It's too bad we don't have a Ravenloft Infinity Engine game

October is making me want some Ravenloft, but the Dreamforge games aren't holding my attention and the NWN persistent world got on my nerves. I wish we had an Infinity Engine Ravenloft!
Ravenloft is superior, but would need really good writing to be properly disturbing and avoid being generic with hammer-themed monsters like the earlier Ravenloft games, or simply de-powering the protagonist relative to the monsters like the survival-horror genre.
I woukd rather see the Dark Sun setting revived. It's different enough to the standard setting to be interesting, whilst not being so different as to not feel like D&D, and environmental-apocalypse and dystopias are currently popular themes.
But more than that I would like to see an original IP space opera infinity-engine type game.
No, seriously. IE and Unity had its moments, but having each and every single upcoming D&D(or D&D look-alike) game use the same look-alike-engines until the end of the world would be a sure way for me to loose all interest in the franchises.
But then again, I could had as well posted this in the unpopular opinion thread for being in the minority here.
Yes this. All the this.
But the main thing that is missing is the normal world. Lovecraft (as I see it) is more about ancient, maddening things buried deep within the Earth, while humanity is blissfully unaware of how fragile their civilization is. In Ravenloft the darkness is already on the surface.
But wouldn't a lovecraftian RPG make the whole universe distopian?
The problem with CofC rpg, is it's a lot less combat-focused than D&D, giving it a narrower appeal. It's all very well being sophisticated, but sooner or later I want to break out and kick some slimy tenticled butt!
But Lovecraft's stuff is basically science fiction. No reason not to combine it with space opera.
Sure, the Universe/Cosmos as a whole might be a depressing place, but since the horror is mostly forgotten/buried deep, you could still have a pretty normal society on top of it.
Usually, the goal would be to preserve the world as we know it... at least for some more time (some time on a cosmic scale could be pretty long).
And while Lovecraft might have some Sci-Fi elements, it is not the same, as humanity is still humanity as we know it, without any strange tech. Besides, there are many parts of the Mythos which are not Sci-Fi related.
A King in Yellow RPG starting in the normal world with the finale being in Carcosa would be an interesting option (even if King in Yellow is not strictly Lovecraft, just became part of the Mythos), and would not need to have any Sci-Fi elements.
-Not H. P. Lovecraft
The Pathfinder Dark Suns campaign path is directly based on The King in Yellow, adapting that could combine Lovecraft with more combat oriented gameplay.
And if I see one more game about Things With Tentacles, I'm going to vomit. Developers haven't even read Lovecraft, it seems, just heard of him. Now lord Dunsany, perhaps... But who can make a game off real books, anyway? It's easily rippable tropes that they are after.
I definitely agree Dragonlance would be awesome though. But given it is an unsupported IP at this time, Ravenloft is a better candidate for a new game.
(Dragons of Dispair is a nicely designed module, I love the sidways sunken city, but the characters are soppier than Twighlight.)