Cavalier and Undead Hunter creature bonus

Has anyone checked the creature files in NearInfinity to see what these two kits ACTUALLY get bonus damage vs? Do cavs get bonus dmg against wyverns? Do UHs get dmg against bone fiends or bone golems? There are a lot of creatures that would seem to fall under a "maybe" and I'm curious if any of the forum's NI geniuses have made a comprehensive list of creatures these kits benefit against.
Seems to me like cavs should get bonus dmg vs:
-Demon Knight
-Alu Fiend
-Bone Fiend
-Pit Fiend
-Dragon (all colors)
-Baby Wyvern
And UHs vs:
-Greater Ghoul
-Greater Ghast
-Ghoul Lord
-Elemental Lich
-Vampiric Mind Flayer
-Vampiric Mist
-Mist Horror
-Wandering Horror
-Crimson Death
-Mummy (lesser and greater)
-Shade Wolf
-Shimmering Wraith
-Vampiric Wraith
-Skeleton Archer
-Helmed Horror
-Bone Golem
-Flaming Skull
-Spirit Troll
-Spectral Troll
-Vampire (and vampyre) of all ranks
-Sea Zombie
Anything that doesn't belong on these lists? Anything missing?
Seems to me like cavs should get bonus dmg vs:
-Demon Knight
-Alu Fiend
-Bone Fiend
-Pit Fiend
-Dragon (all colors)
-Baby Wyvern
And UHs vs:
-Greater Ghoul
-Greater Ghast
-Ghoul Lord
-Elemental Lich
-Vampiric Mind Flayer
-Vampiric Mist
-Mist Horror
-Wandering Horror
-Crimson Death
-Mummy (lesser and greater)
-Shade Wolf
-Shimmering Wraith
-Vampiric Wraith
-Skeleton Archer
-Helmed Horror
-Bone Golem
-Flaming Skull
-Spirit Troll
-Spectral Troll
-Vampire (and vampyre) of all ranks
-Sea Zombie
Anything that doesn't belong on these lists? Anything missing?
for undead hunter, they get their bonus against any RACE that is considered undead, so as long as the race of the creature is set to undead, then you get the bonus, if not, then you will not
so i checked the bone fiend, and it's race is demonic, so the cavalier would get a bonus but the undead hunter would not
i checked the bone golem and it's race is golem, so no paladin gets a bonus on the bone golem
-Demon Knight: Demonic
-Cambion: Demonic
-Nabassu: Demonic
-Cornugon: Demonic
-Glabrezu: Demonic
-Alu Fiend: One version is Elf (ALUFIE01), the rest are Demonic
-Bone Fiend: Demonic
-Abishai: Demonic
-Pit Fiend: Demonic
-Marileth: Demonic
-Succubus: Demonic
-Baalor: Demonic
-Maurezhi: Demonic
-Dragon (all colors): Dragon
-Baby Wyvern: One version is Human (PALKNI05), the rest are Wyvern
-Wyvern: Wyvern
-Banshee: Wraith
-Ghoul: Ghoul
-Ghast: Ghoul
-Greater Ghoul: Ghoul
-Greater Ghast: Ghoul
-Ghoul Lord: Ghoul
-Lich: Lich
-Elemental Lich: Lich
-Demilich: Demilich
-Vampiric Mind Flayer: Mind Flayer
-Vampiric Mist: Mist
-Mist Horror: Mist
-Wandering Horror: Mist
-Crimson Death: Mist
-Spellhaunt: Mist
-Mummy (lesser and greater): Ghoul ( lol? )
-Shadow: Shadow
-Shade Wolf: Shadow
-Wraith: Wraith
-Shimmering Wraith: Wraith
-Spectre: Spectre
-Vampiric Wraith: Wraith
-Skeleton: Skeleton
-Skeleton Archer: Skeleton
-Helmed Horror: No Race ( GLOWTEST ) Golem ( HELMHO )
-Bone Golem: Golem
-Flaming Skull: Lich
-Spirit Troll: Troll
-Spectral Troll: Troll
-Vampire (and vampyre) of all ranks: All Vampires/One Vampyre ( VAMPYM01 ) are Vampire, the other
two Vampyres are Vampyre
-Zombie: Zombie
-Sea Zombie: Zombie
-Zombie Lord: Ghoul
-Sea Zombie Lord: Zombie
so interestingly enough, no "Undead" race, so now it's time to figure out which races full under Undead
crimson death
spirit troll
spectral troll
bone golem
so for the most part, if it looks like undead or seems like undead, chances are it's considered undead, although the odd ones aren't
although apparently alhoon ( the mind flayer ) is considered undead, weirdo
although i did some quick research and they are indeed a lich mind flayer
Categorizing then as undead is correct. Poor things, they are plagued by dry skin.
Vampiric Wolf: Wolf/Undead -> so indeed the Undead Hunter will get a bonus against this creature
I always thought the kit should get a bonus to Turn Undead, at least get rid of the 2-level penalty Pallies get compared to Clerics.
in general demons/dragons are stronger, but the undead side has some strong ones ( like liches and vampires ) plus the undead hunter comes with some great immunities
when it comes to missile weapons ( bolts/arrows/bullets ) they do indeed deal missile damage which SKELETONS do indeed have a 90% damage resistance against, but that is only for skellies, your missile damage should be quite normal against the rest
although in BG1 there is more skeletal undead compared to BG 2, but there really is never a wrong option on how to play the game, so if you want a ranged Undead Hunter, nothing wrong with that choice
also, another note, Azuredge deals missile damage when used in range
I happen to love the UDH kit and I have reacted sometimes on how little love it gets compared to the cav, who IMHO is an inferior kit compared to UDH over the saga (and especially in IWD).
This holy avenger has honed PRO_HISHER abilities toward the destruction of the undead and other unnatural creatures and is immune to many of their most devastating abilities.
- May create a Holy Sword once per day for one hour (starting at level 5).
- May Turn Undead as a priest of the same level (starting at level 3).
- +3 bonus to hit and damage rolls against undead creatures.
- Immune to hold and level drain.
Starting at level five, the Undead Hunter may materialize this holy weapon once per day for one hour. Despite its +3 bonus, this bastard sword is considered +5 for the purpose of determining what it can hit. The Undead Hunter always uses this blade as a specialist and while wields it PRO_HESHE's under the effect of Bless.
- May not use Lay On Hands ability.