Changes of the Original *Campaign?

UPDATED! See the last post at the bottom! CLICK ME!
Can we have the OC* a bit improved?
- Less enemies (like what the Dungeon Masters Guide suggested) AND more experience gained by encounter
*- alternate ways to "overcome" enemy encounters (Like different Dungeon Masters Guides of various Editions of (Advanced) Dungouns & Dragons suggested ) like sneaking by, seducing, persuasion and so on. That could bve a long list. (... calm animal, calm enemy were spellls somewhere that some classes got)
- Enemies who can (try to) successfully flee (but the player still gets experience points)
Suggestions to improve the game
- Half-, One-Third- Classes (to simulate multiclassing at first level of Second Edition of (Advanced) Dungeons and Dragons (Fighter 0.3 / Mage 0.3 / Rogue-Thief 0.3 for example at first Level) ). That's out of the 3,5 Dungeon Masters Guide.
- *
- Traps more interesting/intensive
- more wilderness things to do (also things for civilization-type characters like thieves or nobles; art)
- a big overview map
There was also a similar thread of me named: "Will there be any improvements/work done on the original campaign?" CLICK ME!
Post edited by iceblade on
The original campaign dragged a bit, and I think too much boring combat was a bit part of it. It was fun playing it cooperative online with others, but like that spellcasters dominated a bit, because how the game works.
In single player mode it was just too long, I think, that's also why many people didn't like it too much (besides everyone wanting to do their own modules and other stuff).
Other suggestions:
- the outer/barrier parts of the maps shouldn't be (that much) darker than the rest.
- the (thickest) distance fog should be further away, with a bit of it starting very early (the screenshot here shows how I think it would be better)
- the textures had a bit of an tiling effect, that could be improved (the screenshot here shows how I think it would be better)
- a random walkable/reachable location feature/function could allow very interesting quest, like a collect random placed flowers/herbs quest (if it works.)
- an attack animation for when a character uses one (smaller) weapon with two hands would be great... the attack animations don't look quite right if someone doesn't use a shield but uses a weapon. Maybe like in japanese sword-fighting.
- abilities of the existing classes (for example combat / magic feat in intervals {every so. level} can be given to new classes, by the players defined {there was a class creation table in the AD&D 1E DMG}), also for weaknesses (to keep the style of the game custom classes in general could be weaker)
- same for races
- a race / class editor