UTC +7/ +8 (Indochina Time/parts of Russia + China + Western Australia etc) Novosibirsk, Russia. I am from Siberia. UTC+7 now, and UTC+6 in summer, because our president implemented permanent daylight saving time last year.
Ha when I was writing this up as you can see I had to put "part of Russia" to describe a lot of the different timesones. Its a very big country
This was weird, because I know I'm +10, and then Australia wasn't in +10! But yes, technically +11 in Sydney at the moment, I guess.
Edit: Also, Queensland and Western Australia don't have DST, so QLD would be +10 still, and WA would be +8... so you're correct with WA at least
Hey man theres only so much I can do from here. Going to Australia is like a 24 hour flight for me Figuring it all out worldwide is actually not as easy as you'd think.
I'm surprised that about two thirds of who writes on this forum is Europe-based. I thought the game would be strong enough in the States/Canada/Central-South America, at least as much as in Europe... Maybe it's because it's still early here, let's give it some time! Anyway, GMT - 5 here, Montreal.
Well the prior "where are you from" poll also found Europeans are dominant here. That said I added this poll very early in the morning (12am EST) so a lot of North Americans may have not gotten around to voting here yet. The US might be out shopping, and it is a work day in Canada (not sure about Mexico or other Central american countries).
More commonly known as GMT, the timezone that started them all.
I, on the other hand, have a second timezone. Or should that be "time-rodent"? Its an interesting little animal, allowing me to measure the week by Groundhog Da. . . . . .
. . .
More commonly known as GMT, . . . . er. . . Deja Vu.
I'm so surprised that there are so many Europeans here... I knew there were a lot of us, but this many... Or maybe the guys over the sea are only reading the forum in the evening.
I'm so surprised that there are so many Europeans here... I knew there were a lot of us, but this many... Or maybe the guys over the sea are only reading the forum in the evening.
No they are definitely more Europeans here than anyone else. There was a previous poll awhile back which had similar results in that sense.
Germany. Someone should do a poll by country, it would be interesting. I guess most Euros active on the forums are from the UK or Scandinavia, due to the widespread English proficiency in those countries.
Overall I think Baldurs Gate was most successful in France/Germany/Poland/Netherlands/UK and North America of course.
They are playing Call of Duty, they don't play BG :x
I, on the other hand, have a second timezone. Or should that be "time-rodent"? Its an interesting little animal, allowing me to measure the week by Groundhog Da. . . . . .
. . .
More commonly known as GMT, . . . . er. . . Deja Vu.
Yes, I *should* be sleeping at the moment...
Overall I think Baldurs Gate was most successful in France/Germany/Poland/Netherlands/UK and North America of course.