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Console refuses to open!

kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
I've tried both of these strings
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',)
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

I have complete admin access and set the file to read/write.

I've followed almost every step on the internet and yet I still cannot go into game and press CTR+Space to access the command lines.

What am i doing wrong?

SetPrivateProfileString('Window','Full Screen','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',)
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Font Name','')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Music','40')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Sprite Mirror','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Translucent Shadows','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Tooltips','15')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Drop Capitals','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Movie','90')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Active Campaign','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','3D Acceleration','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Ambients','40')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Voices','100')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Path Search Nodes','32000')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume SFX','80')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','30')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Disable Cosmetic Attacks','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','3E Thief Sneak Attack','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Actions','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Duplicate Floating Text','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Always Dither','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','GUI Feedback Level','5')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Memory Level','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Quick Item Mapping','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Message Box Hint','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','No Difficulty Based XP Bonus','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Weather','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Auto Pause State','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Infravision','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Subtitles','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Learnable Spells','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Classic Selection Circles','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Nightmare Bonus XP','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Tiles Precache Percent','100')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Pausing Map','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Selection Sounds Frequency','3')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Critical Hit Screen Shake','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Maximum HP','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Journal Popups','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','All Learn Spell Info','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Show Character HP','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Environmental Audio','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Confirm Dialog','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Cleric Ranger Spells','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Area Effects Density','200')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Mouse Scroll Speed','40')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Locator Feedback Level','3')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Tutorial State','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Extra Feedback','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','HP Over Head','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Difficulty Level','3')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Effect Text Level','62')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Nightmare Bonus Gold','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Attack Sounds','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Heal Party on Rest','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Suppress Extra Difficulty Damage','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Keyboard Scroll Speed','36')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Over Confirm Everything','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Color Circles','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Ranged Weapon Switching','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Travel Regions','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Render Explored Map','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Message Box Top','175')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Combat UI','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Footsteps','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Command Sounds Frequency','2')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Bored Timeout','3000')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Filter Games','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Terrain Hugging','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Hotkeys On Tooltips','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Game Options','Auto Pause Center','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Use Sprite Outlines','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Hardware Mouse Cursor','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','vendor','NVIDIA Corporation')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Greyscale On Pause','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Scale UI','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Use Nearest Neighbour Scaling','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','version','OpenGL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 391.01 - build XXXX')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Show Black Space','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Use Character Highlights','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','renderer','GeForce GTX 670/PCIe/SSE2')
SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Zoom Lock','0')


  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Did you quit the game before adding the line?
  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    joluv said:

    Did you quit the game before adding the line?

    completely shut down steam and BG2EE. Double checked the file and even restarted my PC for the hell of it.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    Hmm. One other silly question, since I don't have any better ideas: Is it possible that you have both BG:EE and BG2:EE and have been editing the wrong Baldur.lua?
  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    joluv said:

    Hmm. One other silly question, since I don't have any better ideas: Is it possible that you have both BG:EE and BG2:EE and have been editing the wrong Baldur.lua?

    for giggles I ever went and modded BOTH .LUA files to have the command line. Just because why not lol
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @kgcolbyiii, Try right clicking on the properties of baldur.lua and make sure it isn't actually baldur.lua.txt. It is a common problem where notepad and wordpad add their own extenions.

    I don't like using Notepad (or Wordpad) as a text editor and prefer Notepad++ (free tool).

    In the picture you seem to have a TAB instead of a space but it shouldn't matter. I tried with both tabs and spaces and had no problems.

    BTW: I have no spaces and when I put spaces in, opening BG rewrote the .lua and removed the spaces...

    Below is the command in mine:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    Hope that helps
  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    You'll see in both settings tabs it still states .LUA file type. I'm at a loss..

    Gusinda said:

    @kgcolbyiii, Try right clicking on the properties of baldur.lua and make sure it isn't actually baldur.lua.txt. It is a common problem where notepad and wordpad add their own extenions.

    I don't like using Notepad (or Wordpad) as a text editor and prefer Notepad++ (free tool).

    In the picture you seem to have a TAB instead of a space but it shouldn't matter. I tried with both tabs and spaces and had no problems.

    BTW: I have no spaces and when I put spaces in, opening BG rewrote the .lua and removed the spaces...

    Below is the command in mine:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    Hope that helps

  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    @kgcolbyiii, Try right clicking on the properties of baldur.lua and make sure it isn't actually baldur.lua.txt. It is a common problem where notepad and wordpad add their own extenions.

    I don't like using Notepad (or Wordpad) as a text editor and prefer Notepad++ (free tool).

    In the picture you seem to have a TAB instead of a space but it shouldn't matter. I tried with both tabs and spaces and had no problems.

    BTW: I have no spaces and when I put spaces in, opening BG rewrote the .lua and removed the spaces...

    Below is the command in mine:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')

    Hope that helps

    I also copy and pasted what you posted with no success.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @kgcolbyiii, could you upload your baldur.lua for BG:EE (just rename to baldur.txt).

  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    @kgcolbyiii, could you upload your baldur.lua for BG:EE (just rename to baldur.txt).


    BGEE or BG2EE? I'll upload both.

  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @kgcolbyiii. OK, the good news is that for both files, I rename to baldur.lua and am able to access the console for both BG:EE and BG2:EE.

    It might be the way the keys are pressed. When pressing the keys, press CTRL first and hold, then Space Bar (with CTRL still held down) to see what happens.

  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    @kgcolbyiii. OK, the good news is that for both files, I rename to baldur.lua and am able to access the console for both BG:EE and BG2:EE.

    It might be the way the keys are pressed. When pressing the keys, press CTRL first and hold, then Space Bar (with CTRL still held down) to see what happens.


    Interesting... I tried holding CTRL for a second then press space. Tried both L/R CTRL keys and even same time.

    I wonder what's causing my game to not access console.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Yes, puzzling (you did have CTRL and Space held down at the same time?)... I tried with both Left, Right and Both CTRL keys and Space and was able to access Console with all variants. I take it you have a standard QWERTY keyboard and the keys haven't been mapped to anything else?

    When you are your Internet Browser and have multiple tabs, are you able to press CTRL+TAB to cycle between tabs?

  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    Yes, puzzling (you did have CTRL and Space held down at the same time?)... I tried with both Left, Right and Both CTRL keys and Space and was able to access Console with all variants. I take it you have a standard QWERTY keyboard and the keys haven't been mapped to anything else?

    When you are your Internet Browser and have multiple tabs, are you able to press CTRL+TAB to cycle between tabs?


    all my CTRL commands outside of BG work
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Right. I have to disappear for a couple of hours. When I come back I will try again. A couple of Qs to keep me going wen I return.

    What verson of BGEE ( or the betas) are you playing and where did you buy it (not that it should matter) ie: GoG, Steam or Beamdog...

    Is the game installed in the default area or custom where you want it.

    Have you had the console going before?

    None of these should matter but it helps me get my head around your system. I see you are running Windws 10, is it on a Notebook (if so, which type) or Desktop?

    I have also uploaded my baldur.lua. Give that a go.


  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    Right. I have to disappear for a couple of hours. When I come back I will try again. A couple of Qs to keep me going wen I return.

    What verson of BGEE ( or the betas) are you playing and where did you buy it (not that it should matter) ie: GoG, Steam or Beamdog...

    Is the game installed in the default area or custom where you want it.

    Default for .LUA and save files but installed on
    D:\Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition

    Have you had the console going before?
    Baldurs Gate 1

    None of these should matter but it helps me get my head around your system. I see you are running Windws 10, is it on a Notebook (if so, which type) or Desktop?

    I have also uploaded my baldur.lua. Give that a go.


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  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Shandaxx said:


    Could we try something? Could we try to make a different change to the lua file?
    Is it possible to change something else in the lua file and try to see if it has an effect at all in the game?

    I don't know, maybe set SetPrivateProfileString('Window','Full Screen','1') to zero?

    If you change that entry in your lua file to
    SetPrivateProfileString('Window','Full Screen','0')

    does the game open in windows mode then? Or is it still full screen?

    I think we need to determine whether the game is able to read the lua file at all.
    And we need the location of the game, and the location of the respective lua file.

    You're on to something. Changing resolution/window/full screen from LUA has no effect. I went into options and turned window on/off and it made no changes to the LUA file located in my documents. Time to do a full HD scan for all .LUA files
  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    edited March 2018
    C:\Users\Ken&Sandra\Documents\Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition\Baldur.lua

    That little bastard was a completely different location then any instructions I've ever found.. That file lets me mod my window/full and res.

    Still won't give console access.
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  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Shandaxx said:


    What I find curious is this:


    Why are there TWO folders for Baldur's Gate 2 EE?

    Your lua file is in a folder called "Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition".

    But the game is installed to "Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition".
    Notice the difference?

    That was a "quick access" I opened it twice soit showed twice. Now it only shows one.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @kgcolbyiii, that's because it shouldn't be. My understanding is that the folder is used to capture dump files when the games crash. The location of the saved game is determined by a file called 'engine.lua' located in your Baldur's Gate install folder (in your case for BG2EE: \Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition).
    Open the file and the first line reads: engine_name = "Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition". That is the saved game folder within Documents... Mine actually reads: engine_name = "Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition.2.3" because I separate the saved games from an earlier version (1.3) which I still use.

    I tried to repeat what was happening with your system by placing baldur.lua in 'Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition', removing the debug command and making the file read only. In the end, it wasn't used by the game at all.

    It would be interesting to see what is in engine.lua for your game and if it is standard, then deleting/renaming the baldur.lua from 'Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition' and see what happens. Of course, if you don't want to mess with something that is no longer broken, then don't :) .

    All in all though, it is good to see you can now access the console command.

  • kgcolbyiiikgcolbyiii Member Posts: 18
    Gusinda said:

    @kgcolbyiii, that's because it shouldn't be. My understanding is that the folder is used to capture dump files when the games crash. The location of the saved game is determined by a file called 'engine.lua' located in your Baldur's Gate install folder (in your case for BG2EE: \Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition).
    Open the file and the first line reads: engine_name = "Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition". That is the saved game folder within Documents... Mine actually reads: engine_name = "Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition.2.3" because I separate the saved games from an earlier version (1.3) which I still use.

    I tried to repeat what was happening with your system by placing baldur.lua in 'Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition', removing the debug command and making the file read only. In the end, it wasn't used by the game at all.

    It would be interesting to see what is in engine.lua for your game and if it is standard, then deleting/renaming the baldur.lua from 'Infinity Engine - Enhanced Edition' and see what happens. Of course, if you don't want to mess with something that is no longer broken, then don't :) .

    All in all though, it is good to see you can now access the console command.


    So i tried swapping all the files from BG2EE directory with the Engine directory. All my saves vanished, all settings default. All the Saves and modded .LUA file had no effect on the game till I put them back into the Engine folder where the game recognized my saved games/settings.

    I even deleted the BG2EE folder in my documents, know what happened? Zitch. It doesn't actually do anything...
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @kgcolbyiii, what does the file (it's text and can be opened with notepad) have in it:

    \Steam\steamapps\common\Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition\engine.lua

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