Suggestions Thread: Art Assets (models, textures, images, sounds)

Hello folks, I'm Symphony.
In order to keep things collated, I'm starting category based suggestion/bug discussions. Please use your best judgement to find which discussion best suits your range of items!
This Suggestions Discussion is for Art Assets. These are the kinds of items considered to be "content" "custom content" "hak resources" made by graphic artists, designers, and modelers, for "modding" the game with Art Asset files placed in hak packages by content creators, the installation's .bif files by the game developers, or the override directories (including /portraits /music and others)
The kinds of file formats expected to be the targets of Art Asset Suggestions would be .tga .dds .mdl .wav .bmu .txi .gui, and a few others!
Feel free to post your suggestions below in a hopefully clean and concise manner, and if you have time, try to read the other suggestions so you don't duplicate any requests.
In order to keep things collated, I'm starting category based suggestion/bug discussions. Please use your best judgement to find which discussion best suits your range of items!
This Suggestions Discussion is for Art Assets. These are the kinds of items considered to be "content" "custom content" "hak resources" made by graphic artists, designers, and modelers, for "modding" the game with Art Asset files placed in hak packages by content creators, the installation's .bif files by the game developers, or the override directories (including /portraits /music and others)
The kinds of file formats expected to be the targets of Art Asset Suggestions would be .tga .dds .mdl .wav .bmu .txi .gui, and a few others!
Feel free to post your suggestions below in a hopefully clean and concise manner, and if you have time, try to read the other suggestions so you don't duplicate any requests.
Equipment icons redone for higher resolutions and with an updated, less cartoony style.
New character portraits. We need new assets too to make the game feel fresh again and these are the easiest.
Modern 3D character models, environments and particle effects for any future expansions. Truly getting the graphics enhanced is what NWN needs to live on forever.
- Better textures for terrain (No need to remodel them or change the walkmesh).
- Better textures for amor and weapons.
- New models with normal hands, feet.
- Better heads and perhaps with the possibility to change hair styles.
- Helmets that let you see the character's head inside, instead of making the insides black.
- Retouch spells and effects, but do not make them overwhelming like in NWN2. In that game 2 buffs and a spell look like a cluster ffff.
- Give more style/color to the game's UI, everything is just a yellow square with black and a one color icon.
- Support for Gmax and Blender
i know my suggestion is very simple but ... please Beamdog create a new UI interface "optional or DLC" for NW:EE the original is veryyyy GDRless ....
Also, more realistic interiors (tiles based on 5'x5' instead of 10'x10'), for example.
Could we get guidance / docs on the shader system and technical limits?
Art creation tools,
In an ideal world I'd love to see the new art import tools embedded into or at least alongside the toolset rather than being separate export plugins for external programs - This would allow users to create across a huge range of packages ready for the toolset to hoover up whatever .fbx you throw at it.
If there were some way for the art tools to support NWN2, that would be absolutely magical.