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Corthala Romantique - Valygar Romance Mod

jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
edited February 2019 in BGII:EE Mods
Corthala Romantique - Valygar Romance

Originally by Domi, Beyshaliban, and Caetlyn. Edits by Meira and jastey.

Originally a part of the TeamBG mod 'Tortured Souls', the romance had a short-lived history as stand-alone part of said mod. When support for the stand-alone Valygar romance was abandoned, Beyshaliban volunteered to make it a WeiDU mod.

The original path and speed of the romance was altered and Domi wrote a lot of additional lovetalks, flirts and banters.

ToB content was added and the mod reached beta status in 2005. The SoA part was still under revision by Meira then. Aside from that, an expansion to the Sphere Quest was added. You will meet an interesting not joinable NPC, a character from Valygar's past, based on Domi's story Biographer's Notes: Valygar.

In 2018, the mod was fully recoded and revised by jastey, with Domi's blessings: After the mod going on hiatus while still in testing and under revision, it was now newly recoded and revised to make the romance flow with less bottlenecks in-game, make the banters more in-character, and also to make the development of Valygar's feelings with regard to his vows more consistent.

The Mod Corthala Romantique adds a romance for female PCs (no short races) of good or neutral alignment (no chaotic neutral) or female druids. To proceed with the romance, the reputation has to be above 13. The mod also adds friendship talks for the SoA part of the game for PCs that do not fulfill the romance criteria. For ToB, all dialogues added are for romance, only. Also added are banters with other NPCs and interjections, for romance and non-romance case.

As a second, optional component, the "bathing flirt" can be installed for the romance - there was a time back then where NPCs were supposed to have at least one, romantic-encounter-like bathing flirt, "Kelsey-style". Although being a very romantic and humorous encounter, it was made an own install option because reply options and PC reactions are not always freely chosable. The content does not exceed teen rating.

The third, independently installable component introduces a quest to let the sphere be guarded or be sealed forever by a friend of Valygar, Leonora. The quest can be installed and played without the romance.
The quest to close the sphere might trigger while the sphere quests are still running. Just tell Valygar that it has to wait.

Compatibility and possible conflicts
  • IEP Valygar Friendship mod: are compatible the following way: if the PC qualifies for the CR romance, IEP friendship talks will not trigger. If there is no romance and both mods are installed, then the friendship talks of CR will not trigger in favor of the IEP Valygar Friendship talks.
  • The mod uses BCaesar's RestCheck to ensure rest dialogues do not fire at the same rest as BioWare/BeamDog ones.
  • NPC-Strongholds: The quest to close the sphere might trigger while the sphere quests are still running. Just tell Valygar that it has to wait.
  • Extended Sphere Quest / Mage Stronghold Mod: The quest to close the sphere might trigger while the sphere quests are still running. Just tell Valygar that it has to wait.
  • Romantic Ecounters, components "Valygar Romance, by Kulyok" and "Valygar Romance ToB, by Kulyok": technically, the two mods are compatible. Content-wise, I don't think it's a good idea to have two romances play together, as they paint slightly different pictures of Valygar and might make him sound like he has a bad short-time memory.
  • Tortured Souls: the mod is not compatible with the mod Tortured Souls that still contains an own version of the Valygar romance.
  • Unfinished Business, component Suna Seni/Valygar Relationship: install this UB component first to make those two mods compatible. Note: The current love affair of Valygar and Suna Seni will be tuned down to a past love. For this, three lines of UB's Valygar's dialogue are tuned down so he no longer calls Suna his love. Additionally, there will be a follow-up dialogue in case of PC-Valygar romance.
If you are interested, please take the mod along in your game and let me know if you encounter any problems!

Download Corthala Romantique Mod at G3

Download Corthala Romantique Mod at GitHub

Mod Page at Gibberlings Three

Discussion Thread at Gibberlings Three
Post edited by jastey on


  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited March 2018
    and with this the cut romances are finally back in the game.

    will this have any conflicts with lava's la valygar mod?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    OMG I forgot about La'Valygar mod! Thank you for pointing it out!

    It might be a bit odd if he says he won't talk about the curse again (La'Valygar) and then talks about it (Corthala Romantique) or if he talks about the PC's Bhaal heritage (La'Valygar) and after that asks about a rumor he heard about the PC being no ordinary mortal (Corthala Romantique) - BUT I never had both mods in one game so it all depends on how the talks are timed, they could complement one another quite nicely, actually.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    The linked version updates to v0.5: end of romance in ToB will now set correctly.

    Also, OSX and Linux packages were added (links in the first post).
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    edited March 2018
    Now you stand me before dilema Keldorn romance or Valygar romance for next playthrough B)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    Right now, they ignore each other, and Keldorn doesn't have a Bodhi abduction, so... theoretically you could have both in one playthrough - I know it's not what you meant, but in case you don't want to play the game two times just to see one romance it should be possible.
    (This will change as soon as I update the keldorn mod. :) )
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Congratulations for this release and for your hard work, jastey! You are keeping alive the modding community :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    Thank you!
  • MirandelMirandel Member Posts: 532
    And another great mod! Very desired one too. Thank you for your tireless work, Jastey!
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    Thank you! I had this on my list for, like, 10 years or so... Some things take time.
  • AriaAria Member Posts: 6
    Hi Jastey,

    I'm trying to install the mod on my Mac but I'm getting an error

    [./setup-corthalaromantique] WeiDU version 24200
    In state 108, I expected one of these tokens:
    [361] AUTHOR
    Parse error (state 108) at ~~

    Near Text: SUPPORT
    GLR parse error

    Near Text: SUPPORT
    ERROR: problem parsing TP file [CORTHALAROMANTIQUE/SETUP-CORTHALAROMANTIQUE.TP2]: Parsing.Parse_error

    FATAL ERROR: Parsing.Parse_error

    Press ENTER to exit.

    I've installed other mods so I'm not sure what the problem is. Thank you for your hard work! I'm looking forward to romancing Valygar :)
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    edited April 2018
    @Aria I was using a package tool that uses an older version of WeiDU for MAC and Linux (sorry for that, but I have no idea about OSX). Please wait until I update the mod package, wich I will do soon.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    edited April 2018
    The mod packages for OSX and Linux are updated with the current weidu. There was no changes in version number.
    OSX and weidu Linux users with problems installing, please remove the old mod package from your game and download the current one.
    Post edited by jastey on
  • AriaAria Member Posts: 6
    I'm still getting the same error although I removed the old files and installed the new version of the mod :(
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    Would you please repost the error message from the current setup-corthalaromantique.DEBUG here?
  • StefanOStefanO Member Posts: 346
    There were no problems installing the mod on my mac.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    edited April 2018
    Thank you @StefanO that's what I hoped because the new version is using v244 which supports the SUPPORT flag (the former version used WeiDU v242 which didn't support it yet).
    @Aria it is important that you use the current "setup-corthalaromantique" installation file from the new package. The mod folder itself ("corthalaromantique") didn't change. If you still get the error message please repost it.
    Post edited by jastey on
  • ValVal Member Posts: 20

    I installed the mod on my PC and everything went fine, the mod was working so far -until I got to the Underdark. Valygar isnt talking and my PC can not talk / flirt with him anymore either, Everytime I click on him, nothing happens. Is that intended?

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 544
    edited July 2018
    Hah, someone actually used my restcheck coding while I was gone. Well the least I can do then is install and test your mod out.

    Also letting you know I just posted "Rest Check for Mods" attached to post #3 back in the restcheck thread here:

    So you can make your rest scenes yield to those in a whole list of other common mods now if you want without having to look up all that code yourself.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    @Val Indeed, all Underdark areas are excluded from the flirt (PID) menue, so Valygar will "have nothing to say to" your PC. Hm, that's a bit inconvenient. I guess I'll add at least a one-liner à la "Let's not talk here" for the next version so it doesn't look like a bug. Thank you for your feedback and interest in the mod!

    @BCaesar Thanks you!
  • ValVal Member Posts: 20
    Aye, glad to help :)

    Got out of the Underdark, things are fine again (albeit a little bit sad still :) Thanks for the wonderful mod.
  • CaszidyCaszidy Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 311
    Hi, I must hapilly report, that in my recently finished playthrough with this mod I did not encountered a single bug.
    This mod writting is really balanced and it has much needed depth in dialogues. I also very appretiated different epilogues for romance with Valygar dependent on if main character is human or elf.
    I am not afraid to call this mod hidden gem and recommend it to everyone.
  • AstharielAsthariel Member Posts: 6
    So, did anyone manage to check if this mod is fully compatible with La'Valygar? I would like to have a next playthrough with friendship packs from both of them to see, how talkative can this curmudgeon get.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    @Caszidy Thank you so much for the kind words. I'll pass them on to Domi!

    @Asthariel I had a quick look shortly after Corthala Romantique was released. All in all the characterization is fairly similar, but in La'Valygar mod, Valygar confronts the PC with his/her heritage directly whereas in Corthala Romantique, he starts a dialogue with "I heard rumors". If the second one comes after the first it might sound a bit weird.
    I'll have a look at this more thoroughly in the near future but I can't make any time estimates as to when.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    Totally forgot to update the links: Corthala Romantique has an official home at G3 now!
    Links in the first post are updated accordingly.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    edited June 2021
    Just in case someone tries to download the mod now: I put up a temporary mirror until G3 is up again:

    [Links removed]
    Post edited by jastey on
  • Neala23Neala23 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2018
    Glad know the mod has a temporary mirror, it's helpful :) .
    I've been looking forward to this for a long time, It's too bad I didn't find it earlier. Thank all of you for your great work!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 544

    I don't know if this bug was from this mod, but it seemed like the most likely candidate.

    Anyways I have a male human Undead Hunter and I just started a game and I had Jaheira, Minsc, and Imoen in my party and walked into the Library on the first level of Irenicus's dungeon and I got a dialogue that looked like the dialogue with Valygar just before you fight Irenicus for the final time in SoA.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    I'm sure it could be text from this mod, but I wouldn't know why / don't think that it's actually the mod causing you to see this but rather some mixup in your game. What kind of dialogue was it? Was it a real "dialogue window pops up with reply options" kind of dialogue, or just a DisplayString in the text box or something?
    The latter could be caused by a (mod) cre file having some random strings attached to it. In the original game those didn't show, but in the EE those get displayed from time to time. The reason noone noticed them before is what I just wrote, and also that for the modder who created the cre-file, those strings where either reasonable or nonexistant (i.e. empty in case of high string numbers).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 544
    jastey said:

    I'm sure it could be text from this mod, but I wouldn't know why / don't think that it's actually the mod causing you to see this but rather some mixup in your game. What kind of dialogue was it? Was it a real "dialogue window pops up with reply options" kind of dialogue, or just a DisplayString in the text box or something?
    The latter could be caused by a (mod) cre file having some random strings attached to it. In the original game those didn't show, but in the EE those get displayed from time to time. The reason noone noticed them before is what I just wrote, and also that for the modder who created the cre-file, those strings where either reasonable or nonexistant (i.e. empty in case of high string numbers).

    My picture popped up with a dialogue window and it gave me the options of asking Valygar about how he felt going into the final fight with Irenicus. The usual pre-finial-fight pep-talk. All the dialogue options assumed I hadn't done Valygar's quest yet (which of course was true, given that I was in the first dungeon). I forget which reply I picked, and given that Valygar was not there to respond the window just closed.

    My guess is there was this dialogue somewhere that was missing a requirement of Valygar being in my party to trigger.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,800
    This dialogue is an interjection into the Player1.dlg "going down at the tree of life". It's not a dialogue that is triggered via script. I am referring to this:
    @96 = ~Valygar has already drawn his blade and his fingers grip the hilt tightly. You feel that there is no way you can keep him out of this fight. And yet, he could die in a few instants, in the battle for your soul.~
    @97 = ~Valygar, you fought hundreds of my battles already. You do not have to fight this one.~
    @98 = ~Frankly, I am scared that I could loose you, Valygar. I would rather... Do you think you might wait here?~

    If this is the text you saw, then it was another (mod?) dialogue popping up and for some reason using text from the Valygar mod. I had something similar recently when I installed mods to the wrong game language unknowingly, in a game that was modded several times, i.e. the dialog.tlk contained a lot of strings so I got random lines of another mod instead of the usual INVALID:xxxxxxx.
    In case you saw something else I'd be very grateful if you could quote the first line.
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