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What main menu music do you like the most?

CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
edited December 2017 in General Discussions NWN:EE
I personally think the original NWN title theme by Jeremy Soule is the best and i think it may be a very popular opinion. The HoU music is dark and sets the theme nice but tends to get on my nerves when i'm creating characters for PW's or looking for Internet Games. If a lot of people feel like me then maybe it's worth a Change.

You can listen to both tracks here:

Original NWN main menu theme:
The HoU Expansion main menu theme:
  1. What main menu music do you like the most?89 votes
    1. The Original NWN main menu theme
    2. Hordes of the Underdark (HoU) theme
Post edited by Cablefish on


  • Korevas17Korevas17 Member Posts: 57
    Wow, hadn't heard the original in years and forgot how amazing it was. I really hope they can make it happen, as much as I love HOTU that menu music hurts my ears.
  • ParasolsyndicateParasolsyndicate Member Posts: 54
    Yeah, original is better.

    Is this where I complain about the swirling red mist for Char-gen?
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    NwN Main Theme encompasses many adventures in way.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    HotU video broken link.
    But I voted for the original one because well, it's amazing.
    And I never heard it before because my NWN installation came at a time HotU had already been released!
  • CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
    The link to the HotU video looks fixed now. Thanks for telling me!

    There is a somewhat simple way to restore the original campaign music though.

    1: Go to the data/mus folder in your install (most like in the beamdog) directory.
    2: delete or rename the file: mus_x2theme.bmu
    3: Rename the file mus_theme_main.bmu into mus_x2theme.bmu

    And the main theme is back to it's former glory again now :)

    However whenever beamdog patches the client it'll "repair" the damage and restore the original file names it to the HotU theme. This frustration is actually what prompted me to create this topic. I know it may not be the highest priority to the devs right now but it's a quality of life change that i think most of us would like and it should be really easy for them to indulge us :)

  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    I still think Neverwinter Nights 2's main menu musics (both Vanilla and Storm of Zehir) are better than any of the NWN's.
  • ZwerkulesZwerkules Member Posts: 112
    Neverwinter Nights 2's main theme is nice, the Storm of Zehir theme not so much.
  • WindruWindru Member Posts: 10
    This may be unpopular, but I turn the music off. I find it distracting.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2017
    Zwerkules said:

    Neverwinter Nights 2's main theme is nice, the Storm of Zehir theme not so much.

    The start of SoZ theme is annoying for me at first, but once you get past that to 0:47 mark, it's all smooth sailing.

    Maybe I'm a little more biased because SoZ also featured the adventure style almost similar to Icewind Dale, but I feel that SoZ had the best soundstracks overall out of all the NWN campaigns.

    Edit: If I were to choose in between NWN2 original theme or SoZ, I'd still choose the vanilla theme. Then maybe the NWN1 themes, and then lastly the MotB theme.
  • 1varangian1varangian Member Posts: 367
    HotU theme is too dark, dramatic and epic for a main theme. The main theme has a purpose of igniting the spark to adventure.

    The best ever main theme is the BG theme. It just oozes heroism and adventure. Original NWN main theme is good too.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    Motorhead: Ace of Spades
  • WalnutboyWalnutboy Member Posts: 3
    First one, the original theme for sure. Any way we can revert it to that one instead of having Hot?
  • ReibornReiborn Member Posts: 156
    I like the original one better.

    HOTU theme is way too epic and gives me the urge to replay SOU+HOTU for one of the most epic campaigns in existence.
  • ProphetSwordProphetSword Member Posts: 43
    Honest question:
    Did SoU have different music or did it use the music from the original NWN? I don't remember after all these years. Didn't know if there should be a third option.
  • CablefishCablefish Member Posts: 37
    @Walnutboy Posted how to do it further up in the thread.

    @ProphetSword Yes. It came with 8 new tracks. Including the annoying one that replaced the original NWN one.
  • ProphetSwordProphetSword Member Posts: 43
    If there was a third theme, then maybe there should be three choices. Whether or not it is annoying can be determined by those who vote.
  • IndiraLightfootIndiraLightfoot Member Posts: 29
    I love the HotU-one (much nostalgia), but the first one is frigging brilliant and better as a main menu/lobby tune. Perhaps Beamdog can add a settings toggle for this or something?
  • AzimnAzimn Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2017
    I like both!
  • IndyWendieGoIndyWendieGo Member Posts: 62

    I love the HotU-one (much nostalgia), but the first one is frigging brilliant and better as a main menu/lobby tune. Perhaps Beamdog can add a settings toggle for this or something?

    YEEEEEEES. A toggle would be the best thing for it.
  • WalnutboyWalnutboy Member Posts: 3
    Cablefish said:

    @Walnutboy Posted how to do it further up in the thread.

    Ah... you have my thanks!
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    Oh man, original is *so* damn good. There is nothing wrong with HotU music, but still.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    I love Jeremy Soule so easy choice for me. His work is probably my favorite part of IWD.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    I actually messed with the file names in my copy of NWN so I could change the main menu music back to the original. I wrote about it here before NWN:EE was announced.
  • badstrrefbadstrref Member Posts: 124
    edited December 2017
    HoU theme has become painful for me
    Post edited by badstrref on
  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    Windru said:

    This may be unpopular, but I turn the music off. I find it distracting.

    First thing I do. There have been games where I enjoyed the music, but not RPGs. I like to listen to what's going on around as it can convey information.
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    I actually always switched the Menu Music (via replacing the bmu) with the Rebel Camp from XP2 (HoTU)...
    Why don't we just let the ini file set which BMU to play for the menu, instead of Hard Coding the music.
  • SenrabSenrab Member Posts: 1
    I seriously haven't heard the original NWN menu since HOTU came out. I'm siding with the original music but I do also really like the HOTU one and would hate to see it lost. Maybe there can be a way to pick?
  • ArtonaArtona Member Posts: 1,077
    HotU is fine but the entrance is so LOUD it makes me lower volume every time. :/
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