I've found an answer to question: Why when charname dies it's game over?

I often asked myself this question. And I am not the only one. I think it is the biggest mystery of all time. Many people was looking for the answer and never succeded throughout their lives.
But I think I may just have found answer for this nurturing question.
It is hidden in filosophy of northern monks, who sacrificed their lives to answer such hard existentional questions. Why do we live? Why are we born here and not somewhere else? Is there a god? Is there a destiny?
And most important one: Why when charname dies it's game over?
The answer was simple, yet so hard to find.
Now I reveal before thee an answer. It's like Cyrynishad: once you read it, you may become mad. Or even die!
So be aware. This is the answer:
But I think I may just have found answer for this nurturing question.
It is hidden in filosophy of northern monks, who sacrificed their lives to answer such hard existentional questions. Why do we live? Why are we born here and not somewhere else? Is there a god? Is there a destiny?
And most important one: Why when charname dies it's game over?
The answer was simple, yet so hard to find.
Now I reveal before thee an answer. It's like Cyrynishad: once you read it, you may become mad. Or even die!
So be aware. This is the answer:
Post edited by Kirkor on
And yes, I realize you were just trying to be clever or funny, but I am in a bad mood so I'm treating everything ultra-serious. Please keep in mind that while I was writing this, the "DuckTales" theme was playing on my computer, so I am not too far gone.
Charnname dead? Np.
Because you didn't insert 25¢.
Because BACON
I can't believe someone actually thought up that acronym. It is soooo stupid! Although, for some deep-seeded reason I hate all motivational and inspirational sayings (and now acronyms, thanks to the whole YOLO thing,) generally speaking... I'm really not a very negative person, I just dislike "canned" inspiration. /rant :P
It would be cool if there would be a cryptic reference to this fact in the game somehow, like one of the Bhaalspawn in Saradush telling how he used to have a friend who's also Bhaalspawn, who died and couldn't be ressurected with convential means, no matter how hard he tried.
mind = blow
Imagine this song while fighting Sarevok.
Most. Epic. Thing. EVER!
But, for a slight redemption, I think that when CHARNAME dies the game is over simply because in the mechanics of this game, CHARNAME is you, and all other party members are under your control, so they die, and you can take them to be Resurrection or what have you, but if you die that link of control is broken, and the only thing that can happen is Game Over; Whereas in IWD you have created and essentially control all characters, so it doesn't matter which one dies.
Of course, somebody can argue about control in multiplayer, but I'd rather you didn't try to split hairs.
Evil party: we wont spend money on this guy
Neutral party: if he died it was for the balance, raising him would go against the balance.
Good party: lets cry his death until he rots so we cant raise him