NWN:EE Toolset

So I just got the EE and can't see anywhere on how to open the toolset, is it actually avaible with the EE? Or am I still using the old CD copy of the game I own from way back when?
EDIT - Never mind.... Seems I'm still noob
- How does the Aurora Toolset work in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition?
- The Aurora Toolset works exactly as it did in the original Neverwinter Nights. You should be able to access the toolset from the Beamdog Client by clicking Options and choosing open game location. After, go to the bin/win32 directory and run toolset .exe.
But I still hold to the issue, please, please, for the love of god please make this easier. It would be FAR better to place the toolset into the game itself. It baffles my mind why this extremely important element of the game isn't just placed into the game rather than making us go through this convoluted process.
BTW @JuliusBorisov the FAQ needs updating to reflect this don't you think?
Mine is here.
[Drive or where you put your steam library]:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Neverwinter Nights\bin\win32
How does the Aurora Toolset work in Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition?
The Aurora Toolset works exactly as it did in the original Neverwinter Nights. You should be able to access the toolset from the Beamdog Client on the right hand side of the Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition section. If you don't see the launch toolset option, try expanding the window.
To access the toolset through Steam, launch Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and choose Launch Game Editor.
Thanks, @TarotRedhand.
@JuliusBorisov A recent issue I have noticed with the Aurora Toolset is when I try to open a module of my own creation from the Retail branch of NWN:EE, I'm prompted with an error message stating, "This module was created with a updated version of Neverwinter Nights. Please exit and update the game. For Windows users, press the Update button on the initial Neverwinter Nights menu." I am able to open it from the Development branch just fine. Correction: I Just checked both versions, and the Retail branch is still v78.8186 while the Development branch is v78.8187. False alarm, folks. There's nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. Move along, move along. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
yeah, they still remain.
Unfortunately, doing that will reset any placeables to the tileset's zero-height. Any objects that have had their z position adjusted will drop to the ground/floor.
I thought that was fixed? Doesn't seem to do that anymore.
Well, maybe it still does. I thought I remembered reading that was changed...
If that doesn't work immediately, check "Run As Administrator" in the shortcut properties, and add that program to your AV's exception list (not sure whether those steps are still necessary, depending which AV you have).
For the toolset though, I made a shortcut. You don't even need steam running to open it.
I am having trouble using the toolset with CEP 2. I can open the toolset fine with no haks and create a module, but when I try to open the start module for CEP 2.65 or 2.67, I get the message that the required HAKs are missing? They are in the hk folder, and I even created a hak folder and copied them into that, but I still cannot open a module with CEP haks. Does anyone know where the haks need to be in order to use CEP starter modules?
You're using the wrong folders - see Guide link above.
The folder you need to use is the one containing nwn.ini and the \saves subfolder. By default, on Windows, it's ..\Documents\Neverwinter Nights (unless you, or Gog, changed it on installation - the locations for each file type are given in nwn.ini).
In that folder, in addition to \saves, you need to use (or create) subfolders like \hak, \modules, \tlk etc as specified in the Guide. Those folder names are the same as the old NWN Diamond 1.69 directory structure, but, unlike Diamond, they don't reside in the game installation.