SoD: Achievements and the ending

Hey everyone,
A couple of early findings: The previously bugged achievements "You chose... poorly" and "Grim deeds to come" still don't seem to unlock in the new beta. I'm using an unmodded game (on steam) and tried both achievements with three different saves from three different groups.
In addition, the ending of SoD seems to be bugged now - once you get out of the city, reunite with your old companions and the cinematic where you get overwhelmed by shadows plays, the credits don't roll - instead, the game reverts to the ingame interface, but with a black screen, and nothing happens - it's simply stuck.
I'd like for people to confirm my findings!
A couple of early findings: The previously bugged achievements "You chose... poorly" and "Grim deeds to come" still don't seem to unlock in the new beta. I'm using an unmodded game (on steam) and tried both achievements with three different saves from three different groups.
In addition, the ending of SoD seems to be bugged now - once you get out of the city, reunite with your old companions and the cinematic where you get overwhelmed by shadows plays, the credits don't roll - instead, the game reverts to the ingame interface, but with a black screen, and nothing happens - it's simply stuck.
I'd like for people to confirm my findings!
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I'd need an additional confrimation, though, as @argent77 says the SoD beta is available for him on Steam.