Linux version of the toolset?

So any chance the toolset will get a real Linux version? It's been forever since I looked into it, and I think on standard nwn it still needed wine and jumping through a lot of hoops to get the toolset to work.
OTOH, maybe I should just rewrite the damn thing in Java or Clojure or Gawk on Rails or whatever the kids are using today.
As was mentioned already, it would require quite extensive rebuilding to function in a reasonable level on Mac / Linux. If we do it, we want to do it right. However, as you stated above, resources are sadly not infinite.
I'm not in charge of the scheduling, so I can't tell you if it's on the board or off the board at the moment, I can however say that we're cognizant of the request and desire.
I get that with the limited resources a small company like beamdog has, a full rewrite isn't a possibility, but hopefully they can do something to help run it in wine.
So I somehow missed the original NWN right when it came out, but then they made a Linux client and it made all the Linux news sites. So I started thinking, I should check this game out, and that's how I got hooked on neverwinter nights. The Linux version of the game's been a mess for awhile (I think it might've gotten sorted more recently), so I'm looking forward to at least seeing the game running out of the box on modern Linux distros.
So, port to Linux or open source the existing Toolset (or a sufficient subset of it) and let us work on it.
wine is not something we're supporting right now. Fixing the breakage it sees now is a lot of detail work, filled with workarounds. We're still looking into other options (but that's all really - just looking), so we're not focusing on fixing something that's essentially a hack.
Unfortunately, that means the current/new toolset doesn't really run in wine. The 1.69 build runs okay-ish as some people report, but the new one is not usable. The obvious culprit is the graphics engine improvements.
If anything happens in this space, we'll make sure to shout it from the rooftops (or at least in the patchnotes).
NetBeans of all things is a really unlikely target though.
Maybe "port" was the wrong word. AFAICT the sticking point -is- the area editor but there are other pain points with the toolset, specifically the overuse of modality. Migrating the area editor and model viewers to a standard IDE would address many of those issues.
Yes I know it's a ton of work but if you're mucking with the 3d engine you're already in the thick of it anyway.
Please Look into this at some point. Help Linux so more people wont be forced to use windows for 90% of everything.
Cost/Profit ratios matter. This is a company after all.
Would be great to work on my PW on the morning commute.
So if we could get it on Linux then who knows
I'm just curious, you'd really use a tablet to try and create content on? I just can't picture doing stuff without a keyboard. I guess some of it might be OK, but I can't imagine trying to script on a touch screen being anything but sisyphean task. I'm not putting you down, just genuinely curious if you think you can really get by on a touch interface for content creation. If you can't tell, I'm a guy that insists on a mechanical keybaord and uses vim