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Suggestions Thread: Art Assets (models, textures, images, sounds)



  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226


    We need a fix for

    In the past there were speedtree conversions
    So the leaves of the trees were emitters instead of meshes, however the emitters pierce through fog
    So you see the foliage even if it should be covered by fog

    Could you Please help with this ?



    We need fix for

    So the engine could support multiple raise values for one terrain.
    This way we could have multiple raised edge tiles for the different raised heights.


  • AcaosAcaos Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2017
    This may not entirely be an art asset request, but:
    - Please add a `BODY_NODE_HEAD` constant and the ability to use it in EffectBeam(), so we can have beams emanating from the head node as well as from the hand or chest node.
    -- If the above is not easily possible, perhaps instead for the default PC races have the `monster0` node as a sub-node of the head node.

    - It would be amazing if it were possible to have environment mapping on emitters/VFX. There are a number of 'VFX helms' around which grant the ability to have open-faced helmets and hoods and so on which properly track the PC's head, but they look very flat and don't light properly.
    - There is an expanded palette out there which goes in the override and adds a bunch of additional colors and materials for equipment and so on. Would it be possible to roll this in to the base game?
    - It would be great to have a `scaleKey` added to the MDL format.
  • InflatableFriendInflatableFriend Member Posts: 57
    Add an additional bone/node to the head of skeletons (or whatever hierarchy NWN uses) to allow the attachment of hats/hair to that without replacing the main head node.
  • GearsOfMadnessGearsOfMadness Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2017
    This here is a bit of a bug / (possible?) feature that could be expanded upon. Though probably in a better way than I've resorted to doing below. Walking near either side of the bridge in the first screenshot,

    the character model raises off of the ground, though the engine reads the actual position of the player character as being on the z axis at the ground level, as far as I can tell through usage in my own projects pre-EE. It added some functionality in that using things like the placeable box show in the next screenshot.

    Just replace a weird square desert with some walls, with say, a higher ledge or something. The two diagnal lines going through the box correspond with invisible wall placeables placed on the ground to prevent movement, since the walls in the air are more visual.

    It lets the PC or NPC move to a higher plane, without changing tilesets. It also allows for standing at the edge of a cliff if using placeable based cliff edges, instead of tile based ones that ziggurat up. I think an easier way to do this though would be to make a walls/corridors only tileset and then add invisible walk mesh tiles or something down. Though the placeable method certainly allows one to break gridlines, which makes the game look less rigid.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    Promilus said:

    Tonden said:

    - Higher Polly counts for Tilesets, Creatures, NPC, and Player Character Models.

    This isn't going to happen. It's too expensive and will break compatibility with older mods.
    It is not so expensive plus more detailed character models won't break any compatibility unless mod uses own textures on vanilla models. You can still have vanilla models and made them more detailed using tessellation and mapping per request. Which might allow both vanilla style models, compatibility with some mods and optionally increasing model details using techniques.
    You know, I'm not the one you need to convince. I'm just passing along what Trent Oster has said on stream. Right now I assume they know what they're talking about, which leads me to assume that you're making some assumptions that probably do not apply.
  • SavagefoolSavagefool Member Posts: 3
    We need to push for that to change tbh, we need better poly counts cos this game is as far removed from a modern game as final fantasy sevens blocky fkin hands and head
  • KymusKymus Member Posts: 17
    Yehoyakin said:

    - Give more style/color to the game's UI, everything is just a yellow square with black and a one color icon.

    On the Beamdog livestream Trent had said that a UI update would be nice, but it will likely take a few years of work (but it sounds like something that they would like to see)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    edited November 2017
    I've asked already like, 4 times, but let me repeat it here:
    - greater support for custom audio content: please upgrade from BMU to OGG with loops
    - greater support for customised voicesets
    - actual tools for importing customised assets
    - FIX clipping issues please?
    Post edited by Dark_Ansem on
  • thryllkillthryllkill Member Posts: 10
    Are you guys going to change the books that say "Bioware" to say "Beamdog?"
  • PromilusPromilus Member Posts: 23

    Promilus said:

    Tonden said:

    - Higher Polly counts for Tilesets, Creatures, NPC, and Player Character Models.

    This isn't going to happen. It's too expensive and will break compatibility with older mods.
    It is not so expensive plus more detailed character models won't break any compatibility unless mod uses own textures on vanilla models. You can still have vanilla models and made them more detailed using tessellation and mapping per request. Which might allow both vanilla style models, compatibility with some mods and optionally increasing model details using techniques.
    You know, I'm not the one you need to convince. I'm just passing along what Trent Oster has said on stream. Right now I assume they know what they're talking about, which leads me to assume that you're making some assumptions that probably do not apply.
    I don't need to convince anyone. Those who at least have basic knowledge about 3D graphics generation already know what can or can't be done and how costly. Those who don't have such knowledge won't take my word for it. That's why in different topic I posted pics and vids. Right? Right. Believe in your own eyes.
  • FidelkovenFidelkoven Member Posts: 3
    Please include more graphical options, most importantly that we can disable the fog and extend the viewing distance. It would be a shame that the enhanced edition looks worse than the old game with mods.

    This is an older screenshot from the PW "Arelith" I made with the NWNShader (and NWNCQ) Mod enabled:

    If you only use the NWNShader as an inspiration and include or surpass some of the ideas into the game, it would make the game a whole lot prettier.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    Getting rid of the pronounced ramps and levels of the vanilla NWN and using more organic elevations and hills makes a massive difference in visual immersion. Which mod provides this and will it be part of EE?
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    Promilus said:

    Promilus said:

    Tonden said:

    - Higher Polly counts for Tilesets, Creatures, NPC, and Player Character Models.

    This isn't going to happen. It's too expensive and will break compatibility with older mods.
    It is not so expensive plus more detailed character models won't break any compatibility unless mod uses own textures on vanilla models. You can still have vanilla models and made them more detailed using tessellation and mapping per request. Which might allow both vanilla style models, compatibility with some mods and optionally increasing model details using techniques.
    You know, I'm not the one you need to convince. I'm just passing along what Trent Oster has said on stream. Right now I assume they know what they're talking about, which leads me to assume that you're making some assumptions that probably do not apply.
    I don't need to convince anyone. Those who at least have basic knowledge about 3D graphics generation already know what can or can't be done and how costly. Those who don't have such knowledge won't take my word for it. That's why in different topic I posted pics and vids. Right? Right. Believe in your own eyes.
    A few things:

    Pics and vids aren't proof. I mean, they're nice, but they aren't proof.

    I assume the people working on the game have a collective more-than-basic knowledge about 3D graphics generation as well as economics of scale and they say it's not affordable, so I'll take their word for it.

    What you're doing here is appealing to your own, possibly inappropriate, authority. Which is one reason I am taking a known quantity (Beamdog) at their word, and not an unknown (you).

    If you want the graphics upgraded you need to convince Beamdog. You're going about it very badly.
  • PromilusPromilus Member Posts: 23
    "What you're doing here is appealing to your own, possibly inappropriate, authority. Which is one reason I am taking a known quantity (Beamdog) at their word, and not an unknown (you)." They did not address the issue directly, all Trent said that graphics overhaul (which I did not propose AT ALL) would cost money similar to small nation GDP (that statement is also a big BS since one of the smallest countries like Liechtenstein has GDP scale of few billion USD). Now then if all your arguments are like "because Trent said so" there's no point of any discussion. Screens with Truform are made with Radeon 8500 and vanilla game with option Enable Truform=1 in nwn.ini, that's all it took! And if you are doubting those it means you're doubting exactly the company which created NWN in the first place. Now tell me more about "inappropriate" ...
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    edited November 2017
    Didn't you say in the other thread that the "small nation's GDP" was a figure of speech and not to be taken literally? Because now you're taking it literally. You did say that:
    Promilus said:

    The part with GDP is figure of speech, I don't suppose Trent has any real number in mind and even if he had he has no knowledge about GDP of small nations ... Iceland is a small nation (~400k ppl) and it's GDP for 2016 was 20 billion USD. So please stop repeating such nonsense, you take it literally while I just proved it to be wrong (on so many levels).

    Also, the only people taking it literally are the people who take issue with the comment. We all know it's a figure of speech, but the people who want graphics overhaul are the ones picking it apart - like you did in this thread and in the above quote - as if it were intended literally.

    And I said there's no point to discussion already - that's when you popped up with "I don't have to convince anyone!" Except you do, because the people who make the decisions already disagree with you.
  • EldrickEldrick Member Posts: 12
    As a player from the start and a custom content creator for the last 15 years, I would like to see the graphics updated going forward. At least to Witcher 1 standards.
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266
    Eldrick said:

    As a player from the start and a custom content creator for the last 15 years, I would like to see the graphics updated going forward. At least to Witcher 1 standards.

    We do not exaggerate, ok to have a more modern and elegant graphics but to have it Witcher 1 levels, it seems like asking too much.
  • JidokwonJidokwon Member Posts: 407
    I'd like to have an option of hiding helmets. I'd also like this option and the option of hiding cloaks to be character based somehow.
  • PromilusPromilus Member Posts: 23
    edited November 2017
    @BelleSorciere sure I did say that. And it was you who used that particular fragment of Trent's comment as a leverage in discussion (actually in many different threads ...) I simply had to try different approach since you seem to not understand that during live feed ppl usually try to make simple answers for complex questions due to time constraints.
    And no, my comment about "having to convince anyone" means I don't really care who agrees and who does not. Especially I don't really care about opinion of someone who doesn't really know a thing about computer generated graphics, available technologies and trends (but argues about them a lot). Keep in mind that during twitch session there was no direct "game engine can't do that", or "more detailed models WILL cause compatibility problem" or "techniques like parallax mapping are too expensive". Nothing like that at all! All they said is "there are too many resources to update, it's too expensive to make graphics overhaul". Now you use that as argument against introducing to EE techniques which either already existed or were introduced (in some mods!). Make a poll to see how many ppl would like to see graphics improvement and results will tell you (and Beamdog employees) more than I ever could.
  • EldrickEldrick Member Posts: 12
    Not saying it has to be that quality just asking early in the process ( never hurts). I'll be happy with what we end up with. I'm glad we already got performance enhancements. That will go a long way.
  • FidelkovenFidelkoven Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2017
    I guess this is supposed to be a suggestion thread instead of a discussion thread. So since we all know by now, that there will not be a graphic update, please give us the option to disable fog and expand the viewing distance as I mentioned above, especially so that you see people from farther away. That will be especially useful when the areas are going to be bigger with NWN:EE.

    Ok, something like an optional subdivision surface like „Truform“ would be nice too if it won‘t be too much work but the other ideas should be implemented more easily.
  • YehoyakinYehoyakin Member Posts: 15
    JFK said:

    1. Contract with Zwerkules to buy and use his content, AND to re-create the areas from the OC and Expansions using said (Medieval City, etc.).

    2. Contract with other CC creators to buy and use their creations, substituting the original content with the new content. Placeables, creatures, items, weapons, all of it.

    3. Voila! You have a graphics upgrade, at a small cost, utilizing a large team of developers, and everyone's happy.

    Yeah, I know.... I've enormously simplified the reality of it. Still, I could see how using Medieval City, for example, to re-do all the relevant areas of the OC, and using Zwerk's rural/mountain/other tilesets to re-do other areas of the OC, and etc., could result in an 'overhaul' of the look of the OC, which would be huge to new players.

    Likewise for creatures, placeables, etc.



    Also project Q already has most of the creature models updated, (maybe a couple animals left and Npcs) along with updates to tilesets too, I don't get why beamdog wouldn't use all high quality content that has already been created.
  • RandomPersonRandomPerson Member Posts: 5
    Please, please, please, replace the pelvis parts for male characters, they look like diapers... seriously, there there are only two good parts in the game unless you use haks. This alone would cause me to buy it even if there were nothing else added.

    Can the elf models be replaced with something that looks less like a half starved teenager? Or even just add a new character model to add as an alliterative to use. Personally when I think of elves I don't think of a tiny underfed human with pointed ears, I think of something like LOTR elves which are basically humans with pointed ears, better eye sight, more graceful, and generally better looking than humans. I realise that is asking a lot but I just thought I would ask

    I think that when you are using different attack modes (power attack, called shot etc.) it should change the animations used in combat, power attack should have wild, violent attacks, expertise should have more dodging and deflecting, called shot should have the character actually hit the part they were aiming for.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited November 2017


    Could you make it so we could have more then one kind of grass?

    It really would be nice to have 3 or more kinds of grass being displayed across a rural countrside.


  • gugulug5000gugulug5000 Member Posts: 248
    edited November 2017
    Well I've been watching the streams done by Beamdog, and I'm a bit bummed that extensive model/texture overhauls is probably off the table. I do think that any and all steps that can be taken to make the graphics better should be taken. So #1 priority for me is still to make the game look better, since that's one of its biggest weaknesses.

    Another suggestion, which may be a ways off, is to add more monsters to the game and toolset, particularly Baldur's Gate monsters that didn't make it. So Xvarts, Gibberlings, Carion Crawlers, Ankhegs, etc. It would be nice if they were accompanied with an official mod or expansion, but even if they just got added to the toolset, I'd be happy.
  • HunterRayder93HunterRayder93 Member Posts: 266

    Well I've been watching the streams done by Beamdog, and I'm a bit bummed that extensive model/texture overhauls is probably off the table. I do think that any and all steps that can be taken to make the graphics better should be taken. So #1 priority for me is still to make the game look better, since that's one of its biggest weaknesses.

    Another suggestion, which may be a ways off, is to add more monsters to the game and toolset, particularly Baldur's Gate monsters that didn't make it. So Xvarts, Gibberlings, Carion Crawlers, Ankhegs, etc. It would be nice if they were accompanied with an official mod or expansion, but even if they just got added to the toolset, I'd be happy.

    add new monsters, but it could be done later, through mini-pathc etc ... as BeanDog said in the last live stream, they want to focus on the basic game right now and fix existing bugs and Exploit in the game.

    Add new creatures ok, but in a 2nd moment
  • ogrillionogrillion Member Posts: 4
    Can we have "ApplyVisualEffectToObjectForPlayer" (and 'at location') so we can do Detect Evil for Paladins and "This person has a quest for you" VFX?
    I think there was an implementation in an NWNX plugin by Terra, I do not know if that helps make this request a reality.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992

    Well I've been watching the streams done by Beamdog, and I'm a bit bummed that extensive model/texture overhauls is probably off the table. I do think that any and all steps that can be taken to make the graphics better should be taken. So #1 priority for me is still to make the game look better, since that's one of its biggest weaknesses.

    Another suggestion, which may be a ways off, is to add more monsters to the game and toolset, particularly Baldur's Gate monsters that didn't make it. So Xvarts, Gibberlings, Carion Crawlers, Ankhegs, etc. It would be nice if they were accompanied with an official mod or expansion, but even if they just got added to the toolset, I'd be happy.

    add new monsters, but it could be done later, through mini-pathc etc ... as BeanDog said in the last live stream, they want to focus on the basic game right now and fix existing bugs and Exploit in the game.

    Add new creatures ok, but in a 2nd moment
    More than new creatures, they'd need a rebalance of existing ones?
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