Swashbuckler AC monster..?

So I've been teasing myself with this weird idea..
We all know a fighter in full plate and shield will at one point be unable to get high enough AC to be able to depend on it to keep him safe.
But what about a Swashbuckler using UAI to equip full plate, shield and all them fancy trinkets?
Gaxx, earth control ring, balduran helmet.. and some necklace.
Should be able to see AC to -25 or so by max lvl?
We all know a fighter in full plate and shield will at one point be unable to get high enough AC to be able to depend on it to keep him safe.
But what about a Swashbuckler using UAI to equip full plate, shield and all them fancy trinkets?
Gaxx, earth control ring, balduran helmet.. and some necklace.
Should be able to see AC to -25 or so by max lvl?
Swashbucklers get +9 AC by level 40 because they start with +1 AC at level 1 in addition to the bonuses they get every 5 levels.
You can get +5 AC bonus from having 21 Dexterity by starting with an elf or halfling with 19 Dexterity, getting the Dexterity manual in BG1 and the machine of Lum the Mad Dexterity boost in BG2. If you choose all the evil paths in hell, not only will you not lose Dexterity but you will also get a permanent +2 AC from one of the tears of Bhaal.
Instead of using nonmagical full plate, ring of protection +3 and ring of earth control, use Shruppak's plate, ring of Gaxx and ring of Earth Control. Whereas the former gives you AC -3, the latter gives you AC -5. In addition, if you wear Shruppak's plate you do not need to be an elf or a halfling to eventually get the 21 Dexterity.
These improvements are as such that you wouldn't need to use a shield. Instead, you could dual-wield and still get an amazing AC. Optimally, you would dual-wield Belm and the Scarlet Ninja-to, giving you a total of 4 attacks per round.
The character's resulting AC with my suggestions would be:
Shruppak's Plate -2 AC
Swashbuckler level 40 +9
Amulet of the Master Harper +3
Ring of Gaxx +2
Ring of Earth Control +1
Cloak of the Sewers +1
Helm of Balduran +1
Evil Hell Trial Reward +2
Dexterity +5
(Note: Effects which improve your AC visibly (causing the number on the inventory screen to decrease) cannot decrease AC past -20. There are two exceptions to this which can improve the visible AC past -20: Dexterity bonuses and Single Weapon Style bonuses. Because of these rules, the build above results in -25 AC rather than -26.
However, there are certain effects that can improve your AC without actually decreasing the number you see; these include Improved Invisibility, Protection from Evil, and AC bonuses against specific damage types. If the character above had Improved Invisibility and Protection from Evil on and had a Golden Girdle equipped, he or she would have -38 AC against slashing attacks from evil creatures.
This is always a struggle for me too, since I have played BG1 a lot more and I love stacking AC in BG1 to get essentially unhittable (except by Saravok).
It just seems to me that anything other than mages won't be able to touch the bastard.
Might have to give it a try, even if just for giggles..
That.. or just do an ultimate bhaalspawn run, remove lvl cap go solo f/m/t :P
100 Fire-
100 Cold-
100 Electricity-
80 Acid-
100 Magic-
80 Magic Fire-
80 Magic Cold-
100 Poison-resistance sound ?
thats my Shapeshifter druid in "Dreamgear" after Baal tears. only downside you have to re-equip the magic resistance items every time you shapeshift...
The vast majority of classes have alternatives to AC, so it's a case of tailoring items and spells to match encounter requirements. The game is pretty well designed, tough encounters throughout do a great job of mixing up the tactics and abilities that will result in a victory, you can certainly monster through a lot of them with a super-high AC character, but at times it will fall short.
Ask me next month, I'll have some definitive answers.
I am thinking to give a dwarf a go and focus on dualing daggers.
AC however can remain relevant even for late ToB.
AC can reach -20 without the dex bonus or the single weapon bonus. Dex can give you up to -6. Single weapon bonus can give you -2 but it comes with too many downsides offensive-wise to really be relevant. So let's say -26. On top of that you may add specific AC. The girdles give you -3, your plate armor gives you -4 against slashing, -3 against piercing/missile, no protection against crushing. With an adapted belt you're down to -32 effective AC. If you get down to that only bosses will be able to hit you, once in a while
The best way to make use of AC however is Soul Reaver +4, as it applies a stacking debuff to Thac0 that bypasses pretty much everything. A good but not necessarily toptier AC (Around -18-20) combined with Soul Reaver makes anyone unable to hit you within one round of Whirlwind. It's a very strong build but it's specific (Evil Two-Handed weapon wielder, fits)...
Besides this particular weapon however AC isn't the best way to protect yourself in ToB, and you'll be much better off stacking damage reduction over AC.
I'd say go with Scimitars so you can UAI for the Scarlet Ninja-to and Belm, and eventually the Scarlet Ninja-to with Spectra Brand. Also if you do run through BG1, you can get Drizzit's.
Here's Demogorgon's Stats from EEKeeper. His effective THAC0 without any weapon proficiency bonus is -15.
But with a dwarf, I like dagger of venom in BG1 and then the high APR throwing/melee daggers in BG2. This also lets me get a melee and ranged with one proficiency. Daggers are ok but not great until the strength tomb for a non-19 strength thief. I am thinking to go this way if I go with dwarf: dag** at lv 1, TWF* at lv 4 and 8. I could add scimitar or short sword at 12/16 in BG2 for Belm/Kundane and take the 3rd TWF at 20. With Boomerang and Belm/Kundane I can hit 4 APR already in early BG2.