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Beginning again after a two-year layoff

I'm wanting to get back into it... I finished a completionist, no-reload of BG and BGII in August 2015 and haven't played since.

So, my disk drive isn't working, meaning I can't use my heavily modded BG Tutu and BGII SoA/ToB games. Until I can get a new disk or laptop... a priority, I guess I'll play BGEE/BGIIEE. I've had them since they came out but never really played them, preferring my own, personally modded versions.

So, I need help. I see the modding posts, but can't find the single repository of all mods available, to date, for BGEE and BGEEII. Can someone point me to them?

Also, I assume I can use the BGT install guide/order is also relevant to EE mods?

Thanks. I know this is a tired old question.


  • There isn't a single repository. Check out the and Gibberlings3 websites, and the stickied posts at the top of the BG1ee and BG2ee modding subforums on this forum. Even so, you will miss some. Also check out threads inthe General Modding section. Many wonderful creations live there.
  • Thanks C_H.
  • @CharlestonianTemplar

    Bonus info: These are the mods I consider absolutely indispensable to a good game. This is for BG1ee:SOD.

    This'll take you a few hours to install manually - the first time, at least. :)

    Unpack all mods, run bws fixpack! - then install mods

    BG1 Mini Quests and Encounters
    BG1 NPC
    BG1 Unfinished Business v23
    Rogue Rebalancing v.4.91
    More Styles for Mages v. 1.55
    Spell Revisions v.4 beta 15
    Tome and Blood v.0.7
    Golem Construction v.5.3
    Faiths and Powers v.0.74s
    Might and Guile v.3.7.3
    CDTweaks v.4
    SCS v.30 (needs bws fixpack!)
    Scales of Balance 5.8.5
    Kjeron's "Restrict specialist spell slots" (found in UI modding section on this forum)
    NPC_EE 3.1.2
    Item Randomizer
    Hidden Gameplay Options (found in UI modding section on this forum)
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited February 2018
    Thanks C_H. I'm reviewing Leonardo Watson's latest Big World setup now.

    Do you know if the creator of 'Hard Times' mod ever made it available for BGEE?
  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
    edited February 2018
    Don't know, sorry. Someone like @jastey or @semiticgod might know?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    I don't know about the Hard Times mod, but the lists for BG:EE and BGII:EE compatible mods might be useful:

    BG EE 2.0 and Siege of Dragonspear Compatible Mods

    List of BG2EE Compatible Mods
  • Jastey, thank you. This is what I was looking for.

    As many mods and tweaks as I have in my BG Tutu and BGII SoA/ToB, it was overwhelming to think about starting from scratch again. Ugh.

    Playing a bit while I figure it out. :wink:
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Okay folks, my last question. I'm embarrassing myself here... wish this was east as Tutu.

    I've successfully installed NPC Proj/music, Gavin & isra NPCs, BG UB, Deities of Faerun... tested it/ All is good.

    Now trying to add SCS. Instructions say I have to install BigWorldFixpack first. How? I've found the BWF, just don't see an executable file in there.

    I've tried running SCS, and sure enough, I can't finish before I get an error. So, it appears it does need the fixpack. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I uncompressed BWF into my 00766 folder but that doesn't do anything and, again, there's no exectutable to run.

    Thanks, swear, this is my last question. CT
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @CharlestonianTemplar - The executable you're looking for is actually a windows batch file called "BiG World Fixpack." I think it has to be run before you start installing mods though, just to make sure that all the mods are patched.

    Hopefully that helps you out.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited March 2018
    Thanks Sapphire... long time.

    I thought I had the correct batch file but when I uncompressed it last night, I couldn't figure out how to install it. Usually, I unpack them and there is an executable and a folder. In this case it was just the batch file but I figured it out after I read your post. I was unpacking it into the wrong folder by mistake.

    Penny for your thoughts on any EE mods you're enjoying. I don't know if you remember, but I was always played vanilla (with lots of mods). First time really using EE although I have had both since 2012-13, whenever they came out.

    Good to hear from you and thanks for the help. CT
    Post edited by CharlestonianTemplar on
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited March 2018
    Okay, I lied. I'm stil not getting SCS to install.

    I can go all the way through the components but when I hit 'Enter', after I've made all my selections, it starts running through the copying and patching but then it rolls back. I get the error message:

    "Core [initialize] component not installed - all other components require this component"

    What am I missing or what doing wrong? CT
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2018
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited March 2018

    Don't use the auto-installer. It's been non-functional for 2 years.

    Also, the version of SCS v30 in the best shape to install is kreso's "revised SCS" fork. It has all known hotfixes and patches needed for a successful install on EE v2.0+. It's very slightly tailored to kreso's taste, but it's SCS, and it installs, so... until v31 is released it's your best bet.

    Makes sense. I haven't played in two years. Thanks doc. I'll give kreso's version a whirl.

    Wait! How do you NOT use the auto installer? I'm not that well versed. I always just click the 'executable' and follow directions. How do you NOT do that?
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  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855

    Just use setup-stratagems.exe

    Sorry for my ignorance. So that will take me to the 'dos window' (or whatever that is). Then I get the 'what language' prompt, which leads to the various components. Is that the auto installer you mentioned? That's what I've been using.
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  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    @CharlestonianTemplar I'm probably a bit late with this, but I'm maintaining a list of BGEE/BG2EE compatible mods at Polish site Children of Bhaal. It's in Polish, but you shouldn't have any problems finding Download links. Links called "Informacja o modzie" will redirect you to the info section of specific mod.

    BGEE Compatible mods list
    BG2EE Compatible mods list

    Hope it helps.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Cahir said:

    @CharlestonianTemplar I'm probably a bit late with this, but I'm maintaining a list of BGEE/BG2EE compatible mods at Polish site Children of Bhaal. It's in Polish, but you shouldn't have any problems finding Download links. Links called "Informacja o modzie" will redirect you to the info section of specific mod.

    BGEE Compatible mods list
    BG2EE Compatible mods list

    Hope it helps.

    This is excellent @Cahir. Thank you.

    Good thing is, I'm retired now. I do a 'repair install' and start modding again anytime. :wink:

  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Can anyone help me point my EEKeeper to the correct folder?

    I've used Baldur's '...Gate Enhanced Edition/Data/00766,' and 'Libraries/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/Save/'. The latter is where my game saves to and I have no problem with it when I want to play a saved game.

    Regardless, EEKeeper is not seeing them. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, CT
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited March 2018
    @CharlestonianTemplar the correct folder is the one where you can find chitin.key file. If you have multiple game versions installed (like retail version and beta version) you need to point out to the correct path (for the version you actually run)

    For example for retail versions it would be like this for me:
    ...\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766
    ...\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\Data\00783
    ...\Baldur's Gate Siege of Dragonspear\Data\00806
    ...\Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition\Data\00798

    And the "Saves" paths:

    ... \Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition\save
    ... \Documents\Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition\save
    ... \Documents\Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition\save

    But for the beta versions it would be like this (I have these on different HDD partition):

    ... \BeamDog\Games\00764
    ... \BeamDog\Games\00546
    ... \BeamDog\Games\00794

    I suspect the "Saves" folders are the same for each versions of the game.

    As you can see these 00xxx folders are diferent for each version of the game. It could be confused a little if you have mupltiple versions installed.
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Thanks @Cahir

    I have the path correctly then. Just not showing up. I'll keep plugging away. Usually I figure these things out. CT
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    edited March 2018
    Does anyone use the BGEE Graphics Overhaul? I've never used it or any of the predecessors that I see available (for vanilla, etc.). Looks pretty cool.

    I can't get it to install, though. It goes through like it's installing fine but at the end it keeps rolling back because:

    ERROR locating resource for 'copy'
    Resource [] not found in KEY file
    Stopping installation because of error.

    I am almost finished with all my mod, fix, tweaks installations. other than noting that this should have likely been the first thing I installed, I see nothing wrong. CHITLIN.KEY is there and everything else has installed smoothly and without error.

    Y'all know I'm not a modder but a user/consumer, so I don't know how to figure this out. I could easily reinstall everything and start with this fix but if I can avoid that I'd like to - ready to actually PLAY the game. :smiley: Plus, I don't know if I wouldn't get this error even if I DID go back and start again.

    Sorry, thanks in advance for any guidance. CT

  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463

    Can anyone help me point my EEKeeper to the correct folder?

    I've used Baldur's '...Gate Enhanced Edition/Data/00766,' and 'Libraries/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/Save/'. The latter is where my game saves to and I have no problem with it when I want to play a saved game.

    Regardless, EEKeeper is not seeing them. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, CT

    CKT. I don't know if you've sorted this issue. If not, it's possible that's because you've used forward rather than back slashes (the above may not be an exact copy of what you've put into EEKeeper, but it's worth double-checking just in case).
  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Grond0 said:

    Can anyone help me point my EEKeeper to the correct folder?

    I've used Baldur's '...Gate Enhanced Edition/Data/00766,' and 'Libraries/Documents/Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition/Save/'. The latter is where my game saves to and I have no problem with it when I want to play a saved game...

    CKT. I don't know if you've sorted this issue. If not, it's possible that's because you've used forward rather than back slashes (the above may not be an exact copy of what you've put into EEKeeper, but it's worth double-checking just in case).
    Nah. I sI till have the issue but, in this case, just finger fumbled. :wink:

  • CharlestonianTemplarCharlestonianTemplar Member Posts: 855
    Cahir said:

    @CharlestonianTemplar I'm probably a bit late with this, but I'm maintaining a list of BGEE/BG2EE compatible mods at Polish site Children of Bhaal. It's in Polish, but you shouldn't have any problems finding Download links. Links called "Informacja o modzie" will redirect you to the info section of specific mod.

    BGEE Compatible mods list
    BG2EE Compatible mods list

    @Cahir many thanks again for keeping this up. I struggle with the Polish, but can usually figure it out and it's very helpful. CT

  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    memory said:
    Thank you @memory for linking this. Couple of remarks since it's in Polish.

    1.Yellow colour means that mod is compatible with EET.
    2. "Forum" - redirects to the mod forum/thread. I have tried to link to threads where there is more info about the mod (i.e if there are couple of threads on different modding sites)
    3. "Strona" - redirects to the official mod site.
    4. Download links are on the left most column (could be several mirrors if available)
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    edited August 2018
    Raduziel said:
    Yeah and you're not making my life easy by updating DoF so frequently :) It's hard to keep up with updating my list. Kidding, keep up great work!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Cahir said:

    Raduziel said:
    Yeah and you're not making my life easy by updating DoF so frequently :) It's hard to keep up with updating my list. Kidding, keep up great work!
    I'll behave for now on, sorry. hah I'll keep you aware of the futures updates. They will happen less often now as I've decided to release packs of deities instead of deity-by-deity.
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