Help me plan OC build

So.. pre-ordering has just wetted my appetite, and now I dearly want to do a quick OC run. I think I'll go for my personal favourite, the Wizard, since I'm quite bad at creating optimised builds.
However.. one thing always bugged me. As a Wizard, I'm going to need the barbarian as henchman, or I'll die quick and badly. This means problems with opening chests and disarming traps.
However.. one thing always bugged me. As a Wizard, I'm going to need the barbarian as henchman, or I'll die quick and badly. This means problems with opening chests and disarming traps.
- can I just bash/spell through ALL chests in the game? Especially important question for the early game since I won't have Knock
- if not, does it make sense to take a 2-3 rogue levels at the beginning, to improve survivability a bit and push up open locks, disarm traps and persuade?
- what's the maximum persuade score checked against in conversations?
at this link there is the family card, I always used it in NWN with my character and I was crazy! ... she ... Gwen was called ... my fairy ...
FIRST, most people very clumsily forget that in this game and edition of d&d the spell knock works in a radius. Meaning ALL chests will be unlocked for you ,around your character, in a 20 [m] radius. This spell isn't a one-shot spell. It's not a target spell. It'll unlock all chests automatically in a big room.
As for traps, you can forcefully make your companion "disarm" traps. You click on your companion, make your way to his commands, and click "disarm trap." However, you won't be doing this often as you'll very rarely find a trap that'll outright kill you. Even if it DOES outright kill your companion, it's only about 100 - 300 gold to warp back to a Temple of Tyr to find your companion.
Edit: Every locked chest, that isn't plot related and requiring a key, can be opened with magic missile, fireball... ect.
Wizard: PC
Fighter: summoned creature
Rogue: pixie familiar
Cleric: henchman
If she isn't, come back after she has levelled.
In short:
- use the Pixie until I have Knock
- use Knock afterwards (or simply use elemental damage)
I still wonder if taking the first level of rogue makes sense. There's really a lot of skill points.. but maybe caster level is much more important.You can also open trapped chests from a safe distance with the rod.
Wicked! D&D 3 it's quite weird
at any rate if you play caster you definitely want a pixie for great scout and pocket rogue to unlock stuff.
but, in all honesty there aren't any must have stuff to unlock chest for, just play what you like and you can always switch henchmen and iirc you can do all their quests and switch them so get the rogue to unlock chests before you move to the next chapters.
Also, there are *some* difficult locks and traps but you can indeed break them with elemental magic or , in case of traps, use summons/try to evade or resist the damage.
Not sure if its optimal or not but it feels like D&D and its fun.
Oh and i think the Henchman Gnome Sorcerer (Bodinock or something) can cast Knock spell but he's a poor Henchman.