@Gusinda ok i have a few more.. Lmao sry. The little girl in the save has UAI as an ability she can cast on herself. Could you see if you can change it so she can cast it on others as well? This would be a significant help. Change Shuriken to a shadow thief avatar with guile and blade shower 2nd cast. More dmg on that blade shower too. Last thing, theres a store that the imp Bion takes you to. The guys name is Pinky and if you fight him, he turns into this badass purple shadow dragon. I want that dragon change for Valen ...for some fun while we work thru Ayame lol.
Edit: oh yea, you wouldnt happen to have Elminsters portrait would you? If so, can tou change the wizards name to Elminster and give him the portrait? Tyty. Just feels like somethings missing when i play him lmao.
@Xhoblaim, give this a whirl. The portraits are in the root of the saved games folder and need to be moved to the portraits folder, then added to teh char. I think the rest is as req.
@Gusinda Ayame Shes gonna be a full ranged ninja. So she will need 3pips in dart/shuriken, katana, ninja-to, single wep style and two wep style if she doesnt already. As for skills, Shes gonna need ALL ninja HLAs except Dragon buff along with these skills: Blade shower 2nd cast- instead of shooting daggers, shoot purple projectiles like Magi staffs. Poison weapon Spells needed: The special abilities of the chaos sorc items. For example, the dagger casts a spell called armeggedon and the shield casts a stone spike spell. I would like these abilities added to her spellbook. I think theres 4 in all, theres one that looks like tornadoes. These spells will be her ninjutsu magic.
Equipment/ Cosmetics: Shes gonna need increased fist thaco. Gonna need a shuriken weapon (one that returns to wielder) with the projectile changed to look like blade shower projectile. And last but not least... Copy her character and make it a male, Monk avatar, Blacked out like you did Ryu and make sure he can kick lol.
@Xhoblaim, yeah I have the right dragon (there was only 1 purple dragon). The colours are the effect of having the permanent buff spells in place on Valen...
Ayame. Got a copy of this. Having some trouble trying to do some of them. Will upload what I can do once I get the majority done.
@Gusinda so what ur sayin is... his buffs make him gay? Lmao jk. I figured that was it. Now to see if i can stabilize the glow from the buffs..unless you can turn that off for all but the viper buff?
@Xhoblaim, it is actaully the Viper Buff (if that is his surrounding purple glow) that does it... I placed the shapechange onto another character (Elminster) and apart from the Blur (which we put into the shapechange), the dragon was the proper purple...
@Gusinda ah ok. Keep that purple dragon handy...may give it to the pally build. About the colors, i dnt mind the dragon flashing purple.. But is the rainbow effect from just the viper buff itself? If not, see if you can remove the others. Disregard if im wrong.
Edit: nvm, i just got what you mean lol. Im curious tho, can the purple glow (or any glow for that matter) be applied to Valens shadows? I buffed them once and it looked really cool.
@Gusinda hmm..have another idea.. Is it possible to remove the glow effect from the viper buff? If so, will it work with a permanent viper buff (in theory it should)? This would kinda kill a few birds with one stone for me. If this is possible, ill have the dragon and the buff minus the rainbow glow. Only thing is, if the glow can be removed from the buff its gonna take away my shininess even if i recast the ability, unless... Unless the glow can be removed for the perm buff on the char but not the spell itself.. Which then worries me a bit bcuz activating the skill may still keep the glow up even though its removed.
Ah well..all else fails, save the dragon for the pally lol.
@Xhoblaim, got some time to play so I thought I would do Amaye first. You have been patient...
Amaye: 3pips - dart/shuriken, - katana, - ninja-to, - single wep style (2 pips) - two wep style
Skills, - ALL ninja HLAs except Dragon buff - Blade shower 2nd cast- instead of shooting daggers, shoot purple projectiles like Magi staffs (Forgot this one, will add for the next update). - Poison weapon
Spells The special abilities of the chaos sorc items. For example, the dagger casts a spell called armeggedon and the shield casts a stone spike spell. I would like these abilities added to her spellbook. I think theres 4 in all, theres one that looks like tornadoes. These spells will be her ninjutsu magic. There were far more than 4, so I added all and you can let me know which ones to remove...
Equipment/ Cosmetics: - Increased fist thaco. - a shuriken weapon (one that returns to wielder) with the projectile changed to look like blade shower projectile.
Amaye the Second - Copy her character and make it a male, Monk avatar, Blacked out like you did Ryu and make sure he can kick lol. Blacked out except armour. If this is the armour you are going to use, let me know and I will make it black as well.
Next time I will see what happens when I add the extra NPCs. Gus
@Xhoblaim, of the NPCs, only Sheena installed. The other two were for BG1EE only.
Unfortunately, the addition of the mod meant that the mod size is now over the limit for uploading (52MB) in Zip format. I compressed the file to a RAR format which bought it down a couple of meg, and added the .txt to the end. Remove .txt and see if you can decompress the RAR. Most file managers in Android should be able to.
I would have a look and see if you still want to keep her in the install...
@Gusinda Hey there. I have my own modding request for BGEE 2.5 Beta.
Here's my list. I'm trying to keep it a little more restrained, and am going with order of priority rather than install, in case compromises have to be made. If you need an easier referernce, most of my selections within the mods are made using BWS, "Recommended" settings.
-BG1 NPC Project - is this a surprise? If I can have no other mod, it must be this. -All options. Specific sub options include using 1 Hour Between talks, opening the first Cloakwood area only, moving Alora to the Hall of Wonders, moving Eldoth to the Coast Way, moving Quayle to the Carnival, moving Tiax to Beregrost, and using SixOfSpades expanded Sarevok Diary. Pick BG2 portraits over BG1. (can drop Starting Location Changes and Send NPCs to Wait at Inn if SCS is used).
-BG1 NPC Project Music Pack - Install All.
-BG1 Unfinished Business - everything but the Kagain's Quest, Kivan & Tazok, Branwen & Tranzig, Nim Furling encounter and Chapter 6 Dialogue changes.
-BG Mini-Quests & Encounters - All but the last 5.
-BG Romantic Encounters - Install All, "Descriptive"
-Lure of the Sirine's call - core part only, no extended area.
-NPCs for Everyone - this one is going to get a bit involved, since I can't use EE Keeper once i start. -Khalid > Ranger; Minsc > Fighter, Coran > Thief, Xvar > Necromancer/Cleric, Montaron > Thief, Xan > Fighter/Mage, Neera > Sorcerer (Wild Mage), and "Add Kit change innate" for single and multi class characters. That'll let me change their kits in-game.
-Ajantis BG1 Expansion - Core only.
-Coran's Extended Friendship talks
-Neera Expansion - Core, 1 hour between talks.
-Neera Banters - First Option (Banters + Interjections)
-Xan's Friendship
-Rogue Rebalance
-Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
I'd like the aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology and SCS mods, but the sheer amount of options would turn this into a twenty page document. Again, all I can say is, I usually use "Recommended" in BWS, with a few tweaks, or we can talk it out in PM. The main one being "no XP nerfs" and "keep BGEE cinematics".
@Gisinda cool, at least 1 npc worked lol im downloading it now, but will have to test it later. As far as Ayame and her counterpart, ill list few changes to start: * I like what you did with the Rime Slash skill. Only issue with that is - when you cast it on someone, sometimes the char cant or wont cast it. Then theres the random directions it shoots, doesnt always go where intended. Ill have to say i favored the way Valen has it. * I REALLY like the animation of some of the passive HLAs and would like a couple skill animations replaced with those named HLAs -Shadow Mastery animation for Shadow Slip skill. -Martial Prowess animation for Swift Flick ACTIVATION animation. What i mean by this is, after shooting a projectile and the passive kicks in, theres an animation that ensues so you know Swift Flick is in effect. I would like that animation replaced with the above mentioned. -Well Practiced Aim animation for Poison Weapon skill *This is a list of what her innate skills should look like (and order). Erase everything else. Blade Shower 2nd cast (will go into detail about the animation below) The spread shuriken skill. (The names messed up and i cant remember it lol) Poison Weapon Pressure Points Vamp strike - Permanent Viper buff Dragon buff Shadow clone Shadow slip Smoke bomb Weave Shear then Shape spell. *Her Thac0 is through the roof (-47) with that shuriken lol, need that toned down a bit.. Like 12 or so. *Of the chaos sorc spells, remove the cloud spells and the firestorm spell (the one that looks like lava rain) add whatevers left so i can see the others plz. *Change her colors to Deep purple primary and gold secondary. For the 3rd passive color - jet black. Try this out... *Shuriken Weapon and Blade Shower animation: I may have a better option for the animation... The skill Ki Charge. The animation for this skill is IDEAL and i cant believe i didnt think of it earlier lol. * Change her Avatar to that of a female vamp thief, like hexxant
This should do for now... Thanks for the work man, its amazing as always
@Xhoblaim, I have managed to get most of it done. Can't seem to find the Poison Weapon animation yet. I don't know much about the Chaos Sorc, would you be able to let me know what the names of the spells to remove are? I tried looking at them to find the cloud & firestorm but didn't have any success. Is this with Amaye?
@Gusinda i would love to name the spells but they are unnamed. What i can say is, the spells im lookin for in the items are unique spells. The items all share the same spells except 1 spell that is unique to the item, for example, the tiara headpiece has a blue ice spell or the shield that had the tornado spell. Heres the kicker for the spells tho, the item has to be combined first i believe (with any of the 4 items). This is one of the most difficult part of Ayames creation bcuz i can only describe the spells and what item they are on. The cloud-like spells appear to be standard to the items as they all share the same some of the same abilities.
All these spells are with ayame. Ill double check to see if i have the items in the save.
@Xhoblaim, I have made some changes (only to Ayame at the moment). I think I have all the Chaos Sorc spells that you were after. I took out what I thought were the cloud spells and Fire Storm. I also removed all her 'other' abilities, changed her colour and avatar, changed the animation for the effects except for Poison Weapon (still looking as to how that is done). I also reduced here THAC0, quite suprised to find it so high...
Same prob as the last, the size of the file is too large for a Zip, so I rarred it and renamed with the .txt at the end.
@Gusinda ok did some checkin n testin and came up with a few changes.
I noticed after the modfile update that towns people look really weird. Can you make them normal?
Now for Ayame... Open the innate skill menu, from left to right, first 7 abilities are the "Ninja Magic" spells. Remove abilities 1, 3, 5, and 7 (counting left to right). Add Sandstorm (Tornado spell) and Stone Spike (the spell where spikes come up fromt the ground). Then take these spells and put them in the spellbook. Put one spell per lvl up to 5 as i believe there should be a total of 5 spells. Remove them from innate table.
Within Ayame's spell table (not spellbook) theres a firestorm spell there chillin on the end, not sure why lol.
Shes still gonna need blade shower 2nd cast in her innate table.
Return her avatar back to Elf. Copy her and make it male elf, as for the avatar, ill come back to this..
Colors, the armor she has on is gonna be he main garb, so jet black is good for that. Hair - jet black, skin - like Viconias. On the male, give him blue skin like the blue elf from Neeras quest line.
Any luck withe the shuriken and blade shower animations?
Edit: ok so about that avatar, remeber a while back (page 3 of this thread) there was a mod we put in called Avatars&Geosorc. We had took it out due to crashing issues but, now that those are fixed i wanna give it another go. But to be safe, i only wanna try the male vampire avatars and the female hair mod.
@Xhoblaim, I haven't done much for this update. Not sure what happened with the townsfolk but I think I managed to fix it up. I am no longer running 1.3 on my device with the update to 2.5 the other day. I still have 1.3 on the PC but I just want to check that the game is back to where it should be...
@Gusinda So android is now at 2.5? Where do i get this update?
Edit: Nvm found it. How much space does your game take up now? Mine was at 2.95gb and they are askin another 2.35gb or so.. No way in hell my phone can fit that lmao.
@Xhoblaim. yeah it was about 3GB install, which meant just over 1GB extra once 1.3 was removed. There is a problem with modding 2.5 at the moment. If you do go for it, I found that I had some missing space after removing 1.3, a quick restart fixed that.
@Gusinda damn.. Looks like i may have to uninstall then reinstall the game from the app store.. Cuz i dnt have enough space to d/l the new patch THEN overwrite 1.3.. I hope this works but, before i do, how is 2.5? Have you done any PT?
@Gusinda Aha! Thats what i forgot..stupid glow on shields, can you take that off as well? Tytyty
Lol the modfile #48 allowed multi protect items (which i need) and in 49 its gone. I also liked the avatar morphing script but, if its turned on, ill have to reskin most of my avatars like Elminster. Is it possible to keep it on with the avatar changes?
Now that you play 2.5, will you still hook it up like we were doin? Cuz i still have another char to make *sniff lol.
@Xhoblaim, yeah, while I still have 1.3 on my PC, you should be right. It just means that I wont be able to test properly on my Note.
I wont be modding the Android version for a while yet. Not until the bug is fixed. There is a work around but it means working with 1.6 gig plus files and that just isn't fun (I would do it if I really need to but happy playing vanilla on Android).
I shall see what I can do with the shields and protect items etc. Did the townsfolk come up as they should?
@Gusinda Affirmative sir. Townsfolk have been restored. Thats a hell of a "work around" lol. Thats aloooot of space O_o;)... My phone would explode lmao. I'll jus stick to my Zen-like patience and wait for devs to straighten things out then. Plus it gives me more time for me to aquire a sd card.. really gonna need that.
@Xhoblaim, stalled with Ayame right now. At the moment, I am doing testing on the modfile creation for v2.5 BG2EE and BGEE and submitting a feature/bug report so the devs can fix... I expect to have this complete today and then can continue.
Unfortunately, the game doesn't move to the SDCard and play. You can use it as a storage device when switching between games though. I can explain that further later...
The little girl in the save has UAI as an ability she can cast on herself. Could you see if you can change it so she can cast it on others as well? This would be a significant help. Change Shuriken to a shadow thief avatar with guile and blade shower 2nd cast. More dmg on that blade shower too. Last thing, theres a store that the imp Bion takes you to. The guys name is Pinky and if you fight him, he turns into this badass purple shadow dragon. I want that dragon change for Valen
Edit: oh yea, you wouldnt happen to have Elminsters portrait would you? If so, can tou change the wizards name to Elminster and give him the portrait? Tyty. Just feels like somethings missing when i play him lmao.
Do you remember the plans for ayame? They were posted a while back.
I cant believe you did that to Valen... gay pride dragon? Lmfao. Hes shining like a rainbow disco ball haha. Do you know what dragon i was speakin of?
Ayame. Got a copy of this. Having some trouble trying to do some of them. Will upload what I can do once I get the majority done.
I shall await Ayame..
About the colors, i dnt mind the dragon flashing purple.. But is the rainbow effect from just the viper buff itself? If not, see if you can remove the others. Disregard if im wrong.
Edit: nvm, i just got what you mean lol. Im curious tho, can the purple glow (or any glow for that matter) be applied to Valens shadows? I buffed them once and it looked really cool.
Unless the glow can be removed for the perm buff on the char but not the spell itself.. Which then worries me a bit bcuz activating the skill may still keep the glow up even though its removed.
Ah well..all else fails, save the dragon for the pally lol.
- dart/shuriken,
- katana,
- ninja-to,
- single wep style (2 pips)
- two wep style
- ALL ninja HLAs except Dragon buff
- Blade shower 2nd cast- instead of shooting daggers, shoot purple projectiles like Magi staffs (Forgot this one, will add for the next update).
- Poison weapon
The special abilities of the chaos sorc items. For example, the dagger casts a spell called armeggedon and the shield casts a stone spike spell. I would like these abilities added to her spellbook. I think theres 4 in all, theres one that looks like tornadoes. These spells will be her ninjutsu magic.
There were far more than 4, so I added all and you can let me know which ones to remove...
Equipment/ Cosmetics:
- Increased fist thaco.
- a shuriken weapon (one that returns to wielder) with the projectile changed to look like blade shower projectile.
Amaye the Second
- Copy her character and make it a male, Monk avatar, Blacked out like you did Ryu and make sure he can kick lol. Blacked out except armour. If this is the armour you are going to use, let me know and I will make it black as well.
Next time I will see what happens when I add the extra NPCs.
Unfortunately, the addition of the mod meant that the mod size is now over the limit for uploading (52MB) in Zip format. I compressed the file to a RAR format which bought it down a couple of meg, and added the .txt to the end. Remove .txt and see if you can decompress the RAR. Most file managers in Android should be able to.
I would have a look and see if you still want to keep her in the install...
Here's my list. I'm trying to keep it a little more restrained, and am going with order of priority rather than install, in case compromises have to be made. If you need an easier referernce, most of my selections within the mods are made using BWS, "Recommended" settings.
-BG1 NPC Project - is this a surprise? If I can have no other mod, it must be this.
-All options. Specific sub options include using 1 Hour Between talks, opening the first Cloakwood area only, moving Alora to the Hall of Wonders, moving Eldoth to the Coast Way, moving Quayle to the Carnival, moving Tiax to Beregrost, and using SixOfSpades expanded Sarevok Diary. Pick BG2 portraits over BG1. (can drop Starting Location Changes and Send NPCs to Wait at Inn if SCS is used).
-BG1 NPC Project Music Pack - Install All.
-BG1 Unfinished Business - everything but the Kagain's Quest, Kivan & Tazok, Branwen & Tranzig, Nim Furling encounter and Chapter 6 Dialogue changes.
-BG Mini-Quests & Encounters - All but the last 5.
-BG Romantic Encounters - Install All, "Descriptive"
-Lure of the Sirine's call - core part only, no extended area.
-NPCs for Everyone - this one is going to get a bit involved, since I can't use EE Keeper once i start.
-Khalid > Ranger; Minsc > Fighter, Coran > Thief, Xvar > Necromancer/Cleric, Montaron > Thief, Xan > Fighter/Mage, Neera > Sorcerer (Wild Mage), and "Add Kit change innate" for single and multi class characters. That'll let me change their kits in-game.
-Ajantis BG1 Expansion - Core only.
-Coran's Extended Friendship talks
-Neera Expansion - Core, 1 hour between talks.
-Neera Banters - First Option (Banters + Interjections)
-Xan's Friendship
-Rogue Rebalance
-Wizard Slayer Rebalancing
I'd like the aTweaks, Tweaks Anthology and SCS mods, but the sheer amount of options would turn this into a twenty page document. Again, all I can say is, I usually use "Recommended" in BWS, with a few tweaks, or we can talk it out in PM. The main one being "no XP nerfs" and "keep BGEE cinematics".
* I like what you did with the Rime Slash skill. Only issue with that is - when you cast it on someone, sometimes the char cant or wont cast it. Then theres the random directions it shoots, doesnt always go where intended. Ill have to say i favored the way Valen has it.
* I REALLY like the animation of some of the passive HLAs and would like a couple skill animations replaced with those named HLAs
-Shadow Mastery animation for Shadow Slip skill.
-Martial Prowess animation for Swift Flick ACTIVATION animation. What i mean by this is, after shooting a projectile and the passive kicks in, theres an animation that ensues so you know Swift Flick is in effect. I would like that animation replaced with the above mentioned.
-Well Practiced Aim animation for Poison Weapon skill
*This is a list of what her innate skills should look like (and order). Erase everything else.
Blade Shower 2nd cast (will go into detail about the animation below)
The spread shuriken skill. (The names messed up and i cant remember it lol)
Poison Weapon
Pressure Points
Vamp strike - Permanent
Viper buff
Dragon buff
Shadow clone
Shadow slip
Smoke bomb
Weave Shear then Shape spell.
*Her Thac0 is through the roof (-47) with that shuriken lol, need that toned down a bit.. Like 12 or so.
*Of the chaos sorc spells, remove the cloud spells and the firestorm spell (the one that looks like lava rain) add whatevers left so i can see the others plz.
*Change her colors to Deep purple primary and gold secondary. For the 3rd passive color - jet black. Try this out...
*Shuriken Weapon and Blade Shower animation:
I may have a better option for the animation... The skill Ki Charge. The animation for this skill is IDEAL and i cant believe i didnt think of it earlier lol.
* Change her Avatar to that of a female vamp thief, like hexxant
This should do for now...
Thanks for the work man, its amazing as always
All these spells are with ayame. Ill double check to see if i have the items in the save.
Same prob as the last, the size of the file is too large for a Zip, so I rarred it and renamed with the .txt at the end.
See what you think.
I noticed after the modfile update that towns people look really weird. Can you make them normal?
Now for Ayame...
Open the innate skill menu, from left to right, first 7 abilities are the "Ninja Magic" spells. Remove abilities 1, 3, 5, and 7 (counting left to right). Add Sandstorm (Tornado spell) and Stone Spike (the spell where spikes come up fromt the ground). Then take these spells and put them in the spellbook. Put one spell per lvl up to 5 as i believe there should be a total of 5 spells. Remove them from innate table.
Within Ayame's spell table (not spellbook) theres a firestorm spell there chillin on the end, not sure why lol.
Shes still gonna need blade shower 2nd cast in her innate table.
Return her avatar back to Elf. Copy her and make it male elf, as for the avatar, ill come back to this..
Colors, the armor she has on is gonna be he main garb, so jet black is good for that. Hair - jet black, skin - like Viconias. On the male, give him blue skin like the blue elf from Neeras quest line.
Any luck withe the shuriken and blade shower animations?
Edit: ok so about that avatar, remeber a while back (page 3 of this thread) there was a mod we put in called Avatars&Geosorc. We had took it out due to crashing issues but, now that those are fixed i wanna give it another go. But to be safe, i only wanna try the male vampire avatars and the female hair mod.
Edit: Nvm found it. How much space does your game take up now? Mine was at 2.95gb and they are askin another 2.35gb or so..
No way in hell my phone can fit that lmao.
I may stay 1.3 till mods work on 2.5..
Lol the modfile #48 allowed multi protect items (which i need) and in 49 its gone. I also liked the avatar morphing script but, if its turned on, ill have to reskin most of my avatars like Elminster. Is it possible to keep it on with the avatar changes?
Now that you play 2.5, will you still hook it up like we were doin? Cuz i still have another char to make
I wont be modding the Android version for a while yet. Not until the bug is fixed. There is a work around but it means working with 1.6 gig plus files and that just isn't fun (I would do it if I really need to but happy playing vanilla on Android).
I shall see what I can do with the shields and protect items etc. Did the townsfolk come up as they should?
Thats a hell of a "work around" lol. Thats aloooot of space O_o;)... My phone would explode lmao. I'll jus stick to my Zen-like patience and wait for devs to straighten things out then. Plus it gives me more time for me to aquire a sd card.. really gonna need that.
We still workin ayame?
Unfortunately, the game doesn't move to the SDCard and play. You can use it as a storage device when switching between games though. I can explain that further later...