Baldur's Gate Battles

Sorry if this breaks a rule I'm unaware of-if so, I'll delete it immediately. In this thread, we'll be discussing different characters from Baldurs's Gate and seeing how they measure up. I'll start things off:
Level Capped Kensai/Mage munchkin Bhaalspawn vs Elminster vs Raistlin. Combat.
The battle of the ridiculously overpowered mages begins!
Level Capped Kensai/Mage munchkin Bhaalspawn vs Elminster vs Raistlin. Combat.
The battle of the ridiculously overpowered mages begins!
Post edited by Tome on
the ultimate gladiatorial matchup, perhaps it was a dream..
Sure you can charm these guys in the Umar hills, throw a few buffs at them and watch them duke it out!
da da daa daa daa da da daa da da daa
(for the tone deaf of you, that was the Startrek gladiatorial music.. 400 quatloons on the newcomer)
I'm surprised so many people favour Elminster in the fight. Surely the Bhaalspawns vastly superior level gives him some chance? If not, I'm taking revenge:
Endgame Bhaalspawn (decided to be a God) vs Elminster :P
Chosen of Mystra vs an Intermediate Diety-is that enough to turn the tables on Elminster?
(Spoiler: Boo wins.)
Anyway, how about Szass Tam V Halaster?
Sarevok VS Drizzt Do'Urden, both as they were in BG 1. My money's on Drizzt, but I can see this one being very close.
Next up... Firkraag versus Dran Draggore! And if you don't know who Dran is, then shame on you.
Xykon VS Kangaxx!
Cattie-Brie vs Coran
My money's on Cattie-Brie, but in ranged, I think Coran would put up a good fight.
@Tome Do you mean Xykon from the order of the stick? He's not really FR but I'm sure Kangaxx would murder him in the face.
Cattie-Brie vs. Coran would be close, they're both around the same level. I'd say Coran simply because WoTC stats out their characters very poorly.
How about this one:
Battle of the Zhents - Scyllua Darkhope vs. The Pereghost?
Seriously, unless both Melissan and CHARNAME are at full power, the Bhaalspawn's don't stand a chance. With an ascended Charname, considering his/her feats as a mortal, I think he/her could just about take her (in 2e both were Intermediate, right?)