    Well, maybe it's just going a bit too far when Jaheira ends the game with around 25 restoration scrolls in her inventory.

    I just realized, one habit of mine is that Imoen is *always* in the party. Even if I'm doing an evil playthrough, since she'll never leave you. Statistically, she's also has some of the best stats, and you get her right at the begining of the game. I just wish her carrying capacity wasn't so low!

    In BG2 it would just be cruel to leave her in Spellhold... or anyone for that matter. That's why I usually bring Yoshimo along. So I have an extra slot to take Imoen without leaving someone behind,
  • Dalis918Dalis918 Member Posts: 37
    edited November 2012
    for BG 2 I always have Minsc, Jahera, Imoen/ Yoshimo, (love interest character or Jan) and take and drop every other party member once I've done their personal quests Then in ToB take Sarevok. I also plan out which character I intend to have as the love interest (insert various npc mods) before I actually start the play through.

    Oh and I also always (since discovering it) make the mace of disruption +2 and soon as I have it go and say hello to Gaxx ^_^
  • GSMGSM Member Posts: 34

    Tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab... Tab... Tab tab tab. Click. Click click. Wait for new area...

    Tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab quicksave.

    Tab tabtabtabtabtabtab tabby tab tab.

    I like to find everything.

    Just like me. ';
  • ForseForse Member Posts: 106
    ankheg said:

    Lemernis said:

    And the deh Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. ;P

    I thought "d" in ocd is for disorder. After reading these posts... it sounds pretty ordinary for me. I give credit for the psycologists creativity though. Inventing new illnesses can be hard.
    What does this thread and its posts have to do with the existence of OCD? This kind of mentality really gets tiresome. Statistics show that at least 1 % of the population has OCD. What next, cancer is a myth?
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    I suffer from industrial strength kleptomania in bg.
    Also I clean every map of items/enemies/fog of war like a plague of locusts.
    In terms of OCD, I must hand in every single scalp to officer vai. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I always end certain conversations in the same manner:

    To Centeol:
    "Why are you so fat?"

    To Prat:
    "You really are a prat aren't you?"

    To Drasus:
    "Always kill the mouthy one first. That's what I always say"

  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    Every single one of my Bhaalspawn take one look at the lower levels of Durlag's Tower and go ".....No."
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited November 2012
    Forse said:

    ankheg said:

    Lemernis said:

    And the deh Nile ain't just a river in Egypt. ;P

    I thought "d" in ocd is for disorder. After reading these posts... it sounds pretty ordinary for me. I give credit for the psycologists creativity though. Inventing new illnesses can be hard.
    What does this thread and its posts have to do with the existence of OCD? This kind of mentality really gets tiresome. Statistics show that at least 1 % of the population has OCD. What next, cancer is a myth?
    I'm sorry, it was my fault. I wrote "It could be obsessive compulsive behaviour or well-founded choices (though part of my diagnose is not OCD nor do I believe in free will, but your mileage my vary), share what's your persistent habits!"

    It was a bit tongue-in-cheek comment, while it may also be true that an obsessive compulsive disorder displays itself in the way people suffering from it play BG, but I want to state:

    I acknowledge:
    - Obsessive compulsive disorder is a serious disease and can be just as debilitating as depression, schizofrenia or any other psychiatric disorder.
    - It's not fun suffering from OCD, and me talking about it in a kind of humorous way was edgy. Maybe I shouldn't have done it.
    - There's a big difference between persistent and compulsive behaviour while playing a game and suffering from a real compulsive disorder, like there's a big difference between feeling down sometimes and suffering from a real depression.

    I didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings, it's just that suffering from a psychiatric disorder myself (though not OCD), I allow myself a black humour about psychiatric diseases to liften the burden of life somewhat, but maybe I should stick to my own and maybe make fun only of depressions and schizo-affective disorders?

    I'm sorry if anybody did feel hurt because of this topic.

  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I think the point about what is normal when it comes to repetitive behavior is very well taken, though. People who show some of that and it doesn't result in any significant impairment are within the distribution of the bell curve that defines "normal." It's when OCD symptoms are relatively severe and resulting in substantial impairment to functioning that it gets diagnosed as a disorder. It has to meet certain diagnostic criteria, etc. Anyway, there's a lot of behavior that we all normally do repetitively, and it doesn't mean that we have the disorder.
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