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Toolset resource limit

Could anyone confirm or deny whether there will be any change to the resource limit? I've been involved with a PW that straddles the limit, and no one wants to extract areas, quests, etc to make room for new as the risk of bricking things us high. Increasing the limit would be big news and expansion time.


  • ChreelisterChreelister Member Posts: 30
    Yeah I agree with this too, 16k is just not enough. :)
  • RaetzainRaetzain Member Posts: 7
  • SarmanosSarmanos Member Posts: 16
    The resource limit has been one of the biggest challenges for large PWs to deal with and has quite literally strangled the growth for some without resorting to odd methods to manage them. Even just doubling that limit would be phenomenal.
  • raven280raven280 Member Posts: 5
    The resource limit was exactly the reason why the PW I was involved with was abandoned... the resource limit was maxed out and many of the players were also builders and scripters, so once they couldn't add or contribute to the growing world, they left... I hope someone from BEAMDOG that's working on the enhanced NWN will see this thread and comment!
  • CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
    Agreed. A response to this would be really nice!
  • TimendainumTimendainum Member Posts: 24
    Also second. Please fix this!
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    Yeah this really is a must fix issue if NWN's PW ecosystem is to repopulate.
  • PhenomenPhenomen Member Posts: 33
    Agreed. Even if I put every single script, dialogue and blueprint into hak file (which is super annoying for development since you can't edit files in hak from within toolset) it's still very possible to hit 16k just with placeables, waypoints and triggers.
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    I would love to see this raised as well. It would help out with so many PW now and in the future.
  • DarkzealotDarkzealot Member Posts: 1
    At risk of reviving old threads, I have been unsuccessful scouring this page and the trello board on any update regarding the resource limit cap. Can anyone enlighten me on the status?
    As with comments above, our server has reached the cap and would be infinitely better off is further content could be added to it.
  • BehindflayerBehindflayer Member Posts: 36
    edited April 2018
    I second this request. Ever since an issue on a server using the PRC where DM's couldn't log in anymore because the resource limit made their client crash, I've been bothered by this (but also in principle).
  • rjerome1rjerome1 Member Posts: 5
    I agree!!
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    @JuliusBorisov , @Symphony, may we please have a trello input board card to vote for increasing the capacity of .mod/.hak/.erf files (etc) ?

  • SymphonySymphony Member, Developer Posts: 142

    Very strange, I thought this went up "before" there was a Trello, my mistake.
  • shadguyshadguy Member Posts: 154
    Thank you. /voted.

  • VerilazicVerilazic Member Posts: 20
    Symphony said:

    Very strange, I thought this went up "before" there was a Trello, my mistake.

    Me too, actually. Regardless, thanks for adding!
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340
    Pretty sure this had been discussed and asked for several times. I'm surprised this hasn't already been tackled. And it will become an even bigger problem once Beamdog releases new content that builders would like to implement. Just "voted" it.
  • virusmanvirusman Member, Developer Posts: 173
    edited April 2018
    This isn't an easy limit bump, it'll probably require a rewrite of the resource manager.
  • BehindflayerBehindflayer Member Posts: 36
    In their streams, they made it seem relatively simple, as in "we have some numbers and we can just type in bigger numbers".

    That's probably a bit too enthusiastic, though.
  • SherincallSherincall Member Posts: 387
    edited April 2018
    In some cases that is true, but the 16k resources per hak/mod is a different beast. It is likely the limit wasn't well understood in the stream. The 16k entries in the palette issue might be just a single number, but I haven't found which one that is.
  • shmity72shmity72 Member Posts: 46
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Sometimes, giving a tool greater capacity is just a license for sloppy use of the tool.

    Bear with me on this a moment. I started programing way back in 1981. Tools were very limited, hardware and especially memory were very limited and because this was the case WE LEARNED HOW TO PROGRAM LEAN CLEAN CODE THAT RE-USED CODE WHERE POSSIBLE. I've applied this habit to all my creations ever since because being lean means being fast. Players and the like seem to enjoy fast. *shrugs*

    In the decades that have since passed, I have watched the progression to less lean code simply because resources have become more plentiful. This usually leads to bloaty-slow programs and I shudder to see such things. Call me old school. *shrugs*

    I've been working on the same PW for more than a decade. The module is north of 200 megabytes in size, contains well over a couple thousand areas (most of them large areas), and is powered by something more than 4k scripts. We did in fact hit the resource limit, and made a server-side hak - into which we put only "things that were completed" (or at least quite unlikely to need further editing). Given that the hak has a limit of another 16k, and we _can_ add dozens more haks, so long as we are not sloppy with our resources I see no problem with the resource limits as they stand. The problem it seems is in management of the resources (users should practice 'keeping things lean' and re-using what can be re-used) and the edit-unfriendliness of the hak/toolset environment ... maybe the toolset can be jazzed up to allow proper editing of hak contents?
  • TondenTonden Member Posts: 226
    edited August 2018
    Hi there GM_ODA

    Might I ask which NWN server your talking about?

    We have a team that is currently working on creating a server and I wondering how much we could learn from what you/your team has done with the server your talking about.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    edited August 2018
    Tonden said:

    Hi there GM_ODA

    Might I ask which NWN server your talking about?

    Thanks for asking. The server is Argentum Regio found at (NWN) and (NWN:EE).

    More info here :

    EDIT TO ADD : If you have the time and are so inclined, I'd be happy to give you a guided tour of the tutorial zones and a few select other areas of the server. Send me a message telling me when might be good for you and I'll do my best to accommodate any such requests.
    Post edited by GM_ODA on
  • raven280raven280 Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone heard anything on this yet? I have been watching the weekly streams but so far not a word...

    I did read somewhere that there is a work around where players can use a portal to move between PWs but I did not find a script for it on the vault...
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    edited November 2018
    I demonstrate now my google-fu which I have been perfecting since the early 1990's

    *assumes a thinking posture and wiggles fingers subtly*

    Yes grasshopper, the lore you seek lay elsewhere. *points*

    The old man sits again by the side of the road, and resumes meditations.
  • meaglynmeaglyn Member Posts: 153
    Impressive considering there was no google until the late 90's... :)
  • Sylvus_MoonbowSylvus_Moonbow Member Posts: 1,085
    GM_ODA said:

    I demonstrate now my google-fu which I have been perfecting since the early 1990's

    meaglyn said:

    Impressive considering there was no google until the late 90's... :)

    BURN! Some very bad google-fu there, not a PW I'd want to play on!
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    meaglyn said:

    Impressive considering there was no google until the late 90's... :)

    Google-fu is a generic term for 'search engine prowess'. I was doing SEO starting in the early 1990 with the engines that dominated in those days including Alta Vista, Webcrawler and more that most readers would not recognize as search engines, thus 'google fu'.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    edited December 2018

    GM_ODA said:

    I demonstrate now my google-fu which I have been perfecting since the early 1990's

    meaglyn said:

    Impressive considering there was no google until the late 90's... :)

    BURN! Some very bad google-fu there, not a PW I'd want to play on!
    Are you dissing my server? If so, on what basis?

    Edit to add: Did I offend you in some way?
    Post edited by GM_ODA on
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