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[v1.72] Warlock Mod



  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Does anyone know if the Infernal Soulplate is actually present in the game anywhere? If I'm reading the items.tpa file correctly, it's not actually on anyone or in a merchant's stock.

    Also looks like the Black Hands of Ebonroc are only available in BG1?
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Would still appreciate it if anyone knows about the Infernal Soulplate.

    Setting that aside, back to the gnome run:

    Turns out that Thaxll'ssillyia struggles with Mazzy shooting arrows and about 30 undead from The Dead Walk distracting it. Careless of the Shade Lord to let undead mess with his dragon so.
  • QuesterQuester Member Posts: 23
    Some minor typos I noticed in the descriptions of the Warlock's invocations on your site:

    Soulreaving Aura: "With this invocation, the warlock floods the surrounding area of negative energy" --> with

    See the Unseen: "With the invocation" --> this
    Also, the last sentence lacks "He/she" at the start.

    The Dead Walk: "All summoned undead remains animated" --> remain
    "until they are" --> "until they are either"
    "eight hour passes" --> "eight hours pass"

    Voracious Dispelling: "Thus, if a caster is 10 levels higher than the magic is trying to dispel" --> the magic he/she is trying...
    same next sentence

    Walk Unseen: "The effect ends immediately if attacks" --> if he/she attacks

    Electrifying Blast: "become paralyzed" --> or become paralyzed

    Tenacious Plague: "The Tenacious Plague spell attracts a cloud or swarm of magical insects to that jump first to the target"

  • docbearddocbeard Member Posts: 10
    edited October 2022
    During my current playthrough, I was not initially offered the Planar Sphere as a stronghold. A bit of quick and crude Near Infinity surgery (changing the condition in Lavok's dying dialogue from MAGE_ALL to BARD_ALL) resolved that (though that's obviously not an ideal solution). I didn't see the special Warlock dialogue tree in his dialogue at all.

    If I had to guess I'd suspect that the Tweaks Anthology multiple strongholds with class restrictions component overwrote whatever changes this mod made. I've otherwise been recognized as a mage (in the initial quest suggestions from Gaelan and such) and everything else appears to be working. (I haven't yet tried the Planar Prison quest, that'll probably be next).

    Edit: Changing the condition to:


    does appear to work as well. I did try copying in a LAVOK.DLG from a separate fresh BG2 install with only the Warlock mod installed but no joy there either, but my level of expertise in this stuff can probably be summarized as "baby poking at a live bomb with a pointed stick and laughing when the clock speeds up" so I will be happy with any halfway successful result!
    Post edited by docbeard on
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • docbearddocbeard Member Posts: 10
    Further trip report of my running around during a thunderstorm waving around a copper stick and screaming ALL GODS ARE...well, ahem.

    The bug reported a page or two back where there's a NO VALID LINKS OR RESPONSES error at the end of the planar prison still seems to exist.

    It looks like as installed (and I checked against my clean test install as well), when you finish the prison area and Haer'Dalis informs Raelis that he's not going back with her, the first response to State 99 is triggered if the character is a bard (but not a warlock), and the second only for non-bards, so warlocks never get a valid response and the dialogue ends there leaving you stuck.

    I was able to bypass it by editing the second response trigger (21 in my active game, 20 in my clean install) to:


    which triggers the 'don't offer the Playhouse' option and sends you all back home.

    No guarantees whatsoever that I have any idea what I'm doing but hopefully this will all be of use to someone.

    And my thanks to Artisan for this wonderful kit mod. I'm enjoying playing through the trilogy with it immensely (and I feel like it's not a modded game if you're not having to do emergency surgery to it at some point!)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Thanks for the bug warnings!
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    How to access the invocations list? It's no longer there as of this writing.

  • ar0nar0n Member Posts: 14
    TheArtisan wrote: »
    v0.61* Added portrait icon for Hellfire Blast's constitution drain

    * Hideous Blow: Hellfire Blast properly drains caster's contitution

    Hi @TheArtisan - first of all thank you for a great mod! This warlock class is wonderfully written and it fits thematically into the legacy of a child of Bhaal.

    I've recently discovered it and found some minor bugs - just letting you know:
    • hideous blow for frightful blast and bewitched blast does not work correctly - instead of applying effect (like blindness) on enemies, it changes their weapon to eldritch blast
    • confusion from bewitching blast does not seem to work - it correctly puts a confusion mark on target, but the affected enemy does not behave randomly
    • paralyze from electrifying blast does not seem to work either

    I'm planning or giving melee warlock a try, so loosing first two effects makes me really sad :(

    Apart from that:
    • I'd say demon form from "word of changing" is two weak in terms of statistics - it only has 20 strength (just 1 more than my half-orc warlock had before shapechange) and dexterity; maybe it can be raised to 25? and if you think it's too strong, how can I do that manually (i.e. edit forms stats in the files)? I'd like to amend it in my gameplay.
    • "call fiend" ability is weaker than the equivalent spells (like summon dark planetar) and even weaker than 9th level gate, which always summons pit fiend (right, it's also attacking enemies, but still, nabassu is not that tough); what do you think of an idea to amend it so that it either (i) summons a new type of demon, a stronger one; (ii) always summon pit fiend; or (iii) summons more demons than just one?

    Just to add, apart from this mod I only installed shadow magic, bardic wonders and kitpack. Would be great to see some of shadow magic spells as warlock invocations btw (maybe a high level ability? or is it too much? I guess it fits thematically for a warlock to draw power from either fey, fiend or shadow realm)!

    These are only suggestions of course, love your mods (you and Lava are the best!) and please keep up the good work!
  • ar0nar0n Member Posts: 14
    TheArtisan wrote: »
    v0.61* Added portrait icon for Hellfire Blast's constitution drain

    * Hideous Blow: Hellfire Blast properly drains caster's contitution

    Hi @TheArtisan - first of all, thank you for a great mod. I've recently gave it a try and found some minor bugs that you may want to take a look at:
    • hideous blow for Frightful blast/Beshadowed Blast does not apply a correct affliction (like e.g. blindness) to enemy, but rather gives them eldritch blast as a weapon;
    • paralyze from electrifying blast does not seem to work - gamelog correctly informs about paralazying the enemy, but it does nothing (or maybe I tried to paralyze/confuse enemy with some kind of resistance - I tested it on a pit fiend);
    • same goes for confusion from bewitching blast.

    Also, below please also see some other potential suggestions:
    • demon form from Word of Changing seems a little too weak - it only has 20 strength (with my half orc warlock having just 1 less) and dexterity - maybe it deserves raising it to 25? and if you think it's too strong - is it possible to change it manually in the mod files? I'd like to implement this for my playthrough
    • call fiend is weaker than other HLAs (like summon dark planetar) and even weaker than 9th level gate, which always summons pit fiend (I know, it's hostile, but still); maybe it can be enhanced either by: (i) summoning a stronger type of demon (a new one); (ii) always summoning a friendly pit fiend; or (iii) summoning more than 1 demon?

    Love your second mod shadow magic two - would be great to see some crossover like warlock casting some shadow magic spells as invocations (warlock can draw power from fey or demonic creatures, why not shadow realm?). Maybe as HLA? Leaving it up to you whether it's a good idea or not really.

    These are just suggestions of course and once again, thank you for a great mod. Please keep up the good work!
  • ar0nar0n Member Posts: 14
    Also, one more thing - Eldritch Focus is supposed to "cause the warlock to lose 25% of their current hit points" per invocation cast, but instead it applies to 25% of maximum hit points, which makes it virtually unusable (as no healing can occur during its duration, it means no more than 3 invocations cast this way)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Are you using the newest Warlock version from GitHub, 2.x?
  • ar0nar0n Member Posts: 14
    Endarire wrote: »
    Are you using the newest Warlock version from GitHub, 2.x?

    Yup - 2.1b (as provided here:
  • Igi22Igi22 Member Posts: 1
    Hi! I´m really enjoying this mod, currently in BG1, planning to finish the whole trilogy. But one thing doesn´t seem to work for me - the warlock items are just not there. Wanted to buy the darkfire gauntlets in Sorcerous Sundries, only to find out they are missing. Is there a solution for this? Thanks.
  • OccamsCatOccamsCat Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2023
    With this mod installed, NORMAL mode is basically INSTAKILL for all of my characters now.
    I have to revert to Story Mode in order to progress anywhere, where I'm basically in God Mode, and all of the fun is taken away

    I am trying to get to the INN in the north to meet Jaheira and Kalid, and my party gets wiped out by a wolf on the way there.
    Did this mod change any of the difficulty settings,? because Wow, the game just got super frustrating because I can't even leave Candlekeep without dying.

    I also cannot equip any weapons, because the mod keeps insisting that I have a "Magical Weapon Equipped", and I can find no way to fix that.

  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    This mod just adds a new class and doesn't modify the difficulty.
    Which version are you using ? It have been updated recently.
  • OccamsCatOccamsCat Member Posts: 2
    Trouveur wrote: »
    This mod just adds a new class and doesn't modify the difficulty.
    Which version are you using ? It have been updated recently.

    I'm using version 2.43
    I can't equip any weapons with this mod installed, I just get the message "Magical Weapon Equipped" and it refuses to allow me to equip anything in my weapon slot.
  • FredBluesFredBlues Member Posts: 9
    I really want to play this mod. It doesn't work! Without the Beta Spell ad on Irenicus will not initiate dialogue and blast his spells after character creation. With the ad on the game keeps popping into the spellbook and gameplay is impossible. Is there a fix?
  • GrozzleGrozzle Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2023
    FredBlues wrote: »
    Irenicus will not initiate dialogue and blast his spells after character creation.

    Mine (2.44) without the beta method did pop up a spell learning dialogue fine (conversation style) and after I went through that Irenicus did his thing.

    The Beta Spell Learner brought up a blank looking spell sequencer when Imoen arrived... and fishing around for a bit selecting a level 1 spell through the first couple until they started getting red crosses and then moving onto level 2 I eventually got through it as well.

    It's not very intuitive but the beta method did let me see the spell descriptions.

    On another note - any old hands here know if this works with Rogue Rebalancing and if so which is best to install first?
  • CautusCautus Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2023
    This looks like something I was waiting and looking for a very long time. Alas, something seems to always bug out. During character creation some of the images are random weird shapes and when I was selecting bard, instead of Warlock option, there was listed class name was antimagic arrow +1. problems followed from there, since options for warlock like spells, descriptions etc are in place, but words and images are not connected and instead they create this weird soup of nonsense.

    Anyone else experienced this problem? I got nothing else beside full vanilla game (including dragonspear) installed.

    EDIT: Please disregard, I have read message about mod merger and the rest. Thank you Flashburn, SneakWalker & JohnBob, I owe you a beer.

    Also, thanks to the creator, I finally will be able to play Warlock!
  • Copycat665Copycat665 Member Posts: 15
    Love this mod so much! Great idea. I am however having some issues after getting the Chain part of the Eldricht Blast. It often hits my own party.
    Version 2.44 in BG2eeT
  • Emardon_LareousEmardon_Lareous Member Posts: 61
    Is it possible to have a spell that creates a eldritch blast weapon for your character? That way eldritch blast can work as a default weapon with most typical AI
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    Copycat665 wrote: »
    Love this mod so much! Great idea. I am however having some issues after getting the Chain part of the Eldricht Blast. It often hits my own party.
    Version 2.44 in BG2eeT

    I found that the spear, glaive, and chain versions of the eldritch blast affect party members (if they're in the way). I assume that the same applies to the cone and other area-of-effect versions. So I just don't use them most of the time.

    I don't think it's that big a deal (at least for my character) since the blast and blow versions are pretty powerful in their own right (my warlock dual-wields in melee, and the eldritch blow is very nice for that).

    The class is pretty overpowered. In a party of 6, my warlock still kills more than 40% of the enemies using (primarily) the eldritch blow ability.
  • namokonamoko Member Posts: 1
    Is it possible to fix Spear and Chain version of blasts?
    The glaive does not have this issue, I am using it in the middle of mixed crowd - allies and enemies and only enemies are affected.

    The spell description in game and on the forum states, that spear and chain should affect only enemies :(
  • EddyDantesEddyDantes Member Posts: 1
    Noticed a really huge bug with the Dead Walk. Once summoned I can't control the undead, and if I use the spell while I already have undead summoned, the previous undead don't die. So I can potentially summon an entire army of undead. It's a shame because if the invocation worked it would be one of the best and coolest invocations in the game.

    Also, the invocation spell that has an aoe don't show even if you in the lua write SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show AOE','1'). Make's it substantially harder to use certain AOE spells like the tentacles one
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