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Why Are People Asking For Things That Already Exist?

In the twitch streams and elsewhere I keep seeing people asking for BeamDog to make things that already exist. I wish that they would realise that it is now 2017 and not 2002. Take this week's twitch stream. Someone asked for a script generator. There are in fact 2 that already exist. There is the updated (to 1.69/Diamond) version of Lilac Souls's venerable script generator. That covers most of what you'll need for day to day scripting. If you need something a little more complicated the University of Alberta may have it covered with their Scriptease. This is a more complex version of the built-in (to NwN's toolset) Plot Wizard.

Please just do a little research before asking. Even a quick question here or on the vault before you ask for features that might already exist.



  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I find the psychology behind it quite fascinating.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455

    I find the psychology behind it quite fascinating.

    Really? I can explain it in a single woed: lazy
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited December 2017
    @fkirenicus All I am saying is for them to please ask if something exists. With 15 years of community work, there is a good chance that it might. While I don't know about the tileset editor, I have found the gff editor easy enough with the tutorial on it.

  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    You mean similar to not bothering to check spelling before hitting "post"? ;)
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    If you're talking about the word "tileset", that is a generally accepted spelling even if the spell-checker on here red-flags it.

  • dafenadafena Member Posts: 74
    Wow, didn't know of Scriptease, amazing tool!
  • StaranStaran Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 295
    Because it works. It got the fighter class in game and the ability to mouse click icons on an interface to perform actions.
    None of that was there unless we asked for it
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    dafena said:

    Wow, didn't know of Scriptease, amazing tool!

    I absolutely love the name. It's punny on so many levels.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108

    If you're talking about the word "tileset", that is a generally accepted spelling even if the spell-checker on here red-flags it.


    He's talking about FinneousPJ's post.

    I think spelling jabs are kind of low, though.
  • T0R0T0R0 Member Posts: 86
    TR ~ I know it's hard to believe on a game so old, but my guess is that most simply don't know about the CC community, thus don't know what is available/possible. I mean, just look how many posts there are about the OC. Who cares about the OC..... it's basically just a module.
    I think it's a case of "can't see the wood for the trees"
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    We don't need to make the scripting more accessible. If you can't script, find a scripter who will work with you. Or, I don't know... Take the time to learn it?
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    How do you purpose to make the scripting more accessible? I'm of the mind that it is already as accessible as it needs to be.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    Script generators already make it more accessible. Thing is we'll need updated or new apps to make use of the new commands available in EE.

    I'm not saying people shouldn't learn how to script, I think they should. I've been working on that myself (I used to know some but it's been ten years since I last tried to build anything and forgot it all). Just that it doesn't hurt to have assistance.
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    As an experienced NWN Scripter, whom started from scratch, Used Lilac Soul's generator, and finally learned how to script on my own, I have a few points to mention:

    1. Script Generators are a crutch:
    Why a crutch? They don't have you learn anything about scripting. Sure, you see the script, sure you could attempt to understand it, but these script generators re-use variables, and name them incredibly vague and generic things, like oObject, and oTarget...
    2. Generated Scripts are often incredibly inefficient code.
    3. Eventually, when you want to do more involved or complex things, the script generator will not do it for you.
    4. Learning NWScript is not difficult at all. I learned it as an adolescent 14 year old.
    5. Debugging Generated scripts is a nightmare. As previously mentioned, the code is practically unreadable in larger scripts, and the reusage of variables, while a memory friendly endeavour (I'm not even sure if it matters for that point) is not a coder friendly/readable aspect.

    If people need to learn the scripting language, perhaps some basic tutorials could be added in a sample module.

    I'll end with an old addage:

    Give a man a fish, feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Many of the tools released by Bioware were practically opaque in their usefulness or there simply weren't any tools at all. The ones used today are third party and created by the community. I think ppl will be faced with a choice to either wait for Beamdog to improve everything a larger company did and even didn't do or overcome their allergy to third party tools.

    On the one hand you could be waiting forever on the other hand you have many options that work today.

    You don't really need an updated script generator either, the new functions wont change much and if you really want them you could just type them in. Most importantly a script generator wont be able to Google for you so you can find out how to get past that weird bug that ruins what you want to do without a good reason.

    Everyone is also being quite vague when they say "improve script generation wizards" and "make scripting more accessible."

    Well what are what are the script templates that are missing, the scripts you believe if only there were simple templates of how to do those common scripts it would be so much better?
  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    edited December 2017

    He's talking about FinneousPJ's post.

    I think spelling jabs are kind of low, though.

    They are, but so was Finneous's post et al. It was an answer 'in kind'.
  • ThorssonThorsson Member Posts: 190
    Rifkin said:

    4. Learning NWScript is not difficult at all. I learned it as an adolescent 14 year old.

    Emotionally, you still seem kind of stuck at that age. "I did it this way, so everyone else should do the same" is not great logic.

    But I rather suspect that you will not get this.
  • RifkinRifkin Member Posts: 146
    Not sure where the personal attacks are coming from. Anyway, maybe I'll make some tutorial's for NWScript and post them here. It really is not that hard.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
    edited December 2017
    We can take the PW Arelith for example, one of its selling points is that it requires no extra haks and you can join in on the action from the get-go for as long as you have a legitimate copy of NWN: EE.

    If the devs somehow incorporated high-quality 3rd party contents and made them part of the EE, what that means is that multiplayer sessions and PWs can utilize even more assets without requiring the players to download more files in order to join in on the action.

    Of course, there can also be another work-around, found here in this thread: Syncing HAK contents by @ThriKreen
    Post edited by Kenji on
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    In the past when 3rd party content was integrated into the base installation of the game I don't think it was always a difference in quality and fluidity but just that it was pre-installed. A tile is still just a tile, a script is still just a script.

    Also these days lots of ppl learn new things even if they're not technically skilled. You can find tons of youtube videos about learning codes and how to copy and paste a code into a program by all sorts of ppl. Maybe you prefer the bearded old techie method or maybe you prefer a more relatable fashion conscious woman around your age. You also have websites like Khan Academy and Code Academy which make it simple with baby steps easing you into it.

    A lot of all sorts of ppl can code, celebrities can code, moms can code, girls can code, boys can code, probably even your pet can code. A lot of big names say coding is simple and a critical life skill for the modern age no matter your discipline. So seeing some of this discussion is like stepping into a time warp into the 1990s or something.

    If you want specific generated templates of scripts you should explain what it is you want to accomplish with it. Knowing codes is one thing but being psychic is a whole other story and I'm not sure even Beamdog are psychics but I might be wrong. If ppl don't explain exactly what they want and the problems they're running into they might just get more of the same tutorials and same templates from code generation wizards.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248

    A lot of all sorts of ppl can code, celebrities can code, moms can code, girls can code, boys can code, probably even your pet can code. A lot of big names say coding is simple and a critical life skill for the modern age no matter your discipline. So seeing some of this discussion is like stepping into a time warp into the 1990s or something.

    In Japan you can go into a Maid Cafe and have some young objectified girl in a costume teach you how to code.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    @voidofopinion At first I thought that was a bit of a weird comment but the article actually seemed quite good and less about objectification. I would not mind being paid to dress as a maid and learn coding and marketable job skills.

    Maybe I should do a twitch thing where I cosplay and teach ppl how to do basic nwscripts lol
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