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when to dual Immy to mage



  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    RavenX said:

    Maybe I'm the wierd one but I always kept her as a pure Thief maxing lockpicks and traps.

    She can get close to maxing them around level 6/7. I think that's why a lot of people like dualing her.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    mlnevese said:

    When to dual her actually depends on how BG2EE will work. If it works like BGT, you really should consider dualling her on level 7 when you reach 100% in both pick locks and find/remove traps, unless you have the intention of having other thief in your group.

    Because of current contract, in bg2ee Imoen will have to begin exactly as she does in vanilla bg2
    I was wondering about that, right, CHARNAME is going to get given all the BG1 Tomes then...
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    mlnevese said:

    When to dual her actually depends on how BG2EE will work. If it works like BGT, you really should consider dualling her on level 7 when you reach 100% in both pick locks and find/remove traps, unless you have the intention of having other thief in your group.

    Because of current contract, in bg2ee Imoen will have to begin exactly as she does in vanilla bg2
    I was wondering about that, right, CHARNAME is going to get given all the BG1 Tomes then...
    Well ...

    I'm guessing I'll probably be giving Dorn my Strength Tome. Hahah
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    After all this it occurs to me that, for my own purposes in my very first BG:EE game, if I dual Immy then no one else in the party I intend to play has thieving skills. I'd rather not change the party composition, so this time she'll remain a thief the whole way through.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Lemernis said:

    After all this it occurs to me that, for my own purposes in my very first BG:EE game, if I dual Immy then no one else in the party I intend to play has thieving skills. I'd rather not change the party composition, so this time she'll remain a thief the whole way through.

    I'm actually thinking that way too, as will already have my CHARNAME fighter/mage and Edwin or Neera as mages
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited November 2012
    @Oxford_Guy Yeah, ideally I would love to have a little more mage firepower than just Neera and my F-M. But no thief clearly won't do.

    Imoen is dualed at level 7 for BG2... I would probably dual her at level 4, just because I'm so impatient to get both class skills ASAP.

    I forget now because it's been so long since I've played... But in a game where one completes most or all of the side quests--and now including the three new NPC quests in BG:EE--what M-T levels level is a dual-classed Imoen typically going to reach by the game's end with a party of six? I'm assuming that she must get 7 levels of Thief and 8 Levels of Mage fairly quickly in BG1 or people wouldn't dual her so often. I do recall that both those classes level up fast.
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