Any official word on XP cap yet?
Member Posts: 77
... Still waiting for this info before buying. Want to be able to do duo or solo runs without having to use a 3rd party program to remove xp cap.
It's very easy to remove yourself.
I have to disagree with your comment "Up to everyone to decided for themselves".
Games are not designed that way. What's the point of having rules built into a game if people are just going to cheat and bypass them?
It's like McDonald's selling their Big Macs a certain way, and most people eat them as they are. But if you think the best possible taste sensation is to buy a BigMac, throw out the lettuce and add some banana slices, then that's obviously what you should do. Who cares if it didn't originally have a banana slice in it? It's your Big Mac now, and you love it with banana.
You get 3000 exp for disarming a simple trap in BG2, which is bloated beyond plausibility, if you ask me. If you gain 1.3m exp through BG1 solo playthrough for a hundred hours of gameplay though, that's hard-earned exp and some people just want to be rewarded for their efforts rather than gaining no exp from doing quests and killing monsters.
I wouldn't want to do any quests if I hit the exp cap.
I was talking about the Black Pits.
And removing the XP cap really couldn't be easier. It's just changing a text field in a file from 161000 to -1.
Ohh, dammit. *Like*
I've never done this before. Could I set a different cap rather than removing it completely? Could 8 for example change 161000 to 201000?
Yep, you can set whatever cap you want if you edit the XPCAP.2da with programs like Near Infinity or DLTCEP.
EDIT: Ninja'd!