Lets not turn this political ehh. There are conservatives here...like myself, that prefer to leave that kind of stuff to obscure sections of the "off-topic" section of the forum.
Eh, I guess we won't turn this political, eh. I was just thinking, eh, that maybe, eh, when in doubt, eh, just blame the man in charge, eh!
Wouldn't that be Trent Oster? or someone at atari/other partners of overhaul.
Nah, that's just what they want us to believe....*Looks around all paranoid-like* Shhh...don't tell...
That's what you get, when the game's distributed only digitally instead of in a DVD-box: no room for writing 'Don't panic' in large friendly green letters on the cover.
Overall progress: 0,0%
Can't even see the nice zoom.