Request Modfile for Android BGEE

in BG:EE Mods
Hi @Xhoblaim, and welcome to the forum.
Just layout your request for the mods you want included in this discussion. If the mod(s) have multiple components, then make sure you list the components that you want. Just check the version of BGEE that you have to make sure it is v1.3.2070.
If you can, layout the mods within a 'Spoiler', located under the reverse IP (actually a Paragraph Marker) icon in the comment tools, or use 'Attach File' (the icon that looks like a page with a bent corner) to upload a text file with the list.
What device and version of Android will this be going onto?
Hope that helps
Just layout your request for the mods you want included in this discussion. If the mod(s) have multiple components, then make sure you list the components that you want. Just check the version of BGEE that you have to make sure it is v1.3.2070.
If you can, layout the mods within a 'Spoiler', located under the reverse IP (actually a Paragraph Marker) icon in the comment tools, or use 'Attach File' (the icon that looks like a page with a bent corner) to upload a text file with the list.
What device and version of Android will this be going onto?
Hope that helps
I think the mod that you are after re the projectile shooting staff, is called More Styles for Mages.
Yea i seen the staff stuff. But thats appears to only work for PC? I havent been able to activate the CLUA console thing on my phone and i also lack as PC at the moment (i hate my life *sniff) lol.
Blah blah blah
Ugh...that was a terrible fail lmao
I have made two modfiles.
- Xhoblaim BG2EE 2064_TweaksOnly is the list of the components of Tweaks Anthology that you requested.
- Xhoblaim BG2EE 2064_Tweaks+MSFM is the list + the staves and other item tweaks from More Styles for Mages. I didn't include any of the Familiar changes.
To Install:
- Copy 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' to 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/'
- Unpack 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' in the folder keeping paths.
- Delete 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' or move to another folder.
You should now have the following in the folder 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/':
override (folder)
save (folder)
baldur.ini (file) (file)
You can now test the game to see if it starts. If it doesn't double check to make sure 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' isn't in the same folder as and it was moved not copied (common error)...
(Replace Xhoblaim BG2EE with Xhoblaim BG2EE if you only want the tweaks portion)
I have also included the WeiDU.logs for both modfiles to allow you to what was installed.
To Uninstall:
- Delete override folder
- Delete
You are now running a vanilla version of BG2EE.
For the console access, make sure you have the following line in baldur.ini:
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
I was able to get it going on my phone (Note 4, Android 6.01) & Tab S (6.01), but it may not work for all. Regardless, it shouldn't be needed for the Staves etc to work.
To get the Spoiler to work:
Under the reverse IP in the comments toolbar, there is a style called 'Spoiler', select that and you end up with < div class="Spoiler" >< /div > (I have added spaces) in your comment dialog. Your cursor will be sitting in the middle of the tags. Just hit enter and...
< div class="Spoiler" > everything you want in the spoiler between these two tags
< /div >
Thank you so much man! Everything works great!
Your work and skillz are truly appreciated. I didnt think it was possible lol. I cant thank you enough man.
Wild mages are the greatest
Re the mod, do you know what the name of it is? We can only but try...
I had look at the discussion in this forum and found that there is a more recent version that fixed some spells plus some.
Attached is the modfile that includes Wild Mage Additions v2.beta3 as well as the previous Tweaks and More Styles for Mages mods.
To install:
- Delete override folder
- Delete
(we are now at vanilla)
- Copy 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' to 'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateiienhancededition/files/'
- Unpack 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' in the folder keeping paths.
- Delete 'Xhoblaim BG2EE' or move to another folder.
To Uninstall:
- Delete override folder
- Delete
(well I am sure you understand by now)
I did some quick testing and was able to change to Spellshaper no probs and cast the rodent shape ok. That is about as far as I went but this is now on my playlist for mods... BTW, if you do change to Spellshaper, look on the ground for all your kit.
Go wild!
Hey i went to sorcerer palace and found some very interesting stuff. I was wonderin if you could take a look at these packs when you get a chance? Curious to know if we droiders can enjoy this as well. Apparently...theres a way to summon a dragon to fight for you?!? I cant find where the file is but it sounds crazy awesome haha. There is also another wild mage setup but with the sorcerer, sounds cool. If you are a fan of mages like me i think you might like some of these also.
Note: BTW thanks alot alot alot for doing the wild mage mod! I was NOT expecting that at all lol. So thank you again
I think the link may be broken or somethin.. Keeps takin me to SP.. Yet i see nothin related to a "red dragon". (Then again...this waaaas back in 2008 it says lol).
I wont insult you by telling you how to install it...
Hope all goes well
With the sorc....i can feel the power already
Gyahahyahyhahahahaha! (Insert evil face here).
I know im prolly buggin but i gotta ask lol.
This is the craziest thing ive come across yet man. Hooded/Caped avatars for elf rangers? And for fighters? I got this mod file and was hoping you could do your thing with it? Iike the others.(Omg i swear ill never bug you again lmao). This seems like a must have. I didnt see any fighters with a cape like it states, have you witnessed anything like that? That sounds like somethin they (beamdog) shoulda put in the game from the beginning. A must have if it works.
If this gives rangers hoods i can finaly make that super cool ranger i wanted to make, if only i could give it the ability to shape change into a black panther then the concept would be complete!! Still workin on the backstory for the character tho... i also think the panther change should be a HLA. Man, once i get my PC back imma be makin some crazy cool stuff lol.
Wan moore ting, if its possible to give the ranger class the hooded/cape look, what about all thief looking classes? Hmmmmmmmmm that would be better imo.
Think i found the summon dragon mod
'Lua Edit', 'String1', 'C:CreateItem("sumdrag")',
and it should pop up as soon as you enter the console. You just need to hit enter. If you already have 'Lua Edit', 'String1', then just add the 'C:CreateItem("sumdrag")', to the end.
I moved to the area where the merchant is for the Volcano Mod and he sits waiting with his stores ready to sell.
The Avatar Pack seems to work fine.
Copy the file and rename to baldur.ini (don't forget to rename your old one to save the settings) or save as baldur.ini.
I also cant seem to locate the merchant from the volcano pack. Says hes near the temple in akathran er wutever, but nah. Started a new game and everything..
*Sniff* guess you cant have it all lol.
I am reasonably sure it was CTRL-Enter to access the console. I will get the bluetooth keyboard out and have a bash later. Using your keyboard, are you able to jump (CTRL-J) around places?
Edit: OK, gave it a try. Connected the keyboard and interestingly it didn't work until I installed Hacker's Keyboard onto my phone. Once that was on, it worked great. The game moved up when I needed to type and as a simple test, gave myself a scroll. All good.
As for the merchant, hes in ToB next to the temple outside balthazars camp right? Thats what the readme says. But i go there and i see no one. Ill check again right now..