Persistent BG habits

(just to have something to talk about while waiting for the release): I've been wanting to start this topic for a while and seeing other topics drift off to silliness for what I see as a sign of mixed boredom and nervousness for us beign close to the releasedate without new trailers, screenshots or info to talk about, I offer this to discuss:
Are there things in BG you always do, no matter what party you pick or character you choose?
It could be obsessive compulsive behaviour or well-founded choices (though part of my diagnose is not OCD nor do I believe in free will, but your mileage my vary),
share what's your persistent habits!
I got these:
- I always keep all of the quest items, even after the quests are completed. Once my inventory gets too full of books, letters, special items that only have a one-time function, I stash them all in one place, the same for every walkthrough I do: in BG I store them all in the wizard Zhurlong's tent, in BG II in the container just outside the left entrance of the copper coronet (after the Sphere has arrived so the map won't change anymore).
- I am very compulsive in always going for the best result in a fight. I suffer from chronic reloading. If a fight turns out bad, I reload for a better result. What I especially don't like, is one of my characters falling in battle. I know I can resurrect them, but sorting out the inventories of the remaining characters to create place for the dropped items, carrying it to a temple and then re-equipping the fallen character I find more of a hassle than reloading the fight.
Are there things in BG you always do, no matter what party you pick or character you choose?
It could be obsessive compulsive behaviour or well-founded choices (though part of my diagnose is not OCD nor do I believe in free will, but your mileage my vary),
share what's your persistent habits!
I got these:
- I always keep all of the quest items, even after the quests are completed. Once my inventory gets too full of books, letters, special items that only have a one-time function, I stash them all in one place, the same for every walkthrough I do: in BG I store them all in the wizard Zhurlong's tent, in BG II in the container just outside the left entrance of the copper coronet (after the Sphere has arrived so the map won't change anymore).
- I am very compulsive in always going for the best result in a fight. I suffer from chronic reloading. If a fight turns out bad, I reload for a better result. What I especially don't like, is one of my characters falling in battle. I know I can resurrect them, but sorting out the inventories of the remaining characters to create place for the dropped items, carrying it to a temple and then re-equipping the fallen character I find more of a hassle than reloading the fight.
I very rarely play with thieves or bards in my party.
I usually play an evil party and my reputation is rarely higher than 6. If anyone rubs my characters the wrong way they usually die. Especially if they're trying to do something unpleasant to Viconia. For example, I routinely send a fireball into the crowd who want to burn her at the stake in BG2 and also kill the barmaid in Waukeen's Promenade who refuses to serve Viconia.
I stockpile very large numbers of healing potions and go most of the game without using them and then end up using all or most of them in a few really epic battles.
I usually confront my opponents directly and out in the open and don't use stealth. It seems more 'honorable' that way.
I load everytime I get level-drained.
Tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab tab quicksave.
Tab tabtabtabtabtabtab tabby tab tab.
I like to find everything.
Alas, the new Bioware-boards don't have as good a search function as the old Bioware boards, making me not wanting to go into the hassle of looking for it. It might have even been on the old Bioware boards I've read it, in which case it's completely lost: is in my bookmarks under the name of 'BioWare Forums: Hitpoints at level up'.
Out of sadness, despair, nostalgia and vain hope I never deleted those old bookmarks, even though they point nowhere but a general Bioware page that's totally devoid of links to Baldur's Gate. Oh sadness, oh despair, oh longing for times lost...
Another thing that I do is that even if the quiver is even one arrow short of being full, I have to fill it to maximum from the lower inventory bars.
I try to complete the game in as few "in game days" as possible, so minimal rest, try to figure out the most efficient travel, etc.
That seems to have what you were looking for.
I always sell stuff to the some person (usually chapter 6 Ribald's special shop. I always store my loot in the same spot (top floor of Watchers keep, room next to the door with a bunch of containers. I often spawn a copy of Ribald and the shadow thief merchant there to save time selling things.
I usually take Khalid and Jaheira through the Nashkel mines, then typically drop them.
I always use the Borland's house in Beregost as home base in BG1. (I'll store quest items there, as if I were really there I'd figure one never knows what future value they might have.)
It's been a long time now since I played, but I think I got in the habit of clearing fog of war with a cheat key...
With BG1's engine, I could charm Bjornin and lure him to a secluded portion of the bar, then kill him without anyone else noticing.
I don't know if I'll be able to do that with the BG:EE engine (I think all chars in the room will turn hostile, even if not in your line of sight).