Can Enrage (spcl321) and Rage (spcl152) prevent Stun?

Hello everyone,
There're some sources stating that Berserker Enrage (spcl321) and Barbarian Rage (spcl152) not granting immunity to Stun, but in both classic and EE in NI there're immunity to Power word stun and stun flags in them, so is there any bug on the flags or is the statement purely wrong?
There're some sources stating that Berserker Enrage (spcl321) and Barbarian Rage (spcl152) not granting immunity to Stun, but in both classic and EE in NI there're immunity to Power word stun and stun flags in them, so is there any bug on the flags or is the statement purely wrong?
but as far as i know, they work as intended in the EEs