@Xhoblaim, after looking at the 'Specimens', I have updated your Summon Dragon Spell to have the Black Dragon and added a number of spells to it. Thanks, it was interesting.
For the saved Game Edit: - UAI to all - Syndell - Summon Werewolf Shape - Draconis - All gold (Except Summoned Dragon - Black), - Thalia - Blue - Bladesinger - Black - Priest of Lolth - add summon spiders, sequencer spells and contingencies spells - armor super white.
I have also gone in and removed all of Devine Remix Rangers (I said earlier that it was Might & Guile; it wasn't... it was divine Remix).
Had a bash at the staves with no luck. Shall try again and am still looking for the spell. Gus
Hmm..i dont see any changes with the characters aside from the color changes. Speaking of color changes, can you make the priest of lolth the silvery white? Including her armor. Only her primary was changed..and it looks weird lol. Also, can you make the bladesinger dark black? Thanks
Ive and went thru the changes but nothings different. Maybe a bad save? Class list is still the same.. Not sure if thats what divine remix was..
@Xhoblaim, no probs for the colour change to silvery white and yes, the all white looks odd... The class list should be similar but missing a coupl of ranger classes. Do yo still get the Justifier greyed out when looking at the elf race?
When Syndell summons wolf, does a werewolf turn up? Also, when Draconis casts Summon Dragon, does the black dragon turn up? For the Preist of Loth, there should be Summon Sipder in the Spells. I just tried the saved game and couldn't find the sequencer spells and contingencies spells, so will look at that as well.
wrt the spell, I have looked at all the spells available for mages and innate and can't find the one your are talking about. It is most likely just part of the clip... Just to make sure we are talking about the same one, it looks like a tower of lightning coming down from above the victim?
Syndell - negative Draconis - negative (jus leave him red, give the blk drgn to PoL) PoL - negative on the spells for me. Dnt see any.
And yes, its the one your describing. But i now have seen 2 versions of this lighting, ones short and has the explosion on the bottom like that yellow katana (forgot name sry) and one thats a longer bolt minus the explosion. Know any genious jedis that might be able to make it a reality? lol.
@Xhoblaim, OK, lets try this one... make sure that the old override folder and lang.zip are deleted prior to reinstalling this modfile. It will need to be installed prior to loading the saved game as some of the files in the override folder have been updated (like armour and Werewolf and Dragon)...
Duuude Gus ur friggin awesome man. This is beyond cool.. Yo i gotta ask, could you change the vortex spiders to sword spiders for PoL? And some dagger proficiency. Also that spider summon fuggin DOPE! Holy moly.. Thanks man. Werewolves are in full effect in workin good. I have a couple more requests for these guys if you dont mind..
I have 2 Skinner armors in the save and was wondering if you could duplicate the armor and color one black and the others respectivly for PoL(white), thalia(blue), Syndell (Medium brown), also can you drop Syndells elemental shapechanges and HLA and replace them with something better? Anything is fine. She also needs more charges of the wolves (if possible) and increased wolf speed. As for the other 2 (Valen&Bladesinger), the Bladesinger just needs the contingencies and all instant cast spells, drop the rest por favor. Valen goes as follows my good sir:
Valen - Not sure how he got blue, but funny none the less lol. Ok, hes gonna need 2 shapeshifts, a shadow wolf (for speed/map travel) and a shade lord (like those shades from temple of the sun), but make it tuff like a werewolf. The idea is since valen is now forced to be a shadowdancer, he shall be the lord of shadows (Muwahahahha ). Maybe give him that blk dragon summon as well hehehe. So anything else you can think of or come across thats shadowy and awesome like that spider summon, slap it on him lol. Surprise me with his colors, i was thinkin that hexxant dark purple but i dunno...
The rest of the mod is flawless. All the classes are set and i now have the slinger class. Now i can finally make a character that uses slings. This pack should be shared with all. But to polish it off, i have a small folder of override files that i drop in after install that sets everything perfect. Could you drop these into the pack as well? Im worried of conflicts. I attached the mods.
@Xhoblaim, I have been playing around with what you are after but stuck on some things.
By Skinner Armour, do you mean the Robe of Vecna? and you want the original + 3 copies, in the colours Black, White, Blue, & Medium Brown?
Syndells - Have Removed Elementals Shapechange. By replacement, do you mean other Summons? Also, I haven't removed HLA as you have them all for the Druid. Do you want me to remove them so the they can be gained again? Updated more Wolf charges and quicker werewoves.
Bladesinger. Haven't done anything with him yet. Do you want all spells removed?
Valen - Did you want him to remain blue? I have started giving him the shapechages and have used the wolf for Shadow Wolf (I am guessing that you meant Shade Wolf) and a Bear for the Shade Lord (just as the spells).
With the Mods.zip file, do you know what they are. I recognise some from this discussion but there are a lot of leather armours. There is one armour that may conflict (but I think that was a colour change). The rest I am sure will be no problems.
So far as making it avail to all, anyone can grab it from here but it needs a lot of tidying up before it could be released as a mod as it is only really a hack fest. None of the dialog.tlk entries for the hacks or any 'readme' file have been done (and unlikely to be due to time). Bit above my paygrade at the moment.
I nave never had the time to actually create any real mods. I started one (Class Refinement Mod) to learn how; but when it will be complete... your guess is as good as anyones? After playing with this, I have had some inspiration and laying down the foundation. Have half a plan and playing around with the small stuff before I get into WeiDU and adding lines to dialog.tlk to put it all together. Trying to learn the 'right' (what ever that is) way so that my bad habits of file hacking, and trying to remember what is was, don't get in the way. Documentation the procedure(s) is the key to all for me.
The skinner armor is the armor you make with human flesh. Have 2 in my packs somewhere.
Syndell - Yeah just remove the elemental changes and replace them with assassination and greater whirlwind..unless you can give her the werewolf shapechanges for HLAs. If you cant, then put the greater werewolf shapechange on her. Also can you toughen he wolves a lil bit? They seem to get slapped around pretty bad for the difficulty lvl.
Bladesinger - yes, remove all spells except the white ones (mislead etc.) this guy is gonna only be able to cast the spells whos icon is colored white. Whatever ones he doesnt have, add them along with spells like "teleport without error" etc. Also, is it possible to steal a couple irenicus spells? Hes got a couple that look cool and i wanna add them as the only attack spells.
Valen - the armor he has on i would like it colored black and his colors to be that dark purple like hexxant. For his shapechange i was thinking about the transparent shade wolf and shade lord. You encounter both in Umar Hills at night i think. Whatever you can do would be appreciated regardless. I also think he should be uneffected by time stop and have permanent Wraith Form spell. Only problem is bypassing the disabled spells issue with the form. And if you can, make him look invisible/ transparent.
Ok with the zip pack ive narrowed down what i need and dont need. Theres some files in there called leat01.itm. These .itm files are the conflict with armor colors. Thats bout it..
The main reason i am about the availability is cuz i had to do some digging to find some of these mods and i know somebody out there may want them too, with no time to do so. From what can see, this is the only personalized modpack for android that encompasses just about every mod available that will work with android. Ive searched far n wide and there is nothing else out there that even comes close. Imagine how much cooler it would be if the dialog.tlk gets put together right like you mentioned. I know its not a real mod-mod but its a good start for anyone lookin to make changes to their game .
Thats awesome you have your own mod ur workin on. I wanna know soon as its done lol. Hows that comin anyways? I say, keep the plan and stick to it along with takin baby steps. Ive no personal experience with hacking or modding but i do know its stupid-tedious and a lil mistake can mean a big headache lol. Good luck with it bro.
Skin Armour - of course, I was only looking at what was worn! Colours done. The Icon is still the flesh colour but worn, the armour is the colour requested.
Valen - Changed colour and shapeshifts are done but with an quirk. When Valen comes out of Shade Lord, he still remains invisible. If this is a problem, we could remove the invisibility effect from the Shade Lord.
Bladesinger - Spells (less white) gone except for one. The Power Word, Kill is actually the tower of Lightning spell from Irenicus (I believe). Have a try and see if it is the one you are after.
Someone has kindly placed Irenicus and all the spells in the forum, but the names are out of wack. I have placed them into the mod and included Jon Ireicus character file here. Create a game with him and you will see what I mean.
I hincuded all the files from your modpack except the leatx.itms and the ones that I have given you. We have made changes to these along the way so you have the updated versions in the modfile.
Have a look at teh saved game to make see if it what you are after. Not sure if I missed anything. Gus
Yessss!! That electric spell is perfect! Now to apply it to Thalia... Dude whatever that shapechange is for Valen, its friggin awesome! Can you give that to Grimlocke? (Shade lord) aside from that, the shapechanges werent what i was initially looking for.. (They are still awesome tho lol). I was looking more so for the creatures that you fight in the sun temple (the place where light kills the shadows.. I want the shadow lol). Also hes missing the deep purple colors . the shade wolf can be found there and in the forest outside the temple. I hope this can be done ill pray haha.
Syndell and the others are perfect bro, thanks alot. I figured the armors you were lookin at was what was currently being worn lol. I was telling myself "crap, maybe i shoulda been more specific" lol. The irenicus char is awesome, hes got a few spells i could use from him. Ill try and list them below and what to do with them.. First is the lightning spell - Thalia all the way Next is the spell that has the lvl drain icon, that explodes in a cool fire animation - Draconis for sure The next spell is the one with the polymorph self icon, mass teleport - Thalia, PoL could use this Last spell is a disintegrating spell thats icon looks like a stone with a moon etched into it. This spell is for PoL..
Ive never seen this version irenicus before and hes pretty cool, ty! Good find. Since the others are done, ill make a new save with the last chars that still need work. Like 2 chars.. Including valen and my abyss lord. Ill do the details for them in another post. Thanks alot for changes man, this is good stuff! Lol.
Damnit...this is like the 3rd time ive typed this because phones suck lol. Ok so heres the rundown: Grimlocke - that shapechange you gave to Valen (shade lord), can you reskin his summon skeletons spell and innate ability with this? That would be icing on the cake for him (not the big skeleton tho). Its just too perfect for him..
Valen - as mentioned above in the previous post..
Abyss warrior & Duskblade - i would like them merged into one. The abyss warrior comes with a couple demon summon abilities that i would also like made into a single ability that summons the Balor type demon only. Increased strength and summon charges as well. Then just add the maximum abilities of the duskblade and hes good to go. The base class should be that of the abyss warrior for lvl progression, if you can rename the class to Hell Knight that would be perfect. Last thing for him (hope is possible) is being able to see his helmet. If they are able to reflect my primary or secondary colors that would be awesome.
@Xhoblaim, give this a go. I am still playing with the colours for Valen. The Shade Wolf that Valen has is the Greater Shade Wolf. I can give him the Shade Wolf instead if this one ins't suitable. The Shade Lord that you were thinking of was the Shadow Fiend or the Shadow. I have put in the Shadow Fiend, if you prefer the Shadow let me know.
Perfect! Valens shadow change us perfect, jus need to switch out his cat change for the wolf.. For some reason he turns into a panther instead of a wolf lol. Also, valen should have permanent wraith form, but still be able to use his abilities. If this cannot be done then jus give him permanent invisibility (like the improved one where if he attacks he becomes visible then goes back to invisible after a time). Also, his shadow change is kinda weak..like 3dmg weak.. Lmao its gonna need waaay more muscle and the ability to lvl drain on hit like the shadows do. Slight issue with draconis... The spell kills stuff but theres no animation or anything lol.. He jus kinda puts his hands out, then bleh, things die lmao. Everything else is wonderful. Thalia and PoL are done, great work and thank you. The last things are draconis spell, valen, and the abyss warrior. The modfile seems as stable as it can get, so all done there unless there are some updates to the mods i added.. Woohoo! Thanks man.
@Xhoblaim, modified the attributes for the Shadow Fiend, lets see if he is strong enough. Not sure why the cat is showing up. On mine load, the Shade Wolf turns up. Could you delete all the mods and reload the modfile? He shouldn't be calling the cat at all. Also, there is no need to add any of the override mods in your mod pack as they are now incorporated. Valen should now have perm Wraithform. Colour change has been made. See if that is too purple?
Tried Draconis and I get all the animations for the random spells tried. Try again once the reload of the modfile has occurred.
Combining the two kits (Abyss Warrior & Duskblade) together are a bit over my head. I could add some abilities through Near Infinity but that is about all. The class would still be called what ever it was before. I will try and see if I could do something...
@Xhoblaim, here is the other saved game. Don't worry about the modfile above. Just use this one...
Had to take the weapon out of Grimlocke's hands as the cursed weapon was interfering with the shapechange.
Haven't done anything about transfering any skills between the Abyss Warrior and Duskblade due to the levelling tables, so if you want to think about anything there...
Oh the merge is basically an Abyss warrior with the duskblade abilities and a more focused summon ability instead of the ones the abyss warrior comes with.
Interesting...you changed grimlocke but now valen has lost his shadow change. Yet the panther transformation is uneffected... This is gettin spooky lol
@Xhoblaim, OK. Try this one... hopefully it has fixed the problems of Valen's shapechange and the cat showing up instead of the Shade Wolf (I copied the wrong shadow spl back into the override).
I have also added the abilites of the Duskblade (which just appears to be a series of spells) to the Abyss Warrior (Galactus).
Yesss.. Wolf shows up lol. Now to put the shadow fiend.. Hes still turning into the "lord" version unfortunately, i need the one with red eyes like before (oh yea, lvl drain "on hit" effect also). Also, can u add a lil more speed to the wolf? Hes for travel .
As for the merge: For clarity, the class should be an Abyss Warrior with the duskblade abilities. And the summons the Abyss Warrior gets are to be eliminated and turned into a single spell that just summons a powerful Balor demon (the one with wings) with a few extra charges. All i see in the save is just an abyss war. and a duskblade...but no merge of skills.
So far, the only change that appeared is Valens wolf change (which is exactly what i was lookin fer). So im thinkin all that needs to be done is: add the shadow fiend to Valen (strong, with lvl drain capabilities) and creating a AbyssWar that also has DuskBld abilities and a demon summon innate ability that summons Balor (strong, loyal) and Balor only. (Balor is aka Nabassu)
@Xhoblaim, Could you check the saved game called Last Char Edit? We didn't touch the Valen for the Shadow in the Final Edits saved game. No probs in speeding up the wolf and I will see what I can do about the level drain on hit.
Hopefully the Abyss Warrior (class) in the Final Edits saved game has all the spell abilites of the Duskblade which show up in the abilities as a series of spells (1-4). Do you know what is missing? The character Glacatus is the Abyss Warrior. The char named Abyss Warrior is actually an Elditch Knight class. Will look at the summons of the demon.
Yeah Valen has the change in this one, mybad. Hes actually got all the changes, just need the color. I need a deep purple.. I know i mentioned Hexxant colors (which are not deep purple) but i was wrong. I put the hexxant i have into the save so you can see why i got it all messed up lol.
Ok so i figured out the issuse with the warriors. To start, the Eldritch knight isnt actually an EK..the class name changed after the mod install order changed..its actually an AbyssW lmao. The AbyssW with the Duskblade abilities is actually a Duskblade class, it too was changed like the EK. So to remedy this i have created a NEW AbyssW in the save. Hes lvled high enough so his summon demon spell appears. Just need the Duskblade spellbooks/skills, show helm, and color his armor and helm black. The helm hes gonna use is in the bag. Also, is there a dark red skin color? That would be perfect for him.
I have also added my main char, you gotta check him out, he super badass. Hes a combination of Wild Mage/thief/Spellshaper. I have put some spells in the quickbar for irenicus to give to Hezzak (gonna need mass teleport too). Also gonna need NehalsRD, he loses it when becoming a spellshaper for some reason and increased Lvl 1 spell slots. If irenicus is the most powerful in D&D, Hezzak would be second. But only due to his wild magic nature, which cannot be controlled or contained, pun intended lol ( think of a super saiyan with no control everytime he tries to punch but instead when trying to cast...ANYTHING lol). The Spellshaper training helped him to focus better, but the risk of his magic is still high (hence no quickslots for spells) which ultimately led him into the underground thieving world. Still workin on his story but just to give you an idea of why hes so tuff spell wise.
Grimlocke is just there...no apparent reason lol. Since he can summon the Shade lord i dnt see the need for the Ghast summon, it can be removed. I guess add the same shade lord skin to the summon skeletons spell in the spellbook.. Other than that hes just...there.
@Xhoblaim, new version, so delete the override folder prior to installing. Changes made: - Valen Colour change. - Drakken - Abyss Warrior - Duskblade spells given, haven't played a Duskblade so unsure what additional abilities they have. Helm modded to be able to wear and is showing in-game. Demon Summons - Balor. - Hezzek - Irenicus spells given. Increase in Level 1 spells (wasn't sure how many so gave him 3 extra) & RD given. (He is powerful!) - Grimlocke - Summon Ghast removed. I have just realised that I didn't add the Shade Lord...
...so another saved game to come. Have a look at these and see if they are oK
Cool, cool thanks brotha. Yeah Hezzak is beast. What i like most is that he doesnt need to use timestop. He still gets wrecked sometimes but thats what makes him fun. The 3 slots is perfect. Too many and he would lose balance. - seems the mods i sent you left the mod file.. I tried to reequip my xan blade and failed lol. - i have 2 Drakken characters there. Make him chaotic evil if you can and color the armor black. I jus wanna see what it would look like in black armor lol. Also gonna need more charges of the demon summon and UAI. - Valen is in power trouble... His shadow form needs some serious buffs, karate chops are too weak (can he backstab in that form?). He hits fer like 10 dmg haha.. On the difficulty i play on...this is a mosquito bite lol. I was also thinkin some crazy stuff.. Like tryin to give the shadow form the ability to make more like himself. The ability would create mutiple shadows like that spider summon you gave PoL (the one that summons like 4 spiders) but instead they appear around the caster as if you cast the summon on yourself (Think Naruto's kage bushin). Make them weak but summon like 4 at once. Dunno if thats possible, but would be badass. -
Moonblade - All good for the Moodblade, it was an older copy of the use_item.2da. I just reedited it...
Drakken - For the Drakken chars, did you want me to make both evil? If so, I didn't. I only made one evil and coloured the armour of the same one. - UAI done for both - Demon Summon increase charges for both
Valen's Shadow - Power - increased damage for shapechange - Summon Shadow inate spell (4, weaker, show up at a time)
Dude right on!! That armor looks super badass omg! Lol. Good call yo can you do that to hezzaks armor? Just the parts that are black. How about putting a helm on Drakken that has horns and looks like his armor? Muwahahaha! Omg too awesome. Oh yeah, couple of quick questions, is it possible to have firey 2 hnded weapons? Can you make weapons? How about color them? If i uploaded a save with some characters, could you reskin them? Theres a couple npc skins i still need for my collection . (skin=avatar, like bohdi or jon) Can you make the other drekkan look like Cambion? Avatar i mean. The dark night looks cool. Grim jus waitin on his skeleton reskin lol. This is amazing man, thanks alot!
@Xhoblaim, no problems. I can only but try... For the armour, I used the three different black grades to make it stand out a bit. I don't make weapons (what are you looking for) and not sure about the colouring of the items but can look. There may be a firey effect that could be used.
Upload the save with what you are after and we can see what happens. As far as skinning is concerned, we can only use the colour schemes available, but they are very good.
Whoops for Grim. I thought that was done but will look when changing Kezzak's Armour.
Again. No probs. Enjoying the hacking. Just need to learn how to efficiently change the dialog.tlk to match the items changed.
@Xhoblaim, attached are the new mod and saved game files for the update.
Grim - Shade Lord replaces Skel 15 One of the Drekkens - Helm with Horns and colour of Armour. Skin colour for other change to Cambion Hezzaks - Black colour modified.
Unfortunately the Two-Handed Swords have to stay the way there are (no fire), but they can be painted with a colour.
Crapola! Flamming 2hndrs woulda made this game OP lol. Well hot dangit, wrong idea for cambion lmao, my mistake what i meant was the character avatar of Cambion. Cambion is the dark knight trapped in that bubble thats operated by the weird machine in Irenicus lair. He drops that chaos sword of serevoks.
Since my dream of flamming 2hndrs of doom is a fail, could you do me the favor and take the 2hnd sword from Hezzak (pinkish blade) and gimmie a bunch of copies in different colors? I also have a sword on Valen that keeps changing color when i play (small glitch) and gave me the idea of a purple color for his sword. The glitch usually happens after reverting from a shapechange, it will remain until you reequip the blade lol. So i figured, lets seen if it can be done..
Some stuff i wanted to note: Valen: wolf needs a speed boost Shadows remain too long, like..they never leave lmao. Can we make them like a normal summon? They are a bit too tuff as well, kill their defenses and up their dmg and accuracy alot more. When i tested i found myself surrounded by shadows that never leave (which was cool, dnt get me wrong) and realized it would be better for shorter duration/high attack and more attacks per round. That way its less screen clutter and also makes more sense. A shadow shouldnt be able to take more than 2 hits, but if it gets to you, can kill 3times as fast. Im thinking the shadow shapechange should reflect this as well, increase attacks per round and dmg at the cost of def. Which would then make my invisible techniques have more importance.
Drakken: Im diggin the helm, looks nice. Ive got an idea though, try using the helm that has rams horns..muwhahaha. Can you also make his Balor summon use more spells? The AI always kicks my butt with his spells n stuff but mine feel like a nerfed version of him lol.
Hezzak: i didnt really see a difference in his armor. I imported another of him and compared the two and it looked the same... Oh well lol.
Reason i asked about the weapons is cuz i has some that have "on hit" effects and wondered if you could increase or decrease the chance of it happening and also choose the effect. Like right now Hezzak has a weapon on that reduces dex on hit (booooo) and i want chain lightning or somethin. But i dont think it can be done.. I WISH lol.
Hi @Xhoblaim, attached are the new mofile and saved game. These are the changes I could manage:
Drakken - Changed to Death Knight (Camion). There might be some limiting problems due to the animations that are available in game for this creature. Not sure what happens if you change weapons etc... - Helm set to Ram Horns - Balor summons use more spells. What sort of spells are you looking for? I increased the quantity of current spells and added Flamestrike. Hezzak - Added coloured swords (Had to give a red one to Grimlocke as I ran out of space), green, purple, blue. Although the colours are deep, it doesn't show so deep in the animation. - On hit effect on weapon - Sorry, couldn't give the chain lightning effect. Current effect is set to 100% probability. Valen - made his blade Purple, duration of summons (if it is too short/long, let me know), reduced defences and attack on shadow fiend. Still not sure if this is correct but it is a stepping stone.
@Gus Nice!, thanks alot! Try these ideas out.. -Thalia: Nymph avatar, same blue color -Hezzak: Make him a genie (with no legs) if you can lmao -Valen: Shadows are great, jus weaker def, better hit chance, faster attacks and more strength. Also, the shadow shapechange needs more strength as well or faster attacks.
Ok now for the complicated ones...
-Drakken: Theres a guy in ToB, hes the boss of the 4th trial, hes a god like Bhaal...cyric is his name i think....id like his avatar
-PoL: For her id like you to change her avatar to the Leah Redsun avatar, it shes the boss in BP2 with the giant skeletons, tier 4 i believe. Theres also one like her in watchers keep where you do the maze and fight the demons (shes one of the demons, Demon Witch i think shes called).
-Monk: Give him innate abilities of all touch spells, all monk skills, make him a normal monk class, and color him all white with gold accessories (not the shoulders). Not sure if you can do the following but lets see: -Give him "Dual" fists -Give his fists a glow effect or "on hit" special effect, like when his melee hits, sparks fly lol -Melf's Minute Metors for innate skill, but looks like Fire Seeds when thrown with more dmg. -Increase how often he does the kick animation -UAI
Are your choices for avatars different depending on what game save you are editing? For example, when you edit a ToB save, you have more/less choices than when editing a SoA save. I also wonder if you can change the animation for the shadow summons? The alien looking egg things look terrible lmao (same for PoL).
For the saved Game Edit:
- UAI to all
- Syndell - Summon Werewolf Shape
- Draconis - All gold (Except Summoned Dragon - Black),
- Thalia - Blue
- Bladesinger - Black
- Priest of Lolth - add summon spiders, sequencer spells and contingencies spells - armor super white.
I have also gone in and removed all of Devine Remix Rangers (I said earlier that it was Might & Guile; it wasn't... it was divine Remix).
Had a bash at the staves with no luck. Shall try again and am still looking for the spell.
Ive and went thru the changes but nothings different. Maybe a bad save? Class list is still the same.. Not sure if thats what divine remix was..
When Syndell summons wolf, does a werewolf turn up?
Also, when Draconis casts Summon Dragon, does the black dragon turn up?
For the Preist of Loth, there should be Summon Sipder in the Spells. I just tried the saved game and couldn't find the sequencer spells and contingencies spells, so will look at that as well.
wrt the spell, I have looked at all the spells available for mages and innate and can't find the one your are talking about. It is most likely just part of the clip... Just to make sure we are talking about the same one, it looks like a tower of lightning coming down from above the victim?
Syndell - negative
Draconis - negative (jus leave him red, give the blk drgn to PoL)
PoL - negative on the spells for me. Dnt see any.
And yes, its the one your describing. But i now have seen 2 versions of this lighting, ones short and has the explosion on the bottom like that yellow katana (forgot name sry) and one thats a longer bolt minus the explosion. Know any genious jedis that might be able to make it a reality?
I have 2 Skinner armors in the save and was wondering if you could duplicate the armor and color one black and the others respectivly for PoL(white), thalia(blue), Syndell (Medium brown), also can you drop Syndells elemental shapechanges and HLA and replace them with something better? Anything is fine. She also needs more charges of the wolves (if possible) and increased wolf speed. As for the other 2 (Valen&Bladesinger), the Bladesinger just needs the contingencies and all instant cast spells, drop the rest por favor. Valen goes as follows my good sir:
Valen - Not sure how he got blue, but funny none the less lol. Ok, hes gonna need 2 shapeshifts, a shadow wolf (for speed/map travel) and a shade lord (like those shades from temple of the sun), but make it tuff like a werewolf. The idea is since valen is now forced to be a shadowdancer, he shall be the lord of shadows (Muwahahahha
The rest of the mod is flawless. All the classes are set and i now have the slinger class. Now i can finally make a character that uses slings. This pack should be shared with all. But to polish it off, i have a small folder of override files that i drop in after install that sets everything perfect. Could you drop these into the pack as well? Im worried of conflicts. I attached the mods.
By Skinner Armour, do you mean the Robe of Vecna? and you want the original + 3 copies, in the colours Black, White, Blue, & Medium Brown?
Syndells - Have Removed Elementals Shapechange. By replacement, do you mean other Summons? Also, I haven't removed HLA as you have them all for the Druid. Do you want me to remove them so the they can be gained again? Updated more Wolf charges and quicker werewoves.
Bladesinger. Haven't done anything with him yet. Do you want all spells removed?
Valen - Did you want him to remain blue? I have started giving him the shapechages and have used the wolf for Shadow Wolf (I am guessing that you meant Shade Wolf) and a Bear for the Shade Lord (just as the spells).
With the Mods.zip file, do you know what they are. I recognise some from this discussion but there are a lot of leather armours. There is one armour that may conflict (but I think that was a colour change). The rest I am sure will be no problems.
So far as making it avail to all, anyone can grab it from here but it needs a lot of tidying up before it could be released as a mod as it is only really a hack fest. None of the dialog.tlk entries for the hacks or any 'readme' file have been done (and unlikely to be due to time). Bit above my paygrade at the moment.
I nave never had the time to actually create any real mods. I started one (Class Refinement Mod) to learn how; but when it will be complete... your guess is as good as anyones? After playing with this, I have had some inspiration and laying down the foundation. Have half a plan and playing around with the small stuff before I get into WeiDU and adding lines to dialog.tlk to put it all together. Trying to learn the 'right' (what ever that is) way so that my bad habits of file hacking, and trying to remember what is was, don't get in the way. Documentation the procedure(s) is the key to all for me.
Syndell - Yeah just remove the elemental changes and replace them with assassination and greater whirlwind..unless you can give her the werewolf shapechanges for HLAs. If you cant, then put the greater werewolf shapechange on her. Also can you toughen he wolves a lil bit? They seem to get slapped around pretty bad for the difficulty lvl.
Bladesinger - yes, remove all spells except the white ones (mislead etc.) this guy is gonna only be able to cast the spells whos icon is colored white. Whatever ones he doesnt have, add them along with spells like "teleport without error" etc. Also, is it possible to steal a couple irenicus spells? Hes got a couple that look cool and i wanna add them as the only attack spells.
Valen - the armor he has on i would like it colored black and his colors to be that dark purple like hexxant. For his shapechange i was thinking about the transparent shade wolf and shade lord. You encounter both in Umar Hills at night i think. Whatever you can do would be appreciated regardless. I also think he should be uneffected by time stop and have permanent Wraith Form spell. Only problem is bypassing the disabled spells issue with the form. And if you can, make him look invisible/ transparent.
Ok with the zip pack ive narrowed down what i need and dont need. Theres some files in there called leat01.itm. These .itm files are the conflict with armor colors. Thats bout it..
The main reason i am about the availability is cuz i had to do some digging to find some of these mods and i know somebody out there may want them too, with no time to do so. From what can see, this is the only personalized modpack for android that encompasses just about every mod available that will work with android. Ive searched far n wide and there is nothing else out there that even comes close. Imagine how much cooler it would be if the dialog.tlk gets put together right like you mentioned. I know its not a real mod-mod but its a good start for anyone lookin to make changes to their game
Thats awesome you have your own mod ur workin on. I wanna know soon as its done
Syndell - chanhes made and werewolves tougher.
Skin Armour - of course, I was only looking at what was worn! Colours done. The Icon is still the flesh colour but worn, the armour is the colour requested.
Valen - Changed colour and shapeshifts are done but with an quirk. When Valen comes out of Shade Lord, he still remains invisible. If this is a problem, we could remove the invisibility effect from the Shade Lord.
Bladesinger - Spells (less white) gone except for one. The Power Word, Kill is actually the tower of Lightning spell from Irenicus (I believe). Have a try and see if it is the one you are after.
Someone has kindly placed Irenicus and all the spells in the forum, but the names are out of wack. I have placed them into the mod and included Jon Ireicus character file here. Create a game with him and you will see what I mean.
I hincuded all the files from your modpack except the leatx.itms and the ones that I have given you. We have made changes to these along the way so you have the updated versions in the modfile.
Have a look at teh saved game to make see if it what you are after. Not sure if I missed anything.
Dude whatever that shapechange is for Valen, its friggin awesome! Can you give that to Grimlocke? (Shade lord)
Syndell and the others are perfect bro, thanks alot. I figured the armors you were lookin at was what was currently being worn lol. I was telling myself "crap, maybe i shoulda been more specific" lol. The irenicus char is awesome, hes got a few spells i could use from him. Ill try and list them below and what to do with them..
First is the lightning spell - Thalia all the way
Next is the spell that has the lvl drain icon, that explodes in a cool fire animation - Draconis for sure
The next spell is the one with the polymorph self icon, mass teleport - Thalia, PoL could use this
Last spell is a disintegrating spell thats icon looks like a stone with a moon etched into it. This spell is for PoL..
Ive never seen this version irenicus before and hes pretty cool, ty! Good find. Since the others are done, ill make a new save with the last chars that still need work. Like 2 chars.. Including valen and my abyss lord. Ill do the details for them in another post. Thanks alot for changes man, this is good stuff! Lol.
Grimlocke - that shapechange you gave to Valen (shade lord), can you reskin his summon skeletons spell and innate ability with this? That would be icing on the cake for him
Valen - as mentioned above in the previous post..
Abyss warrior & Duskblade - i would like them merged into one.
The abyss warrior comes with a couple demon summon abilities that i would also like made into a single ability that summons the Balor type demon only. Increased strength and summon charges as well.
Then just add the maximum abilities of the duskblade and hes good to go. The base class should be that of the abyss warrior for lvl progression, if you can rename the class to Hell Knight that would be perfect. Last thing for him (hope is possible) is being able to see his helmet. If they are able to reflect my primary or secondary colors that would be awesome.
Other spells allocated.
Slight issue with draconis... The spell kills stuff but theres no animation or anything lol.. He jus kinda puts his hands out, then bleh, things die lmao. Everything else is wonderful. Thalia and PoL are done, great work and thank you.
The last things are draconis spell, valen, and the abyss warrior. The modfile seems as stable as it can get, so all done there unless there are some updates to the mods i added..
Woohoo! Thanks man.
Tried Draconis and I get all the animations for the random spells tried. Try again once the reload of the modfile has occurred.
Combining the two kits (Abyss Warrior & Duskblade) together are a bit over my head. I could add some abilities through Near Infinity but that is about all. The class would still be called what ever it was before. I will try and see if I could do something...
Had to take the weapon out of Grimlocke's hands as the cursed weapon was interfering with the shapechange.
Haven't done anything about transfering any skills between the Abyss Warrior and Duskblade due to the levelling tables, so if you want to think about anything there...
Interesting...you changed grimlocke but now valen has lost his shadow change. Yet the panther transformation is uneffected... This is gettin spooky lol
I have also added the abilites of the Duskblade (which just appears to be a series of spells) to the Abyss Warrior (Galactus).
As for the merge: For clarity, the class should be an Abyss Warrior with the duskblade abilities. And the summons the Abyss Warrior gets are to be eliminated and turned into a single spell that just summons a powerful Balor demon (the one with wings) with a few extra charges. All i see in the save is just an abyss war. and a duskblade...but no merge of skills.
So far, the only change that appeared is Valens wolf change (which is exactly what i was lookin fer). So im thinkin all that needs to be done is: add the shadow fiend to Valen (strong, with lvl drain capabilities) and creating a AbyssWar that also has DuskBld abilities and a demon summon innate ability that summons Balor (strong, loyal) and Balor only.
(Balor is aka Nabassu)
Hopefully the Abyss Warrior (class) in the Final Edits saved game has all the spell abilites of the Duskblade which show up in the abilities as a series of spells (1-4). Do you know what is missing? The character Glacatus is the Abyss Warrior. The char named Abyss Warrior is actually an Elditch Knight class. Will look at the summons of the demon.
Ok so i figured out the issuse with the warriors. To start, the Eldritch knight isnt actually an EK..the class name changed after the mod install order changed..its actually an AbyssW lmao. The AbyssW with the Duskblade abilities is actually a Duskblade class, it too was changed like the EK. So to remedy this i have created a NEW AbyssW in the save. Hes lvled high enough so his summon demon spell appears. Just need the Duskblade spellbooks/skills, show helm, and color his armor and helm black. The helm hes gonna use is in the bag. Also, is there a dark red skin color? That would be perfect for him.
I have also added my main char, you gotta check him out, he super badass. Hes a combination of Wild Mage/thief/Spellshaper. I have put some spells in the quickbar for irenicus to give to Hezzak (gonna need mass teleport too). Also gonna need NehalsRD, he loses it when becoming a spellshaper for some reason and increased Lvl 1 spell slots. If irenicus is the most powerful in D&D, Hezzak would be second. But only due to his wild magic nature, which cannot be controlled or contained, pun intended lol ( think of a super saiyan with no control everytime he tries to punch but instead when trying to cast...ANYTHING lol). The Spellshaper training helped him to focus better, but the risk of his magic is still high (hence no quickslots for spells) which ultimately led him into the underground thieving world.
Still workin on his story
Grimlocke is just there...no apparent reason lol. Since he can summon the Shade lord i dnt see the need for the Ghast summon, it can be removed. I guess add the same shade lord skin to the summon skeletons spell in the spellbook.. Other than that hes just...there.
Changes made:
- Valen Colour change.
- Drakken - Abyss Warrior - Duskblade spells given, haven't played a Duskblade so unsure what additional abilities they have. Helm modded to be able to wear and is showing in-game. Demon Summons - Balor.
- Hezzek - Irenicus spells given. Increase in Level 1 spells (wasn't sure how many so gave him 3 extra) & RD given. (He is powerful!)
- Grimlocke - Summon Ghast removed. I have just realised that I didn't add the Shade Lord...
...so another saved game to come. Have a look at these and see if they are oK
Edit: Shade Lord for Grimlocke.
Yeah Hezzak is beast. What i like most is that he doesnt need to use timestop. He still gets wrecked sometimes but thats what makes him fun. The 3 slots is perfect. Too many and he would lose balance.
- seems the mods i sent you left the mod file.. I tried to reequip my xan blade and failed lol.
- i have 2 Drakken characters there. Make him chaotic evil if you can and color the armor black. I jus wanna see what it would look like in black armor lol. Also gonna need more charges of the demon summon and UAI.
- Valen is in power trouble... His shadow form needs some serious buffs, karate chops are too weak (can he backstab in that form?). He hits fer like 10 dmg haha.. On the difficulty i play on...this is a mosquito bite lol. I was also thinkin some crazy stuff.. Like tryin to give the shadow form the ability to make more like himself. The ability would create mutiple shadows like that spider summon you gave PoL (the one that summons like 4 spiders) but instead they appear around the caster as if you cast the summon on yourself (Think Naruto's kage bushin). Make them weak but summon like 4 at once. Dunno if thats possible, but would be badass.
- All good for the Moodblade, it was an older copy of the use_item.2da. I just reedited it...
- For the Drakken chars, did you want me to make both evil? If so, I didn't. I only made one evil and coloured the armour of the same one.
- UAI done for both
- Demon Summon increase charges for both
Valen's Shadow
- Power - increased damage for shapechange
- Summon Shadow inate spell (4, weaker, show up at a time)
Can you make the other drekkan look like Cambion? Avatar i mean. The dark night looks cool. Grim jus waitin on his skeleton reskin lol.
This is amazing man, thanks alot!
Upload the save with what you are after and we can see what happens. As far as skinning is concerned, we can only use the colour schemes available, but they are very good.
Whoops for Grim. I thought that was done but will look when changing Kezzak's Armour.
Again. No probs. Enjoying the hacking. Just need to learn how to efficiently change the dialog.tlk to match the items changed.
Grim - Shade Lord replaces Skel 15
One of the Drekkens - Helm with Horns and colour of Armour. Skin colour for other change to Cambion
Hezzaks - Black colour modified.
Unfortunately the Two-Handed Swords have to stay the way there are (no fire), but they can be painted with a colour.
Since my dream of flamming 2hndrs of doom is a fail, could you do me the favor and take the 2hnd sword from Hezzak (pinkish blade) and gimmie a bunch of copies in different colors? I also have a sword on Valen that keeps changing color when i play (small glitch) and gave me the idea of a purple color for his sword. The glitch usually happens after reverting from a shapechange, it will remain until you reequip the blade lol. So i figured, lets seen if it can be done..
Some stuff i wanted to note:
wolf needs a speed boost
Shadows remain too long, like..they never leave lmao. Can we make them like a normal summon? They are a bit too tuff as well, kill their defenses and up their dmg and accuracy alot more. When i tested i found myself surrounded by shadows that never leave (which was cool, dnt get me wrong) and realized it would be better for shorter duration/high attack and more attacks per round. That way its less screen clutter and also makes more sense. A shadow shouldnt be able to take more than 2 hits, but if it gets to you, can kill 3times as fast.
Im thinking the shadow shapechange should reflect this as well, increase attacks per round and dmg at the cost of def. Which would then make my invisible techniques have more importance.
Im diggin the helm, looks nice. Ive got an idea though, try using the helm that has rams horns..muwhahaha. Can you also make his Balor summon use more spells? The AI always kicks my butt with his spells n stuff but mine feel like a nerfed version of him lol.
Hezzak: i didnt really see a difference in his armor. I imported another of him and compared the two and it looked the same... Oh well lol.
Reason i asked about the weapons is cuz i has some that have "on hit" effects and wondered if you could increase or decrease the chance of it happening and also choose the effect. Like right now Hezzak has a weapon on that reduces dex on hit (booooo) and i want chain lightning or somethin. But i dont think it can be done.. I WISH lol.
Drakken - Changed to Death Knight (Camion). There might be some limiting problems due to the animations that are available in game for this creature. Not sure what happens if you change weapons etc...
- Helm set to Ram Horns
- Balor summons use more spells. What sort of spells are you looking for? I increased the quantity of current spells and added Flamestrike.
Hezzak - Added coloured swords (Had to give a red one to Grimlocke as I ran out of space), green, purple, blue. Although the colours are deep, it doesn't show so deep in the animation.
- On hit effect on weapon - Sorry, couldn't give the chain lightning effect. Current effect is set to 100% probability.
Valen - made his blade Purple, duration of summons (if it is too short/long, let me know), reduced defences and attack on shadow fiend. Still not sure if this is correct but it is a stepping stone.
-Thalia: Nymph avatar, same blue color
-Hezzak: Make him a genie (with no legs) if you can lmao
-Valen: Shadows are great, jus weaker def, better hit chance, faster attacks and more strength. Also, the shadow shapechange needs more strength as well or faster attacks.
Ok now for the complicated ones...
-Drakken: Theres a guy in ToB, hes the boss of the 4th trial, hes a god like Bhaal...cyric is his name i think....id like his avatar
-PoL: For her id like you to change her avatar to the Leah Redsun avatar, it shes the boss in BP2 with the giant skeletons, tier 4 i believe. Theres also one like her in watchers keep where you do the maze and fight the demons (shes one of the demons, Demon Witch i think shes called).
-Monk: Give him innate abilities of all touch spells, all monk skills, make him a normal monk class, and color him all white with gold accessories (not the shoulders). Not sure if you can do the following but lets see:
-Give him "Dual" fists
-Give his fists a glow effect or "on hit" special effect, like when his melee hits, sparks fly lol
-Melf's Minute Metors for innate skill, but looks like Fire Seeds when thrown with more dmg.
-Increase how often he does the kick animation
Are your choices for avatars different depending on what game save you are editing? For example, when you edit a ToB save, you have more/less choices than when editing a SoA save. I also wonder if you can change the animation for the shadow summons? The alien looking egg things look terrible lmao (same for PoL).