Witch’s Wake

So, Witch’s Wake was a legendarily unfinished NWN premium module.
Are there any plans to work on Part 2 or add in a little more content for the to make it feel a little more "finished"?
Are there any plans to work on Part 2 or add in a little more content for the to make it feel a little more "finished"?
It was a little heartbreaking that after you finish it, the game popped up a helpful window asking if you wanted to begin part two..., even if it was never actually completed. I really wish I knew where the story intended on going.
Though, among other things he's been up to, he founded a small board game company in 2010: Famous Games Co. Cool!
I'd love to see a completion of the efforts of this module.
The fact that it is unfinished is a little bit of a bummer, but it still has a self-contained story, even if it sorta ends like The Empire Strikes Back. You just know the plot was about to continue going somewhere, but Part 2 never happened.
Hopefully WotC will be cool with it.
Beamdog holds the IP to Witch's Wake BUT since it isn't WotC IP (ie, set in the Forgotten Realms) they may not be able to get permission to continue it in NWN:EE.
A modder maybe able to continue the story if Beamdog can't/won't do it, but they may need Beamdog's blessing first.
It was also suppose to be 5 parts.