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Unexplained Sudden Death in the Crusader Camp during No-Reload Challenge

Hi everyone

I was playing a no-reload run of the entire trilogy. I made it to the point where Dorn is rescued from his cage in the Crusader Camp in SoD. Then I moved my party to the centre of the Camp, while I went to make a cup of tea.

To my despair, I came back to Charname having died inexplicably. I was so confused, I didn't really register what happened but saw that there was a quicksave just before this happened. I reloaded it, waited a while, and nothing happened. All the party was just standing there. Tried moving them around the area a little - nothing happened.

I should say that I have Autopause switched on for when my party sees enemies, and it definitely wasn't caused by lightning (my character had around 90-100HP and 50% lightning resistance). Nothing was hostile, anyways.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is it a bug? If it's a bug then I'll continue my game and not count this as an official reload; I'm at a loss to explain it as anything else.


  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    edited December 2017
    Had it happen on many a no-reload run, both in the camp, outside the camp, and inside the fort. I always wondered if it has something to do with the bombardment going on in the area (kills defenders on the outer wall of the fort), and the game mistakenly registering the CHARNAME as a target. There is always no reason why.

    This is up there with a similar instant death over in BGEE+SoD for no reason in varied BG areas of the game. I have gotten all the way through without it happening, and then on another run it does. I think @JuliusBorisov mentioned they finally were able to get a report on it somewhere. I started a thread myself about the issues with this.

    It has not happened in my testing of BGEE beta but as it is a rare thing it still could be there to happen.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Yeah its a semi-rare bug. I've seen reports of it around the forum now and again, but have never had it happen to me.
  • TheGraveDiggerTheGraveDigger Member Posts: 336
    I'm extremely strict when it comes to no-reload rules and I've lost games to such tiny mistakes, but I think deaths to bugs or dumb scripts shouldn't count. Just get creative and get past it, otherwise it might just happen again if you restart...

    Just say your death was actually just a vision of Bhaal's death. He died at that spot during the ToT so it makes some sense. Or just say your death was just another one of those tedious dreams... you die all the time in those dreams. Or add a fugly scar to your portrait as a remainder that you *almost* died. I dunno.
  • Yulaw9460Yulaw9460 Member Posts: 634
    edited November 2018
    Post edited by Yulaw9460 on
  • ShankShank Member Posts: 6
    It seems like this can be reproduced consistently by idling with the game unpaused in the level of durlag's tower that contains the infinite fireball trap. Waiting 30-60 minutes will produce a game over with nothing in the combat log to indicate a reason, as well as causing the party's portraits to go blank. However, loading the same save in multiplayer seems to prevent this from happening, as far as I've been able to tell. Don't know if that'd hold true for all areas or not.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760

    Has this happened to anyone else? Is it a bug? If it's a bug then I'll continue my game and not count this as an official reload; I'm at a loss to explain it as anything else.

    This is a bug, it's logged in on the tracker ( and you should continue.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    When this happens, do you see a maze portrait icon? The only screenshot i saw from these unexplained deaths seems to involve a maze effect.
  • ShankShank Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2017
    In my case the party's portraits will just go entirely blank, as in this screenshot. without a reason.jpg
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