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[MOD] Bubb's Spell Menu (v5.1)



  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    edited June 2021
    Brecher wrote: »
    I'm currently playing BG2EE 2.5 with Spell Menu Extended: 3.5 + EEex 0.8.6 installed and noticed that lvl 9 spells are selectable for Chain Contingency.
    Could it be related to these mods?

    I just tested it - the culprit is Dragonspear UI++. Open UI.MENU and replace all instances of:
    maxMagePage >= 8
    maxMagePage > 8
  • BrecherBrecher Member Posts: 48
    Thanks a lot!
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Hey @Bubb , just wanted to ask you, do you have any plans to make this mod compatible with v2.6? With or without EEex. Especially the extended version of this mod is a must have for me now.

    And on another note, one little feedback. Someone else mentioned it as well, but I find the search option to be a hindrance rather than a feature. Would it be possible to make it configurable somehow to disable if we don’t want to use it?

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Does the Extended version also include the option for the Normal version's list view? If so, that seems like the best option!

  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Endarire wrote: »
    Does the Extended version also include the option for the Normal version's list view? If so, that seems like the best option!


    No, but it does have a search function. From experience, the extended version is definitely the best of the three choices precisely because you don't scroll through a list; it displays all of your spells at once, categorized by level. It's also had the most work done on it, for whatever that's worth.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    The extended version requires a small subset of EEex functionality, mostly it is used to grab information the engine otherwise hides from the UI, and to properly handle actionbar state changes. I might look into creating an independent loader just for the spell menu while EEex is being worked on.

    Also, in what way is the search function a hindrance? You can just ignore it if you don't want to use it, no?
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    That is excellent news Bubb, thank you so much. I’m looking forward to it.

    About the search function, I change key bindings for scrolling to WASD so that I don’t need to use the mouse for it. When I click on spell casting button, more often than not I accidentally click on these keys trying to scroll. But once the spell menu is open, then it unintentionally makes me do search instead of scrolling.

    If it’s not easy to make it configurable, that is fine. Just wanted to check if it’s something easy to do or not. It’s not a deal breaker in any case. Not having this mod while playing a spell caster is the real dealbreaker ?

    Thanks again for this excellent mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    In the newest EEex, I would like UI options to add OlvynSpells's metamagics to contingencies & sequencers so long as the final spell modified level is within the limits of the contingency or sequencer.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    This is now updated to work with v2.6, download here!
    Note: EEex is still required, see original post for details.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    Thank you so much Bubb for making this compatible with 2.6. Definitely my favourite mod 😊
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    Working on my EET modlist. Was just testing your mod and everythink seems to work fine. :smiley:

    What would be your recommandation about the install order to minimise potential conflcits ? As i was mostly considering this mod as a "UI" mod, it is installed almost at the beiginning (before quests, NPCs, kits, tweaks, EET_end...) :


    Would you recommend to move it later?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    @Bubb I just find out the spell menu applies also to at least certain special abilities (like setsnare). This is a nice surprise.

    I guess the 4 is related to a "spell level". Anyway to take it away ?

    Is it also possible to toggle on/off the "Spell menu option bar" ?

  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    Hi @Mordekaie!

    Yes, this is purely a UI mod - the only requirement is that you put it after EEex and UI bases, (like EET, LeUI, Dragonspear UI++).

    I've released v4.2 which adds options to disable the control bar / search bar. The level indicator is too fundamental to the menu to remove. I also went through and updated the compatibility with LeUI and LeUI-SoD, apparently some minor size / alignment issues had crept in.
  • Ludwig_IILudwig_II Member Posts: 379
    This is an awesome feature, thank you so much for this update Bubb
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Would you also preferably install EEex after UI bases ?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    I have an annoying visual effect that could be realted to this mod or EEex.

    I have a vertical green bar next going up and now ...


    Any idea ?
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    EEex can go anywhere, I'd put it right after EET. The green bar is part of the "Enable timer module" component of EEex — specifically, it's showing a contingency interval. You can uninstall the component to remove the bars.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Do you an example of contingency interval ? It is not clear for me
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    As in, with contingency-like spells, the game only checks the conditions every so often. When the green bar reaches the top of its cycle contingencies are checked, and if the conditions are met, the corresponding actions are taken. For example, Globe of Blades works like this, (notice how the spell strikes in time with the green bar):

  • AzirAzir Member Posts: 4
    Is it possible to make this work only with spells and not with the special abilities?
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    • Menu now remembers Left-Align
    • Fixed Left-Align + "Disable Control Bar" search bar alignment
    • Fixed the search bar still being focused when "Automatically Focus Search Bar" + "Disable Search Bar"
    • Fixed the search bar losing focus when "Automatically Focus Search Bar"
    • Added "Ignore Special Abilities" — @Azir
  • AzirAzir Member Posts: 4
    Thank you Mr Bubb :smile:
  • LeiluLeilu Member Posts: 67
    edited April 2022
    Thank you Bubb for the Disable Search bar function. Like @Ludwig_II I sometimes was pressing wasd to control camera or space bar by mistake while opening this spell menu.

    This spell menu and the shift button feature of EEex are my mandatory mods, even more than SCS or cdtweak. Thank you.

    Is it possible to show special abilities and objects in the spell list menu? To have a kinda all in one place button. I often forget to use objects or special abilities just because they are hidden behind another button. At least I won't forget them on my arcane or divine casters.

    Another topic. I can't right click to show spell description when I use Nahal's Reckless Dweomer with Wild Mages. I'm kinda noob and Nahal's Reckless Dweomer becomes useless for me because I don't know what does all those spells.
  • Great mod, thanx Bubb!

    But I have a problem:

    What could be the reason for the appearance of these green squares?
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    Leilu wrote: »
    This spell menu and the shift button feature of EEex are my mandatory mods, even more than SCS or cdtweak. Thank you.
    Glad you like the mods :smile:
    Leilu wrote: »
    Is it possible to show special abilities and objects in the spell list menu? To have a kinda all in one place button. I often forget to use objects or special abilities just because they are hidden behind another button. At least I won't forget them on my arcane or divine casters.
    Unfortunately it would require some major reworking to consolidate spells / items / special abilities all into one menu, (and the spell menu doesn't understand items as of now).
    Leilu wrote: »
    Another topic. I can't right click to show spell description when I use Nahal's Reckless Dweomer with Wild Mages. I'm kinda noob and Nahal's Reckless Dweomer becomes useless for me because I don't know what does all those spells.
    I'll look into this.

    But I have a problem:
    What could be the reason for the appearance of these green squares?
    Looks like the mod(s) those spells come from use the green transparent color in the spell icons, (which isn't being rendered properly). Do you know which mods those spells are from?
  • regular_doppelgangerregular_doppelganger Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2022
    Bubb wrote: »
    Looks like the mod(s) those spells come from use the green transparent color in the spell icons, (which isn't being rendered properly). Do you know which mods those spells are from?
    All of these spells are from the Spell Revisions mod (v. 4 beta 18).
    Is there anything I can change in the files to fix this?

    EDIT: Doesn't matter. I fixed these BAM files by myself. Thanks for the explanation!
    Post edited by regular_doppelganger on
  • LeiluLeilu Member Posts: 67
    @Bubb Thanks. If you can't reproduce the Wild Mage issue, this is my mod list.
    I have not tested with only this mod.
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    • Added the ability to view spell descriptions when using op214, (Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, etc.). Note that since this isn't possible in vanilla some spells viewed in this way may have invalid descriptions. — @Leilu
  • LeiluLeilu Member Posts: 67
    Thank you. Works great.
  • K4f4rK4f4r Member Posts: 14
    edited April 2022
    How about an option to make green bars (from Timer component) only show up in combat? I know what they represent, they simply bother me when I am just traveling around.

    I can't possibly imagine why would I want to know when my contingency triggers when no enemy is in sight. There obviously is some condition for it in-game, given how music changes in combat. There are also mods that supposedly make you faster outside of combat (never used them myself, I don't know much more about it).

    EDIT: Oops, wrong thread. Requesting removal of this comment.
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