I'll have to dig a little further for this one - I installed and reinstalled this mod with every component thousand of times in BGEE+SoD, BG2EE, and IWDEE and never had this problem
Can you please skip Helm and see if the same happens for: Talos, Tyr and Lathander?
In fact, I have to have my browser closed and disconnect my wifi for weido to even work (which is new).
Ok, that is something that I never saw anywhere.
I'm seeing the code and everything looks fine. In fact, I was, just now, able to install all the four kits:
It's a long-shot, but as we are seeing some new glitch have you tried restarting your computer?
I know I sound like an IT guy who doesn't have a clue of what is happening (actually for the moment I don't), but let's discard everything that we can for the moment.
This code was given to me by @subtledoctor so I know it is rock-solid.
I did try a reboot. I'll try again tomorrow and see what happens.
Sorry about that. I'll ask around and see if anyone comes up with any ideas. For the moment I can't figure out what is wrong as I can't reproduce the problem or identify it to work on a solution.
Hi @Raduziel, I wanted to let you know that it installed fine today.
However, I do have a theory of what caused my issue. I ran into this issue after doing a complete uninstall of all mods. So my theory is that this mod has issues adding to the sodcltxt.2da file when it adds new entries. I believe this as I first had all FnP installed with their large list of kits. In fact, this mod installed properly after I again did a complete install of FnP and then uninstalled it.
So my suggestion for you to recreate my issue is, uninstall all mods. Clear your override folder. Then try to install DoF and I think you can recreate my issue.
For Tenya, I am not asking to update the mod iteself. I am asking if you can set something up in your mod to all me to add the kit to her (like you do for the NPCs). FnP does this.
For Tenya, I am not asking to update the mod iteself. I am asking if you can set something up in your mod to all me to add the kit to her (like you do for the NPCs). FnP does this.
I understood, but my understanding is that it is crossmodding and as a crossmod it requires the original author authorization.
If the author gives me green light I will gladly include this component.
@Necromanx2 Are you still having the Branwen-as-a-Dweomerkeeper-issue?
I'm trying to reproduce it, but I'm not getting any bad result. She always comes as a Battleguard. The code looks fine too.
I did found another problem - Prayer is not working as intended (at least not how it was working on 1.0).
I'll hold v1.6 a little - it will contain fixes for the Dweomerkeeper (it is not possible to make it immune to dead magic, unfortunately), a fix for Prayer and Auril/Umberlee (with the Tenya component)/Malar.
Selûne will have to wait, as I'm out of ideas.
I believe that everything should be uploaded by Friday.
@Raduziel, Interesting thing. If I play my Shapeshifter character that uses @semiticgod kit for fighters, Brawen is Mystra. If I use my Warlock character, she is Tempus. Both are games I started after having all my mods install.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~SETUP-TENYATHERMIDOR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tenya Thermidor for BG:EE ~CONTINOUSVICONIAAPPEARANCE/SETUP-CONTINOUSVICONIAAPPEARANCE.TP2~ #0 #100 // Continous Viconia: 1 ~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #30 // IWD Arcane Spell Pack: Beta 4 ~PALEMASTER/SETUP-PALEMASTER.TP2~ #0 #0 // Pale Master Kit for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE: v1.4.5 ~PALEMASTER/SETUP-PALEMASTER.TP2~ #0 #2 // Evermemory Fix for BG:EE: v1.4.5 ~ZKWSALARIN/SETUP-ZKWSALARIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Weavescale Sorcerer Kit for BG:EE ~SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Seducer Kit for Thieves: v1.20 ~SHAPESHIFTERFIGHTERKIT/SHAPESHIFTERFIGHTERKIT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Shapeshifter Kit for Fighters: 1.0 ~ELDRITCH_MAGIC/ELDRITCH_MAGIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // EE: Item Expansion: v1.67 ~ELDRITCH_MAGIC/ELDRITCH_MAGIC.TP2~ #0 #3 // XP Cap Removal -> Remove XP Cap: v1.67 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Base Cleric Changes (required for all components): 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Install kit: Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install kit: Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #4 // Install kit: Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install kit: Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install kit: Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install kit: Fastpaw of Baervan: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #8 // Install kit: Watcher of Helm: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install kit: Stormcaller of Talos: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install kit: Dawnbringer of Lathander: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install kit: Holy Justice of Tyr: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #12 // Install kit: Lorekeeper of Oghma: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #13 // Install kit: Painbearer of Ilmater: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #14 // Install kit: Dweomerkeeper of Mystra: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #15 // Install kit: Holy Champion of Torm: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #16 // Install kit: Silentwalker of Mask: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #18 // Quayle, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #19 // Glint, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #20 // Yeslick, the Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #21 // Tiax, the Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #23 // Branwen, the Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4 ~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #24 // Viconia, the Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4 ~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #105 // Select an installation method below: -> no new kits - JUST install the sphere system: 0.74.25 ~C0WARLOCK/SETUP-C0WARLOCK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Warlock Kit
The kits per se. At the moment there are 16 kits: Baervan, Baravar, Clangeddin, Cyric, Helm (revised), Ilmater, Lathander (revised), Mask, Mystra, Oghma, Shar, Sune, Talos (revised), Tempus (revised), Torm, and Tyr (revised)!
Work In Progress: Selûne and Umberlee - I'm having a bad time trying to adapt their abilities from PnP to IE without making them useless.
All the kits were designed to be as close to PnP as possible, being changed only what could not be done within the Infinity Engine boundaries or would impact gameplay balance too much.
Every kit receives its deity personalized Holy Symbol which grants while equipped: Bless, a +1 bonus do Turn/Command Undead, a +1 bonus to spellcasting time and one extra level spell for every circle.
The Holy Symbol is automatically granted once the cleric reaches level 25.
On top of that, some kits receive new and exclusive spells as below:
Rapture (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Thought Range: 15-ft/level Duration: 2 turns Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell has two effects: when cast upon an ally it will put it on a state of bliss, raising its morale and banishing all effects of disease, fear, sleep, and charm. When cast upon an enemy the target must make a Saving Throw vs. Paralyzation or become stunned during the effect of the spell.
Emotion (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Benediction/Dread Range: Visual range of the caster Duration: See below Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 7-ft. radius Saving Throw: See below
The Heartwarder can inspire one of the following emotions of target:
HOPE: This spell creates the emotion of hope within the area of effect. All creatures affected by the spell gain, during 1 hour, a morale boost and +2 on their Saving Throws, attack rolls, and damage rolls. This spell nullifies all hopelessness effects within the area of effect at the time of casting.
COURAGE: This spell creates the emotion of courage within the area of effect. All creatures affected by the spell gain, during 1 hour, +1 to hit, +3 to their damage rolls, and +5 temporary Hit Points (which can put them above their maximum Hit Points). This spell nullifies all fear effects within the area of effect at the time of casting.
FEAR: This spell creates the emotion of fear within the area of effect. All enemies who fail to save vs. Spell flee for 5 rounds. This spell nullifies Emotion, Courage within the area of effect at the time of casting.
HOPELESSNESS: This spell creates the emotion of hopelessness within the area of effect. All enemies who fail to save vs. Spell just stand and do nothing for 1 turn. This spell nullifies Emotion, Hope within the area of effect at the time of casting.
Sphere: Dread Range: 0 Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: A sphere of 15-ft radius Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a spherical miasma of gloom and menace centered on the caster. When this spell is cast, all evil-aligned beings attack at a +1 bonus to their attack and damage rolls, all good-aligned creatures strike at a -1 penalty to their attack and damage rolls, and the caster is personally empowered to strike at a +3 bonus to PRO_HISHER attack and damage rolls. Neutral-aligned beings (with respect to good and evil) are unaffected by this spell. Once cast, the spell moves with the caster and does not need to be concentrated on to be maintained.
Instill Madness (Enchantment/Charm)
Sphere: Thought Range: Touch Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg.
Instill Madness causes the subject to become completely insane unless a Saving Throw vs. Spell is made with a -2 penalty. Upon a failed Saving Throw, the subject remains in this state until a successful Dispel Magic is cast upon it.
Sphere: Shadow Range: 20 ft. Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of effect. Infravision is useless. Neither normal nor magical light works. Every creature, foe or friend, will be blinded during the effect of this spell unless it leaves the affected area.
Nightmare (Invocation, Illusion/Phantasm)
Sphere: Thought Range: 40 ft. Duration: 2 turns Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell enables the Nightcloak to put PRO_HISHER victim in a deep slumber and send a hideous and unsettling vision to the recipient, causing 1d10 points of magic damage. A Saving Throw vs. Spells is allowed to avoid all the effects.
Eyebite (Enchantment/Charm, Illusion/Phantasm)
Sphere: Thought Range: 60 ft. Duration: 1 round/3 levels Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Neg.
An eyebite spell enables the caster to merely meet the gaze of a creature and speak a single word to cause an effect. The Nightcloak selects one of four possible gaze attacks at the time the spell is cast. Every effect can be resisted with a Saving Throw vs. Spells with a -4 penalty. The four effects of the spell are as follows:
CHARM: The Nightcloak can charm a single person or monster. The effect is to make the charmed subject absolutely loyal and docile to the caster, even to the point of personal danger. It is otherwise the same as a Domination spell.
FEAR: The Nightcloak can cause fear. The subject flees in blind terror for the duration of the spell.
SICKEN: This power enables the caster to cause sudden pain and fever to sweep over the subject's body. The target will suffer a -4 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Armor Class, Thac0, damage and a 50% penalty to its Movement Rate.
SLEEP: The Nightcloak can cause an individual to fall into a comatose slumber.
Sphere: Plant Range: Touch Duration: 5 turns Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to change a specially prepared staff into a treant-like creature of the largest size, about 24 feet tall. When the priest plants the end of the staff in the ground and speaks a special command and invocation, the staff turns into a treant-like creature with 12 Hit Dice, 80 hit points, and Armor Class 0. It attacks twice per round, inflicting 4d6 points of damage with every successful attack. The staff-treant defends the caster and obeys any spoken commands. However, it is by no means a true treant; it cannot converse with actual treants or control trees. The transformation lasts either for as many turns as the caster has experience levels or until the staff is destroyed, whichever occurs first. If the staff-treant is reduced to 0 hit points or less, it crumbles to a sawdust-like powder and the staff is destroyed.
Sphere: War Range: 0 Duration: Special Casting Time: 10 Area of Effect: One magical mace-like construct Saving Throw: None
This spell enables a Watcher to create a magical mace in PRO_HISHER hand. The Mace of Odo is wielded immediately when casting is complete and protects the Watcher against all level 1 and level 2 spells.
A Mace of Odo strikes as a +5 weapon and does 3d6+5 points of damage. Creatures of 2 HD or less must make a successful Saving Throw vs. Paralyzation when struck by the mace or be paralyzed for 3 turns.
The mace vanishes after one strike or after 3 rounds.
Wyvern Watch (Abjuration, Evocation)
Sphere: Protection Range: 30 ft. Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30-ft. radius Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell is known as wyvern watch because of the insubstantial haze brought forth by its casting, which vaguely resembles a wyvern. It is typically used to guard some area against intrusion. Any creature that approaches the guarded area may be affected by the "wyvern" and must roll a successful Saving Throw vs. Spells or stand paralyzed for one round per level of the caster, until freed by the Watcher, by a dispel magic spell, or by a remove paralysis spell. A successful saving throw indicates that the subject creature was missed by the attack of the wyvern-form, and the intruder was not affected.
Seeking Sword (Evocation)
Sphere: War Range: 30 ft. Duration: 2 turns Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: One magical sword-like construct Saving Throw: None
This spell brings into being a shimmering blade of force that appears as a sword of any description the caster desires, typically a broadsword. The sword forms in midair and is animated by the will of the caster (who need never touch it), flashing about as it attacks. The blade can strike four times per round, doing 2d4 points of damage with each successful hit, but cannot act beyond the caster's line of sight.
Although it has no attack or damage bonuses, a seeking sword is considered a +4 magical weapon for determining what sorts of beings it can strike. It has 15 Thac0, 30 Hit Points, 5 AC and can only be harmed by fire, magic, acid or crushing damage. Another spell casting is impossible while maintaining the spell, though the caster may move at half his or her normal movement rate per round while doing so.
Sphere: Benediction Range: 0 Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
During this spell's effect, the spell recipient receives bonuses of + 1 on attack rolls and +1 on all saving throws and is allowed one extra attack per round. The spell recipient glows with a rose-red radiance during this time of augmented ability. This radiance is similar to faerie fire in appearance, but it does not carry with it the benefits that opponents would gain when attacking a creature outlined in faerie fire.
Faerie Fire (Alteration)
Sphere: Fire Range: 80 ft. Duration: 2 turns Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 15-ft. radius Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to outline one or more objects or creatures with a pale glowing light. Outlined creatures are easier to strike; thus, opponents gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Note that outlining can render otherwise invisible creatures visible.
Sunrise (Evocation, Alteration)
Sphere: Light Range: Touch Duration: Instant Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
With this spell, the caster evokes a dazzling sphere of light equal to natural sunlight around himself. Any undead touched by the Dawnbringer will suffer 4d6 points of damage, be blinded and, for vampires and shadows only, destroyed. A Saving Throw vs. Spells is allowed to halve the damage and deny the other effects.
Sphere: Knowledge Range: 0 Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the Lorekeeper can extend PRO_HISHER knowledge immensely. The caster gains 100 points of Lore for five rounds and learns how to unequip cursed items, cure diseases and neutralize poisons.
Sphere: Vigor Range: 0 Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the Painbearer call a beneficial servant of Ilmater to possess PRO_HIMHER. During this possession, the priest can resist any sort of physical attacks, but can't move, cast spells or fight back.
Endurance of Ilmater (Abjuration, Alteration, Necromancy)
Sphere: Vigor Range: Touch Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell doubles the hit points of the spell recipient for the spell duration. Any damage suffered is taken first from these phantom hit points until they are all exhausted; damage is only then taken from the real hit points of the affected being. The spell also protects the vitality of the spell recipient so that all checks of any sort against contracting diseases automatically succeed, and all other Saving Throws receive a +2 bonus.
Sphere: Shadow Range: 0 Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a semisolid fog of amorphous shape that engulfs the caster and moves with PRO_HIMHER for the duration of the spell.
A shadowcloak both confuses attackers with its swirling, smoky chaos, and slows strikes so that all attacks against the shadowcloak-user occur at a -3 attack penalty and a damage penalty of-1 point per die. The shadowcloak also muffles all sounds made by the cloaked being (regardless of that being's desires), so that even shouted speech seems faint and distant, and all sounds short of breakage or metallic ringing or clinking are very likely to be completely blanked out.
The shadowcloak grants to the Silentwalker a 100% bonus to Move Silently, a 50% bonus to Hide in Shadows and puts the caster under the effect of Silence.
Be aware that some kits were altered to fit their PnP counterpart (as Tyr) and some abilities were completely altered (like Seeking Sword)!
Did you notice the spheres listed? It's because this mod is completely integrated with Faith's and Pantheons sphere system (by @subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad )! But be aware that this mod must be installed before FnP and the sphere system is the only component relate to clerics that you can install from that mod. I don't know yet how it would behave with FnP's non-cleric components (like Paladin, Druid, and Ranger kits) but it will probably be ok.
Before blowing your mind even more let me tell you guys about the things I know that are wrong but I can do nothing about:
The Fear Gaze from Shar's Eyebite can sometimes turn the target berserker. It is a problem with the Opcode, not something I did wrong.
Speaking of problems, Anomen will be able to get proficiency as an unkitted Fighter (5 slots in any weapon) but he will still be bounded to Helm's equipment restriction, so be wise about what you'll do when leveling he up.
Wait? Anomen? YES! Next component!
Kits for NPCs
Every single NPC-priest from the game (except those added by mods, but this can be altered with a little dialogue with other modders) receives one of those kits. Some adjustments were made in terms of stats and alignment so they can fit the kit's requisites.
It's true: some powers were lost (Branwen no longer has Spiritual Hammer, Yeslick no longer has Dispel Magic and Quayle no longer has Invisibility) but only because those were powers that were there to simulate the kits abilities - what now those NPCs actually have!
PS: Tiax can still summon his undead because that was not a kit-related thing, it is a character-related spell.
Well, I think is over... BUT NO, IT IS NOT!
Thanks to @CamDawg 's guide and a huge help from @kjeron we have now some...
Stronghold Alterings
Hold your breath, cause here comes the list!
- Baervan Wildwanderer: Druid, Ranger
- Baravar Cloakshadow: Thief
- Clangeddin: Helm, Fighter
- Cyric: Talos, Thief
- Helm: Helm
- Ilmater: Lathander
- Lathander: Lathander
- Mask: Talos, Thief
- Mystra: Wizard
- Oghma: Bard, Wizard
- Shar: Talos
- Sune: Lathander, Bard
- Talos: Talos
- Tempus: Fighter
- Torm: Helm, Paladin
- Tyr: Helm, Paladin
For now, it is over! In the next post I'll get into details about the kits and NPCs altering. Or you can check them yourself by downloading from here !
Before we go to the next post, let me say thanks to some people here:
@kjeron , dude, you deserve a statue. You're the most helpful person I ever met.
@Gwendolyne I would never have started modding if it wasn't for your kindness and patience.
@subtledoctor and @Grammarsalad for encouraging me with this work and letting me use their sphere system.
DoF makes some altering on the base class cleric. All weapon and proficiency restrictions are removed (for the Cleric and all multiclass related to it) and the APR is the same of the Fighter/Paladin/Ranger.
So to make sure that any of your kits will work as designed by you guys a line should be added to the ADD_KIT routine:
clswpbon =~003~
Otherwise, let's say, an Acolyte of Shar would get extra APR at levels 7 and 13.
On top of that, I think that something should be added to the weapons restriction.
Ok, I just noticed that when FnP is installed the Mask's summons and Tempus' prayer stops working properly.
I was able to fix this issue for Tempus, but when I tried to do the same for Mask I made things worse and now every time Shades or Demi-Shadow Monsters are cast the game CTD.
Ok, I just noticed that when FnP is installed the Mask's summons and Tempus' prayer stops working properly.
I was able to fix this issue for Tempus, but when I tried to do the same for Mask I made things worse and now every time Shades or Demi-Shadow Monsters are cast the game CTD.
I'll not release any new kit until I fix this.
I've had issues with shades and demi shadow monsters. If you want, just use the versions in the current, non released, version of fnp (changing them to innates and all that)
It was working like a charm before installing FnP. Something must have been overwritten and some summons started to come strange (named goblin instead of Goblin). Little things.
So I renamed some files (like I did for Prayer and worked) and now Shades and DSM are CTD.
I'll take a look at FnP files, thanks
Edit: I think I found the root of this evil, I sent you an MP with the details.
* Fixed Battleguard's Prayer for DoF + FnP install
* Had to alter the Dweomerkeeper's characteristic once again as it seems that it is impossible to overcome the Dead Magic zone in Watcher's Keep.
* Silentwalker of Mask had its summon spells altered for better crossmod compatibility, but at the moment it can't be used with FnP or Shades and Summon Demi-Shadow Monsters will crash the game. I'm working on a solution with @Grammarsalad and I think we got it covered. I'll let you guys know when it is ok to use it - no new upgrade will be needed as it seems to be an issue on FnP's end.
* Altered the way BAM is implemented: now every kit will add its own BAM files, instead of DeitiesOfFaerun.tpa. This way you won't need to reinstall the main component every time a new kit is released.
* Cyric is removed from IWDEE because he is not a god yet when IWD's events happen.
Notes related to the next version:
* I had some huge progress with Auril, but it is not ready yet. Auril, Malar, and Umberlee (maybe Selûne too) will be on version 1.5 - the current version is just some improvements.
* Unfortunately, Umberlee and Selûne will go through some deep alterings in order to be playable at the IE - most of their PnP abilities are useless in BG/IWD (like Starshine and Water Breath).
i) Do you have SoD installed?
ii) In which platform are you playing (Android, Mac, Windows)?
Windows laptop computer.
I'll have to dig a little further for this one - I installed and reinstalled this mod with every component thousand of times in BGEE+SoD, BG2EE, and IWDEE and never had this problem
Can you please skip Helm and see if the same happens for: Talos, Tyr and Lathander?
Probably will, but I just want to double-check.
The other components installed normally?
Did you have EEKeeper or Near Infinity open at the moment you did the install?
In fact, I have to
have my browser closed anddisconnect my wifi for weido to even work (which is new).I'm seeing the code and everything looks fine. In fact, I was, just now, able to install all the four kits:
It's a long-shot, but as we are seeing some new glitch have you tried restarting your computer?
I know I sound like an IT guy who doesn't have a clue of what is happening (actually for the moment I don't), but let's discard everything that we can for the moment.
This code was given to me by @subtledoctor so I know it is rock-solid.
I wanted to let you know that it installed fine today.
However, I do have a theory of what caused my issue. I ran into this issue after doing a complete uninstall of all mods. So my theory is that this mod has issues adding to the sodcltxt.2da file when it adds new entries. I believe this as I first had all FnP installed with their large list of kits. In fact, this mod installed properly after I again did a complete install of FnP and then uninstalled it.
So my suggestion for you to recreate my issue is, uninstall all mods. Clear your override folder. Then try to install DoF and I think you can recreate my issue.
About Tenya, I need to get in touch with that mod's author. With his permission, sure, why not.
If the author gives me green light I will gladly include this component.
*Disappears on the mists*
@Necromanx2 I'll look into the Branwen issue today. I was in another city - no notebook and constantly drunk.
Not wise to mod under those conditions.
I'm trying to reproduce it, but I'm not getting any bad result. She always comes as a Battleguard. The code looks fine too.
I did found another problem - Prayer is not working as intended (at least not how it was working on 1.0).
I'll hold v1.6 a little - it will contain fixes for the Dweomerkeeper (it is not possible to make it immune to dead magic, unfortunately), a fix for Prayer and Auril/Umberlee (with the Tenya component)/Malar.
Selûne will have to wait, as I'm out of ideas.
I believe that everything should be uploaded by Friday.
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~SETUP-TENYATHERMIDOR.TP2~ #0 #0 // Tenya Thermidor for BG:EE
~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ #0 #30 // IWD Arcane Spell Pack: Beta 4
~PALEMASTER/SETUP-PALEMASTER.TP2~ #0 #0 // Pale Master Kit for BG:EE, BG2:EE and IWD:EE: v1.4.5
~PALEMASTER/SETUP-PALEMASTER.TP2~ #0 #2 // Evermemory Fix for BG:EE: v1.4.5
~ZKWSALARIN/SETUP-ZKWSALARIN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Weavescale Sorcerer Kit for BG:EE
~SEDUCERKIT/SEDUCERKIT.TP2~ #0 #0 // Seducer Kit for Thieves: v1.20
~ELDRITCH_MAGIC/ELDRITCH_MAGIC.TP2~ #0 #0 // EE: Item Expansion: v1.67
~ELDRITCH_MAGIC/ELDRITCH_MAGIC.TP2~ #0 #3 // XP Cap Removal -> Remove XP Cap: v1.67
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Base Cleric Changes (required for all components): 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #1 // Install kit: Heartwarder of Sune: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #2 // Install kit: Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #3 // Install kit: Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #4 // Install kit: Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #5 // Install kit: Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #6 // Install kit: Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #7 // Install kit: Fastpaw of Baervan: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #8 // Install kit: Watcher of Helm: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #9 // Install kit: Stormcaller of Talos: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #10 // Install kit: Dawnbringer of Lathander: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #11 // Install kit: Holy Justice of Tyr: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #12 // Install kit: Lorekeeper of Oghma: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #13 // Install kit: Painbearer of Ilmater: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #14 // Install kit: Dweomerkeeper of Mystra: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #15 // Install kit: Holy Champion of Torm: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #16 // Install kit: Silentwalker of Mask: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #18 // Quayle, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #19 // Glint, the Hoodwinker of Baravar: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #20 // Yeslick, the Alaghar of Clangeddin: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #21 // Tiax, the Strifeleader of Cyric: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #23 // Branwen, the Battleguard of Tempus: 1.4
~DEITIESOFFAERUN/DEITIESOFFAERUN.TP2~ #0 #24 // Viconia, the Nightcloak of Shar: 1.4
~FAITHS_AND_POWERS/FAITHS_AND_POWERS.TP2~ #0 #105 // Select an installation method below: -> no new kits - JUST install the sphere system: 0.74.25
~C0WARLOCK/SETUP-C0WARLOCK.TP2~ #0 #0 // Warlock Kit
Is there any overlap with fnp? I.e. any kits that shouldn't be installed if this mod is installed?
DoF makes some altering on the base class cleric. All weapon and proficiency restrictions are removed (for the Cleric and all multiclass related to it) and the APR is the same of the Fighter/Paladin/Ranger.
So to make sure that any of your kits will work as designed by you guys a line should be added to the ADD_KIT routine: Otherwise, let's say, an Acolyte of Shar would get extra APR at levels 7 and 13.
On top of that, I think that something should be added to the weapons restriction.
I was able to fix this issue for Tempus, but when I tried to do the same for Mask I made things worse and now every time Shades or Demi-Shadow Monsters are cast the game CTD.
I'll not release any new kit until I fix this.
Those should be mainly bug free
It was working like a charm before installing FnP. Something must have been overwritten and some summons started to come strange (named goblin instead of Goblin). Little things.
So I renamed some files (like I did for Prayer and worked) and now Shades and DSM are CTD.
I'll take a look at FnP files, thanks
Edit: I think I found the root of this evil, I sent you an MP with the details.
* Fixed Battleguard's Prayer for DoF + FnP install
* Had to alter the Dweomerkeeper's characteristic once again as it seems that it is impossible to overcome the Dead Magic zone in Watcher's Keep.
* Silentwalker of Mask had its summon spells altered for better crossmod compatibility, but at the moment it can't be used with FnP or Shades and Summon Demi-Shadow Monsters will crash the game. I'm working on a solution with @Grammarsalad and I think we got it covered. I'll let you guys know when it is ok to use it - no new upgrade will be needed as it seems to be an issue on FnP's end.
* Altered the way BAM is implemented: now every kit will add its own BAM files, instead of DeitiesOfFaerun.tpa. This way you won't need to reinstall the main component every time a new kit is released.
* Cyric is removed from IWDEE because he is not a god yet when IWD's events happen.
Notes related to the next version:
* I had some huge progress with Auril, but it is not ready yet. Auril, Malar, and Umberlee (maybe Selûne too) will be on version 1.5 - the current version is just some improvements.
* Unfortunately, Umberlee and Selûne will go through some deep alterings in order to be playable at the IE - most of their PnP abilities are useless in BG/IWD (like Starshine and Water Breath).