Good setup for BG EET

Anybody have a good selection of mods they use with the EET mod? I don't want to screw up my install but I want a nice somewhat large selection. Basically a list of mods you use.
Your choice of *good* may not be the same as mine.
I 've taken all mods that add contents (except for some known bugged ones) as you can decide any time during game what options or quests you chose and which NPCs you take along.
As for rule/tweaks etc, SCS makes EET a pretty good experience throughout, all parts of the game are challenging but not overpowered and it grows along with you. The rest of those spells and tweak mods are personal taste stuff. Just mind that whatever you select stays with you for a long, long game.
For a large selection it may be good to use BWS. You can select those mods there and the tool will ensure that you have no game breaking conflicts and that you use the right install order.
I used BWS almost fully, means I made the install pause at two points 1) once to add manually mods that were not yet supported at that time 2) Prior to SCS - I installed SCS manually for the components I selected. (SCS v30 BWP fix + K4thos' EET compatibility) Afterwards I un-paused BWS and let it do the rest of the installation. I had no problem at all with that install method and I really did a very big install.
Only some few mods are installed on BGEE, see first part of the mod list here,
Everything else goes after EET and is installed on the BG2EE.