Is there an easy way to search currently submitted issues to ensure there aren't duplicates? Found a major bug with character biographies in the current IWD Beta. As you transition between map areas, certain custom biographies are deleting / becoming blank. Not sure if this is recorded yet, but I can create a report.
Well, search by text should work. I don't see any relevant issues by "biography character", so please, report this bug
Also, even if you post a dupe, no harm will be done. It's always better to see something reported twice than not reported at all.
Is there an easy way to search currently submitted issues to ensure there aren't duplicates? Found a major bug with character biographies in the current IWD Beta. As you transition between map areas, certain custom biographies are deleting / becoming blank. Not sure if this is recorded yet, but I can create a report.
Well, search by text should work. I don't see any relevant issues by "biography character", so please, report this bug
Also, even if you post a dupe, no harm will be done. It's always better to see something reported twice than not reported at all.
Anyone know if the GUI improvements to engine BGEE will be brought to IWDEE? I have the beta and I’m assuming this is a no.
I'm not sure what you mean, but the underlying engine for both BG games and IWD will be the v2.5 version where basically everything is the same (except for the look of the UI of course).
The GUI overhaul for 2.0 was not very well accepted. As such, it's likely that they tried to keep IWDEE's 2.0 interface close to its original interface.
The actual implementation of the GUI should be separate from being able to mod the GUI.
I was referring to the layout of the record screen as well as the side-window journal setup. There are a few other differences (what I saw as improvements) that I can’t think of off the top of my head.
One thing I will say that I noticed: if you rename the portraits as XXXX_L and XXXX_M, the portraits are selected the same as vanilla: where the Large portrait is the only portrait you see during character creation and the M (or S) portrait is automatically applied without being shown during character creation. Thought it was a nice feature, though I wish there was someway to selerate make and female.
@mashedtaters The layout of the 2.0 interface got a lot of flak, so it's not surprising that they didn't follow the 'improvements' that were implemented for BGEE 2.0, as people just didn't like them.
Either way, the UI should be as customizable as the BGEE/BG2EE UIs, so there'll be mods that handle that stuff.
Really? Weird. I always disliked scrolling down a bunch of stats to find the one you were looking for and then accidentally missing it. Having them in tabs is much better for me. It’s also easier for mobile users.
And people didn’t like the journal? What’s not to like?
So basically I’m guessing this is a no, those improvements aren’t being brought to the platform.
This picture is from the Trials of the Lure Master. I hope, the seams up and down, left and right in the wyvern-sprite are visible.
I am a big fan of the new mini-maps. In the camp of the barbarians the mini-map turned into a macro-map during the fight with the worshippers of the wyrm. After the fight the mini-map turned to normal size. So no harm here.
It is a useful feature in my current game, but I think it is not intended: When the ghosts of the shamanic dance are far off the shaman, and new enemies are approaching them, than both are holding their positions, and my artillery can take the enemies down without breaking a sweat. Firegiants, Illmadia and Icegolems are examples.
In area AR5004 I ask myself, if the towers of Corellon and Shevarash should change their positions, because of the bridge to Labelas and where I expect him to be?
Last question: (I do not know the right kit-name) A paladin, undead-hunter, level 14 has only one detect evil, one smite evil and one protection from evil. Keldorn's kit has more than that. I do not remember, if Keldorn can not cast spells while the undead-hunter can. Is this intentional?
I have had three system-freezes so far: two while fiddling in the inventory and one while hiding from an Yuan-Ti, but I think these are relate to a bug in the mocroprocessor I am using. On the other hand, I never had freezes with the BGEE-series (1.3 to 2.3) only chrashes but with other programs including IWDEE 1.4.
Also, even if you post a dupe, no harm will be done. It's always better to see something reported twice than not reported at all.
The actual implementation of the GUI should be separate from being able to mod the GUI.
Sorry, I wasn’t specific enough.
I was referring to the layout of the record screen as well as the side-window journal setup. There are a few other differences (what I saw as improvements) that I can’t think of off the top of my head.
One thing I will say that I noticed: if you rename the portraits as XXXX_L and XXXX_M, the portraits are selected the same as vanilla: where the Large portrait is the only portrait you see during character creation and the M (or S) portrait is automatically applied without being shown during character creation. Thought it was a nice feature, though I wish there was someway to selerate make and female.
Either way, the UI should be as customizable as the BGEE/BG2EE UIs, so there'll be mods that handle that stuff.
And people didn’t like the journal? What’s not to like?
So basically I’m guessing this is a no, those improvements aren’t being brought to the platform.
I hope, the seams up and down, left and right in the wyvern-sprite are visible.
I am a big fan of the new mini-maps. In the camp of the barbarians the mini-map turned into a macro-map during the fight with the worshippers of the wyrm. After the fight the mini-map turned to normal size. So no harm here.
It is a useful feature in my current game, but I think it is not intended: When the ghosts of the shamanic dance are far off the shaman, and new enemies are approaching them, than both are holding their positions, and my artillery can take the enemies down without breaking a sweat. Firegiants, Illmadia and Icegolems are examples.
In area AR5004 I ask myself, if the towers of Corellon and Shevarash should change their positions, because of the bridge to Labelas and where I expect him to be?
Last question: (I do not know the right kit-name) A paladin, undead-hunter, level 14 has only one detect evil, one smite evil and one protection from evil. Keldorn's kit has more than that. I do not remember, if Keldorn can not cast spells while the undead-hunter can. Is this intentional?
I have had three system-freezes so far: two while fiddling in the inventory and one while hiding from an Yuan-Ti, but I think these are relate to a bug in the mocroprocessor I am using. On the other hand, I never had freezes with the BGEE-series (1.3 to 2.3) only chrashes but with other programs including IWDEE 1.4.