Manual of Bodily Health

I'm enjoying playing BG EE; it has probably been about 15 years since I last played through the game so as I approach Chapter 6 and my characters are getting better loot I'm having to seriously consider how I want to plan their progression as the next expansion looms. I've just found the Manual of Bodily Health and I can't decide how best to use it. My protagonist is a Human Berserker 6 I've dual classed to Cleric (level 6 at the moment), and his CON is 18 for the maximum HP bonus. If I use the Manual on him it will increase to 19 but how useful is it to have another 6 HP when even the dubious boon of regeneration doesn't begin until CON 20? The rest of my party consists of Yeslick (Con 17), Branwen (Con 15), Imoen (Con 16), Baeloth (Con16) and Neera (Con 14). Neera has the lowest HP total at 24. I understand there is some gear that can raise CON to level 18, similar to The Brawling Hands which I've given to Yeslick to raise his DEX to 18. I'm leaning towards using the Manual on Neera, since doing so will strengthen my weakest character. Although she has a plethora of useful defensive spells like Mirror Image and Minor Spell Deflection, there's always the chance that her self buff spells will go awry due to the Wild Magic table. I'd welcome any thoughts on how best to make use of the Manual; I know there aren't many of these in the game and I don't want to misuse it. Thanks

Branwen will get +1 HP per level, which amounts to +8 at most since she won't continue after BG1.
Imoen will get nothing.
Baeloth will get nothing.
Neera will get +1 HP per level, which amounts to +10 at most if you take her into SoD (or just 8, if it doesn't transfer).
So, you can give 6 HP to your main character, 8 to Branwen, or 8 or 10 to Neera.
There will also be a couple NPCs that won't go from BG into SoD, I'm not sure about the modifications though. They should carry over since it's an expansion and not a different game, but I'd rather someone else confirmed that.
Mind you that there's also only a handful of items that transfer from BG/SoD into BG2. I know there's a list of those somewhere but I can't seem to find it right now.