Version 4 of Tweaks Anthology Now Available

The Tweaks Anthology is a WeiDU compilation of fixes, cosmetic changes, and tweaks that will run on every Infinity Engine game, from the original Planescape:Torment, through the Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate series, and the new Enhanced Editions of the games. The successor to BG2 Tweaks and several other tweak packs, some of these were fan requests, others are needed fixes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install. Version 4 includes one new component, an updated French translation from Isaya, and bug fixes.
Version 4 Changelog
- Added Personalize Automatic Save Names component; thanks argent77!
- Updated French translation, thanks Isaya!
- Fixed bug with the Romance Cheats component where Viconia's romance wouldn't start
- Fixed bug with the Romance Cheats component where it would fail if a non-number was entered when it prompted you for '1 or 2' input
- Fixed bug with Exotic Items where it would corrupt stores where it added scimitars, e.g. scrambling strings in the store's drink menu
- Fixed bug with Exotic Items where it could fail to install on some Tutu games
- Externalized strings for the Universal Clubs component to make it easier for translators
- Increase Jewelry and Gem Stacks or Increase Scroll Stacking components would try to adjust dialogues and scripts to only take one item in vanilla BG/TotSC, but the functionality is not available in these games.
- Fixed bug with Commoners Use Drab Colors where it could sometimes fail to install on vanilla BG2
- The options in Adjust Cromwell's Forging Time have been re-ordered to work around a WeiDU quirk (this component could get skipped when it should be available)
- Description Updates for Make +x/+y Weapons Consistent Component was being skipped for Chinese players, even though it was available
- Remove Racial Restrictions for Single Classes was not actually altering the dwarven charisma cap; now they really can be paladins
- Remove Racial Restrictions for Kits had an error in its internal kit check, the upshot of which is that several kits were not actually being made available to all races
- The option to loosen item restrictions in Change Item Restrictions for Multi- and Dual-class Druids was not working
- Fixed bug with Lightning Bolts Don't Bounce where it could potentially fail when encountering items with non-standard structures
- Fixed bug with ToB-Style NPCs on BGT, where BG Imoen would be a thief/mage
- Tweaks now supports translated readmes, should anyone wish to try their hand
Are there any plans to expand the Romance Cheat module to affect SoD?
Are there any plans to expand the Romance Cheat module to affect BG1NPC?
Could there be an option that Alter Multiclass Restrictions only includes combinations where both base classes are available?
For example, Dwarves can be Clerics, Fighters, Thieves, Cleric/Fighters and Fighter/Thieves. When installing the mod, it would make sense that they would gain Cleric/Thieves, as they can become both Clerics and Thieves, but not something like Fighter/Mages, as they cannot be Mages.
Though it would probably require the component to be moved after the 'Remove Racial Restrictions' modules, so that someone could Remove the Racial Restrictions entirely, in which case Alter Multiclass Restrictions should unlock all classes as normal.
I'll add the multiclass stuff to the idea list, too.
Edit: I also have a question to ask regarding compatibility. Is this mod compatible with BG1 npc project, bgee unfinished business, bgee quest and encounter, and bgee small non npc portrait ? if so, what the right instalation order?
At least the Quivers of Plenty? Constantly buying arrows 40 at a time and stuffing them into the ammunition slot is getting quite old, quite fast, and I barely started playing!
They should obviously be non-magical like in BG1, but preferably 2 of each (arrows/bolts/bullets). Maaaaybe later on something like +1 versions and a returning dart +1 or something. I'll leave that up to your judgment.
The other items would be nice to see a little more of, but far from essential.
Also, have you ever considered something along the functionality of @Dee 's enchanted missile launchers?
It feels enough like a specific tweak to fit herein. That said, it's a standalone mod as it is, so it's not mandatory.
That seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, yes. I'll likely skip on the other components, but that's a nice find!
This is a request for what might possibly be the smallest mod ever attempted (neck and neck with the component that turns Viconia bright blue):
Eldoth creates poisonous arrows through a special ability, five at a time. They end up in his inventory as five individual arrows, taking up five slots, sometimes displacing other stuff onto the ground, and have to be bunched together one by bloody one. Those are a lot of clicks over the span of a game. As Eldoth himself would put it, "If I wanted to live a life of tedium, I would have become a monk."
Could you include an option to just create five arrows in a bunch?
I know I could just EEKeeper 300 poisonous arrows into his backpack, but having an infinite supply would make him too powerful.
Eldoth Lovers Everywhere
The Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor (Galactygon) component is being withdrawn, as One Pixel Productions has a superior solution
I am undertaking a reinstall of the series and trying to find the One Pixel Productions solution. Amongst others I downloaded, I grabbed hold of 1PPv4.1.0, but it doesn't appear to be EE compatible. Looking inside the 113_switch.tph (Smart Avatar and Armour Switching component) installer, it only installs onto original games plus Tutu (ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~bg2 tob tutu tutu_totsc ca~)); also inculdes IWD and IWD2 sections. When attempting to install the component, it indicates it was successful but nothing is copied into override (other than core files), and of course no lines included in the SETUP-1PP.DEBUG. This is on top of a clean install of BGEE with no other mods.
Is there a later version that isn't on SHSForums, or is there is a different mod 1PP created that I am just not seeing?
Thanks for your assistance
The work around:
-Prepare 1PPv4.1.0 as you would if you were going to install it. i.e. Copy it into your game folder. Don't run 'Setup-1pp.exe'.
-Open the file '.\1pp\install113_switch.tph' and find the line:
ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~bg2 tob tutu tutu_totsc ca~) BEGIN
-Edit it to read:
ACTION_IF (GAME_IS ~bgee bg2ee bg2 tob tutu tutu_totsc ca~) BEGIN
-Save and exit editor
-Create a batch file called 'Setup-1pp.bat'
-Copy the following line into the batch file:
Setup-1pp.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 113
-Save and close
To install, run Setup-1pp.bat and it will only install the Smart Avatar & Armour Switching component ignoring everything else.
As far as install order goes, I installed after Tweaks Anthology as it was the last mod I installed that played equipment (armour) of that type.
The other way, if you prefer to stay with the BGTweaks v16 version of Galactygon's Wearing Robes mod, is to create a batch file that ignores all of the other redundant components.
-Setup BG2_Tweaks as if to install it.
-Create a batch file called: 'setup-bg2_tweaks.bat' and add the line:
Setup-BG2_Tweaks.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 120
-Save and Close editor
When you run setup-bg2-tweaks.bat, it will only install the Wearing Robes component.
The batch files above are installing using the english Language as default, so if your language is different, and the mod supports it, change the 0 in '--language 0' to represent your language.
I have tried both mods and there are some differences, so really, it is up to you which you prefer.
Thanks to SHSForums 'Azazello', and 'Ronin' who published it, for the Batch File syntax...
A big thanks also to Galactygon for the work done in creating the mod to begin with.
If anyone knows whether there is already a version out there that supports the EE series, could you let us know? My surfing skills aren't as good as what they use to be. Thanks.
Hopefully it helps someone.
Edit: After some further testing, I doubt that the language setting would be a problem. Neither mod touches the dialog.tlk.
What about the Un-Nerfed THAC0 Table, the Spell Progression tables, and the Druid Level Progression Table modules?
Or the Allow HP Rolls Through Level 20 (Angel) module?
In a similar vein, what about using WIS bonuses vs charm/mind affecting spells?
Have you played around any with the con loss/ resurrection survival % ?